// ********************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the // ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution. // // ********************************************************************** // Ice version 3.4.0 package drakkar.oar.slice.transfer; // <auto-generated> // // Generated from file `FileTransfer.ice' // // Warning: do not edit this file. // // </auto-generated> public final class _FileStoreDelD extends Ice._ObjectDelD implements _FileStoreDel { public FilePrx read(final String name, final int num, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx) throws IceInternal.LocalExceptionWrapper, FileAccessException { final Ice.Current __current = new Ice.Current(); __initCurrent(__current, "read", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, __ctx); final FilePrxHolder __result = new FilePrxHolder(); IceInternal.Direct __direct = null; try { __direct = new IceInternal.Direct(__current) { public Ice.DispatchStatus run(Ice.Object __obj) { FileStore __servant = null; try { __servant = (FileStore)__obj; } catch(ClassCastException __ex) { throw new Ice.OperationNotExistException(__current.id, __current.facet, __current.operation); } try { __result.value = __servant.read(name, num, __current); return Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchOK; } catch(Ice.UserException __ex) { setUserException(__ex); return Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchUserException; } } }; try { Ice.DispatchStatus __status = __direct.servant().__collocDispatch(__direct); if(__status == Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchUserException) { __direct.throwUserException(); } assert __status == Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchOK; return __result.value; } finally { __direct.destroy(); } } catch(FileAccessException | Ice.SystemException __ex) { throw __ex; } catch(java.lang.Throwable __ex) { IceInternal.LocalExceptionWrapper.throwWrapper(__ex); } return __result.value; } public void write(final String name, final int offset, final byte[] bytes, java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx) throws IceInternal.LocalExceptionWrapper { final Ice.Current __current = new Ice.Current(); __initCurrent(__current, "write", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, __ctx); IceInternal.Direct __direct = null; try { __direct = new IceInternal.Direct(__current) { public Ice.DispatchStatus run(Ice.Object __obj) { FileStore __servant = null; try { __servant = (FileStore)__obj; } catch(ClassCastException __ex) { throw new Ice.OperationNotExistException(__current.id, __current.facet, __current.operation); } __servant.write(name, offset, bytes, __current); return Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchOK; } }; try { Ice.DispatchStatus __status = __direct.servant().__collocDispatch(__direct); if(__status == Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchUserException) { __direct.throwUserException(); } assert __status == Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchOK; } finally { __direct.destroy(); } } catch(Ice.SystemException __ex) { throw __ex; } catch(java.lang.Throwable __ex) { IceInternal.LocalExceptionWrapper.throwWrapper(__ex); } } }