package fr.edmhouse.display; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener; import; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import; import; import fr.edmhouse.main.EDMHouse; import fr.edmhouse.main.SkinsHolder; import fr.edmhouse.res.Layout_common; import fr.edmhouse.res.Layout_list; import fr.edmhouse.res.Layout_options; import fr.edmhouse.res.Res; import fr.edmhouse.res.SongFolderHolder; public class CFrame { /** * The velocity of current scrolling on the mousewheel. Shrinks down to zero * automaticly and is auto increased or decreased if the mouse wheel is * rolled. Can be negative. */ public double wheelvelocity; /** Is true if you are currently dragging the progress bar. */ private boolean isDraggingProgress; /** Is true if the mouse is inside the frame. */ private boolean isMouseInside; /** * The x positon of the mouse on the frame. is 0 if the mouse is not inside. */ private int ix; /** * The y positon of the mouse on the frame. is 0 if the mouse is not inside. */ private int iy; /** A transparent JFrame representing shadows for the current frame. */ private ShadowWindow shadows; /** The Jframe object used to display stuff. Should be left untouched. */ private JFrame frame; /** The canvas object used in the frame. */ public CCanvas canvas; /** * Creates a CustomFrame object. Note that this object doesn't extends * JFrame. */ public CFrame() { this.frame = new JFrame(); this.frame.setResizable(false); this.frame.setUndecorated(true); this.frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.frame.setSize(Res.background.getWidth(), Res.background.getHeight()); this.frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); this.frame.setIconImage(Res.icon); this.frame.setTitle("EDMhouse"); this.shadows = new ShadowWindow(); this.shadows.setVisible(true); this.canvas = new CCanvas(); this.canvas.setSize(Res.background.getWidth(), Res.background.getHeight()); this.frame.add(this.canvas); this.canvas.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { int hoveredID = canvas.hoveredSongButtonID; int hoveredID2 = canvas.hoveredSwapButtonID; int hoveredID3 = canvas.hoveredSelectButtonID; int hoveredID4 = canvas.hoveredEditButtonID; int hoveredID5 = canvas.hoveredPlaylistRemoveButtonID; int hoveredID6 = canvas.hoveredPlaylistAddButtonID; if (canvas.isonclose()) System.exit(0); else if (canvas.isonmini()) { frame.setState(Frame.ICONIFIED); Res.flush(); } else if (canvas.isonbutton()) { canvas.state = !canvas.state; if (canvas.state) EDMHouse.bgmthread.suspend(); else EDMHouse.bgmthread.resume(); } else if (canvas.isonskip()) { EDMHouse.bgmthread.resume(); EDMHouse.BGM.instantstop(); if (canvas.random_on) EDMHouse.BGM.changemusic(EDMHouse.songs.getRandomUrl()); else EDMHouse.BGM.changemusic(EDMHouse.songs.getNextUrl()); if (canvas.state) EDMHouse.bgmthread.suspend(); } else if (canvas.isonrandom()) canvas.random_on = !canvas.random_on; else if (canvas.isonback()) { if (canvas.content == CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTEDITOR) canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTS; else if (canvas.content == CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTSONGADDER) canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTEDITOR; else canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_DEFAULT; } else if (canvas.isonlist()) if (canvas.content != CCanvas.STATE_LIST) canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_LIST; else canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_DEFAULT; else if (canvas.isonoptions()) if (canvas.content != CCanvas.STATE_OPTIONS) canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_OPTIONS; else canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_DEFAULT; else if (hoveredID != -1) { EDMHouse.bgmthread.resume(); EDMHouse.BGM.instantstop(); EDMHouse.BGM.changemusic(EDMHouse.songs .getWantedUrl(hoveredID)); if (canvas.state) EDMHouse.bgmthread.suspend(); } else if (hoveredID2 != -1) { Res.currentSkinPath = SkinsHolder.skins[hoveredID2] .getFilepath() + "\\"; Res.isInitialized = false; Res.initialize(); Layout_common.initializeFromFile(Res.currentSkinPath + "common\\layout.edm"); Layout_list.initializeFromFile(Res.currentSkinPath + "list\\layout.edm"); Layout_options.initializeFromFile(Res.currentSkinPath + "options\\layout.edm"); frame.setSize(Res.background.getWidth(), Res.background.getHeight()); canvas.setSize(Res.background.getWidth(), Res.background.getHeight()); shadows.setSize(Res.background.getWidth() + 20, Res.background.getHeight() + 20); frame.setIconImage(Res.icon); } else if (canvas.isonprogress()) { if (isDraggingProgress) { isDraggingProgress = false; EDMHouse.BGM.needjump = true; } else { int mouseXonBar = ix - Layout_common.pos_progress_x; canvas.progression = (int) ((((float) mouseXonBar) / ((float) Layout_common.size_progress_width)) * EDMHouse.BGM .getlength()); EDMHouse.BGM.needjump = true; } } else if (hoveredID4 == 0) { // Pretty simple for what it does right? ^^ JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected JDialog createDialog(Component parent) throws HeadlessException { JDialog dialog = super.createDialog(parent); dialog.setIconImage(Res.icon); return dialog; } }; fileChooser .setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File folder = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); EDMHouse.songs = new AudioList(folder.getAbsolutePath()); } } else if (hoveredID4 == 1) { String name = JOptionPane .showInputDialog("Enter your playlist name."); if (name != null) if (!name.isEmpty()) PlaylistHolder.addNewPlaylist(name); } else if (hoveredID3 >= 2) { EDMHouse.songs = new AudioList( PlaylistHolder.playlists[hoveredID3 - 2]); } else if (hoveredID4 >= 2) { canvas.editingList = hoveredID4 - 2; canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTEDITOR; } else if (hoveredID5 == 0) { canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTSONGADDER; } else if (hoveredID5 > 0) { PlaylistHolder.playlists[canvas.editingList] .removeSong(hoveredID5 - 1); } else if (hoveredID6 != -1) { PlaylistHolder.playlists[canvas.editingList] .addSong(SongFolderHolder.folderContent[hoveredID6]); canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTEDITOR; } else if (canvas.isonoption_skin()) { canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_SKINS; } else if (canvas.isonoption_playlists()) { canvas.content = CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTS; } } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { shadows.setVisible(true); frame.setVisible(true); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { isMouseInside = false; if (isDraggingProgress) { isDraggingProgress = false; EDMHouse.BGM.needjump = true; } } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { isMouseInside = true; } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } }); this.canvas.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() { @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { ix = e.getX(); iy = e.getY(); } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if (canvas.isonprogress() && !canvas.isonbutton()) { int mouseXonBar = e.getX() - Layout_common.pos_progress_x; int newprogress = (int) ((((float) mouseXonBar) / ((float) Layout_common.size_progress_width)) * EDMHouse.BGM .getlength()); int maxprogress = (int) ((((float) Layout_common.size_progress_width) / ((float) Layout_common.size_progress_width)) * EDMHouse.BGM .getlength()); canvas.progression = (newprogress < 0) ? 0 : ((newprogress > maxprogress) ? maxprogress : newprogress); isDraggingProgress = true; } else if (canvas.isMouseOnScrollbar()) { double mouseYOnBar = e.getY() - (Layout_list.pos_slider_y + (Layout_list.size_slider_height / 10)); double maximumListOffset = 0; switch (canvas.content) { case CCanvas.STATE_LIST: maximumListOffset = Layout_list.pos_componnent_y + (EDMHouse.songs.getSongAmmount() * Res.list_componnent .getHeight()) - Res.background.getHeight(); break; case CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTS: maximumListOffset = Layout_list.pos_componnent_y + ((PlaylistHolder.playlists.length + 2) * Res.list_componnent .getHeight()) - Res.background.getHeight(); break; case CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTEDITOR: maximumListOffset = Layout_list.pos_componnent_y + ((PlaylistHolder.playlists[canvas.editingList] .getSongs().length + 1) * Res.list_componnent .getHeight()) - Res.background.getHeight(); break; case CCanvas.STATE_PLAYLISTSONGADDER: maximumListOffset = Layout_list.pos_componnent_y + ((EDMHouse.songs.getSongAmmount() + 1) * Res.list_componnent .getHeight()) - Res.background.getHeight(); break; default: break; } canvas.listoffset = (int) ((mouseYOnBar / (Layout_list.size_slider_height * 0.8)) * maximumListOffset); } else if (canvas.isonvolume()) { double mouseXOnBar = e.getX() - Layout_common.pos_volume_x - (Res.hud_ki.getWidth() / 2); int volValue = (int) (mouseXOnBar / (Res.hud_volume.getWidth() - Res.hud_ki .getWidth()) * 100); if (volValue > 100) volValue = 100; if (volValue < 0) volValue = 0; canvas.volume = volValue; SoundMeter.setSystemVolume(((float) volValue) / 100); } else { if (isMouseInside) { int xs = e.getXOnScreen(); int ys = e.getYOnScreen(); shadows.setLocation(xs - ix - 10, ys - iy - 10); frame.setLocation(xs - ix, ys - iy); } } } }); this.canvas.addMouseWheelListener(new MouseWheelListener() { @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { wheelvelocity += e.getPreciseWheelRotation() * 10; // TODO : add this to a layout.edm file? } }); this.canvas.initialize(); this.frame.setVisible(true); this.canvas.createBufferStrategy(3); } public void update() { if (Math.abs(this.wheelvelocity) > 0.1) this.wheelvelocity = wheelvelocity / 1.1; else this.wheelvelocity = 0; // TODO : change the wheelvelocity decreasement to something fixed in // time? or perhaps make it customisable in the layout.edm file? if (!this.canvas.state) this.canvas.progression += 20; if (this.isVisible()) { if (!this.shadows.isVisible()) { shadows.setVisible(true); frame.setVisible(true); } Res.restore(); this.canvas.update(this.canvas.getGraphics()); if (PlaylistHolder.doOneNeedSave()) PlaylistHolder.saveAll(); } else shadows.setVisible(false); } /** * Predicate that returns true if the mouse is inside the specified * rectangle area. Always return false if the mouse is not inside. */ public boolean isOnPos(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (EDMHouse.frame.isMouseInside) return (ix > x1 && iy > y1 && ix <= x2 && iy <= y2); else return false; } /** * Predicate that returns true if the mouse is inside the frame. Is auto * updated by the mouse listener in the canvas. */ public boolean isMouseInside() { return this.isMouseInside; } /** predicate that returns true if the frame is visible (not iconified). */ public boolean isVisible() { return (this.frame.getExtendedState() != JFrame.ICONIFIED); } /** * Changes the size of the frame the the desired value. Be aware that using * this method to change the frame size to a bigger value than the * background will result in grey borders. Also this changes the size of the * shadows behind the frame. */ public void changeSize(int width, int height) { this.frame.setSize(width, height); this.shadows.setSize(width + 20, height + 20); } }