/* * Freeplane - mind map editor * Copyright (C) 2008 Joerg Mueller, Daniel Polansky, Christian Foltin, Dimitry Polivaev * * This file is modified by Dimitry Polivaev in 2008. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.freeplane.view.swing.map; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants; import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureListener; import java.awt.dnd.DragSource; import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.freeplane.core.resources.ResourceController; import org.freeplane.core.ui.IUserInputListenerFactory; import org.freeplane.core.ui.components.UITools; import org.freeplane.features.attribute.AttributeController; import org.freeplane.features.attribute.NodeAttributeTableModel; import org.freeplane.features.cloud.CloudController; import org.freeplane.features.cloud.CloudModel; import org.freeplane.features.edge.EdgeController; import org.freeplane.features.edge.EdgeStyle; import org.freeplane.features.filter.FilterController; import org.freeplane.features.icon.HierarchicalIcons; import org.freeplane.features.map.FreeNode; import org.freeplane.features.map.HideChildSubtree; import org.freeplane.features.map.HistoryInformationModel; import org.freeplane.features.map.INodeView; import org.freeplane.features.map.MapChangeEvent; import org.freeplane.features.map.NodeChangeEvent; import org.freeplane.features.map.NodeModel; import org.freeplane.features.map.NodeModel.NodeChangeType; import org.freeplane.features.map.SummaryNode; import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller; import org.freeplane.features.mode.ModeController; import org.freeplane.features.nodelocation.LocationModel; import org.freeplane.features.nodestyle.NodeStyleController; import org.freeplane.features.nodestyle.NodeStyleModel; import org.freeplane.features.styles.MapViewLayout; import org.freeplane.features.text.ShortenedTextModel; import org.freeplane.features.text.TextController; import org.freeplane.view.swing.map.attribute.AttributeView; import org.freeplane.view.swing.map.cloud.CloudView; import org.freeplane.view.swing.map.cloud.CloudViewFactory; import org.freeplane.view.swing.map.edge.EdgeView; import org.freeplane.view.swing.map.edge.EdgeViewFactory; /** * This class represents a single Node of a MindMap (in analogy to * TreeCellRenderer). */ public class NodeView extends JComponent implements INodeView { public static boolean modifyModelWithoutRepaint = false; final static int ALIGN_BOTTOM = -1; final static int ALIGN_CENTER = 0; final static int ALIGN_TOP = 1; protected final static Color dragColor = Color.lightGray; public final static int DRAGGED_OVER_NO = 0; public final static int DRAGGED_OVER_SIBLING = 2; public final static int DRAGGED_OVER_SON = 1; /** For RootNodeView. */ public final static int DRAGGED_OVER_SON_LEFT = 3; static private int FOLDING_SYMBOL_WIDTH = -1; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final static int SHIFT = -2; static final int SPACE_AROUND = 50; public static final int MAIN_VIEWER_POSITION = 1; public static final int NOTE_VIEWER_POSITION = 10; final static boolean PAINT_DEBUG_BORDER; static { boolean paintDebugBorder = false; try { paintDebugBorder = System.getProperty("org.freeplane.view.swing.map.NodeView.PAINT_DEBUG_BORDER", "false") .equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } catch (Exception e) { } PAINT_DEBUG_BORDER = paintDebugBorder; }; static private int maxToolTipWidth; private AttributeView attributeView; private JComponent contentPane; private MainView mainView; private final MapView map; private NodeModel model; private NodeView preferredChild; private EdgeStyle edgeStyle = EdgeStyle.EDGESTYLE_HIDDEN; private Integer edgeWidth = 1; private Color edgeColor = Color.BLACK; private Color modelBackgroundColor; private int topOverlap; private int bottomOverlap; public static final int DETAIL_VIEWER_POSITION = 2; protected NodeView(final NodeModel model, final MapView map, final Container parent) { setFocusCycleRoot(true); this.model = model; this.map = map; } void addDragListener(final DragGestureListener dgl) { if (dgl == null) { return; } final DragSource dragSource = DragSource.getDefaultDragSource(); dragSource.createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(getMainView(), DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY | DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE | DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK, dgl); } void addDropListener(final DropTargetListener dtl) { if (dtl == null) { return; } final DropTarget dropTarget = new DropTarget(getMainView(), dtl); dropTarget.setActive(true); } private int calcShiftY(final LocationModel locationModel) { try { final NodeModel parent = model.getParentNode(); return locationModel.getShiftY() + (getMap().getModeController().hasOneVisibleChild(parent) ? SHIFT : 0); } catch (final NullPointerException e) { return 0; } } public static int ADDITIONAL_MOUSE_SENSITIVE_AREA = 50; @Override public boolean contains(final int x, final int y) { final int space = getMap().getZoomed(NodeView.SPACE_AROUND); final int reducedSpace = space - ADDITIONAL_MOUSE_SENSITIVE_AREA; if (x >= reducedSpace && x < getWidth() - reducedSpace && y >= reducedSpace && y < getHeight() - reducedSpace){ for(int i = getComponentCount()-1; i >= 0; i--){ final Component comp = getComponent(i); if(comp.isVisible() && comp.contains(x-comp.getX(), y-comp.getY())) return true; } } return false; } protected void convertPointToMap(final Point p) { UITools.convertPointToAncestor(this, p, getMap()); } public void createAttributeView() { if (attributeView == null && NodeAttributeTableModel.getModel(model).getNode() != null) { attributeView = new AttributeView(this, true); } syncronizeAttributeView(); } public boolean focused() { return mainView.hasFocus(); } /** */ public AttributeView getAttributeView() { if (attributeView == null) { AttributeController.getController(getMap().getModeController()).createAttributeTableModel(model); attributeView = new AttributeView(this, true); } return attributeView; } public Color getBackgroundColor() { final Color cloudColor = getCloudColor(); if (cloudColor != null) { return cloudColor; } if (isRoot()) { return getMap().getBackground(); } return getParentView().getBackgroundColor(); } public Color getCloudColor() { final CloudModel cloudModel = getCloudModel(); if (cloudModel != null) { final Color cloudColor = cloudModel.getColor(); return cloudColor; } return null; } /** * This method returns the NodeViews that are children of this node. */ public LinkedList<NodeView> getChildrenViews() { final LinkedList<NodeView> childrenViews = new LinkedList<NodeView>(); final Component[] components = getComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { if (!(components[i] instanceof NodeView)) { continue; } final NodeView view = (NodeView) components[i]; childrenViews.add(view); } return childrenViews; } public JComponent getContent() { final JComponent c = contentPane == null ? mainView : contentPane; assert (c == null || c.getParent() == this); return c; } private Container getContentPane() { if (contentPane == null) { contentPane = NodeViewFactory.getInstance().newContentPane(this); final int index = getComponentCount() - 1; remove(index); contentPane.add(mainView); mainView.putClientProperty("NODE_VIEW_CONTENT_POSITION", MAIN_VIEWER_POSITION); if (!mainView.isVisible()) mainView.setVisible(true); add(contentPane, index); } return contentPane; } /** * Returns the coordinates occupied by the node and its children as a vector * of four point per node. */ public void getCoordinates(final LinkedList<Point> inList) { getCoordinates(inList, 0, false, 0, 0); } private void getCoordinates(final LinkedList<Point> inList, int additionalDistanceForConvexHull, final boolean byChildren, final int transX, final int transY) { if (!isVisible()) { return; } if (isContentVisible()) { if (byChildren) { final ModeController modeController = getMap().getModeController(); final CloudController cloudController = CloudController.getController(modeController); final CloudModel cloud = cloudController.getCloud(getModel()); if (cloud != null) { additionalDistanceForConvexHull += CloudView.getAdditionalHeigth(cloud, this) / 5; } } final int x = transX + getContent().getX() - getDeltaX(); final int y = transY + getContent().getY() - getDeltaY(); final int width = mainView.getMainViewWidthWithFoldingMark(); final int heightWithFoldingMark = mainView.getMainViewHeightWithFoldingMark(); final int height = Math.max(heightWithFoldingMark, getContent().getHeight()); inList.addLast(new Point(-additionalDistanceForConvexHull + x, -additionalDistanceForConvexHull + y)); inList.addLast(new Point(-additionalDistanceForConvexHull + x, additionalDistanceForConvexHull + y + height)); inList.addLast(new Point(additionalDistanceForConvexHull + x + width, additionalDistanceForConvexHull + y + height)); inList.addLast(new Point(additionalDistanceForConvexHull + x + width, -additionalDistanceForConvexHull + y)); } for (final NodeView child : getChildrenViews()) { child.getCoordinates(inList, additionalDistanceForConvexHull, true, transX + child.getX(), transY + child.getY()); } } /** get x coordinate including folding symbol */ public int getDeltaX() { return mainView.getDeltaX(); } /** get y coordinate including folding symbol */ public int getDeltaY() { return mainView.getDeltaY(); } /** * @param startAfter */ NodeView getFirst(Component startAfter, final boolean leftOnly, final boolean rightOnly) { final Component[] components = getComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { if (startAfter != null) { if (components[i] == startAfter) { startAfter = null; } continue; } if (!(components[i] instanceof NodeView)) { continue; } final NodeView view = (NodeView) components[i]; if (leftOnly && !view.isLeft() || rightOnly && view.isLeft()) { continue; } if (view.isContentVisible()) { return view; } final NodeView child = view.getFirst(null, leftOnly, rightOnly); if (child != null) { return child; } } return null; } public int getHGap() { return map.getZoomed(LocationModel.getModel(model).getHGap()); } private NodeView getLast(Component startBefore, final boolean leftOnly, final boolean rightOnly) { final Component[] components = getComponents(); for (int i = components.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (startBefore != null) { if (components[i] == startBefore) { startBefore = null; } continue; } if (!(components[i] instanceof NodeView)) { continue; } final NodeView view = (NodeView) components[i]; if (leftOnly && !view.isLeft() || rightOnly && view.isLeft()) { continue; } if (view.isContentVisible()) { return view; } final NodeView child = view.getLast(null, leftOnly, rightOnly); if (child != null) { return child; } } return null; } LinkedList<NodeView> getLeft(final boolean onlyVisible) { final LinkedList<NodeView> left = new LinkedList<NodeView>(); for (final NodeView node : getChildrenViews()) { if (node == null) { continue; } if (node.isLeft()) { left.add(node); } } return left; } /** * Returns the Point where the Links should arrive the Node. */ public Point getLinkPoint(final Point declination) { int x, y; Point linkPoint; if (declination != null) { x = getMap().getZoomed(declination.x); y = getMap().getZoomed(declination.y); } else { x = 1; y = 0; } if (isLeft()) { x = -x; } if (y != 0) { final double ctgRect = Math.abs((double) getContent().getWidth() / getContent().getHeight()); final double ctgLine = Math.abs((double) x / y); int absLinkX, absLinkY; if (ctgRect > ctgLine) { absLinkX = Math.abs(x * getContent().getHeight() / (2 * y)); absLinkY = getContent().getHeight() / 2; } else { absLinkX = getContent().getWidth() / 2; absLinkY = Math.abs(y * getContent().getWidth() / (2 * x)); } linkPoint = new Point(getContent().getWidth() / 2 + (x > 0 ? absLinkX : -absLinkX), getContent().getHeight() / 2 + (y > 0 ? absLinkY : -absLinkY)); } else { linkPoint = new Point((x > 0 ? getContent().getWidth() : 0), (getContent().getHeight() / 2)); } linkPoint.translate(getContent().getX(), getContent().getY()); convertPointToMap(linkPoint); return linkPoint; } public MainView getMainView() { return mainView; } public Point getMainViewConnectorPoint(NodeView target) { final Point relativeLocation = getRelativeLocation(target); relativeLocation.x += target.getMainView().getWidth() / 2; relativeLocation.y += target.getMainView().getHeight() / 2; return mainView.getConnectorPoint(relativeLocation); } public Point getRelativeLocation(NodeView target) { Component component; int targetX = 0; int targetY = 0; for (component = target.getMainView(); !(this.equals(component) || component.getClass().equals(MapView.class)); component = component .getParent()) { targetX += component.getX(); targetY += component.getY(); } Point relativeLocation = new Point(); UITools.convertPointToAncestor(mainView, relativeLocation, component); relativeLocation.x = targetX - relativeLocation.x; relativeLocation.y = targetY - relativeLocation.y; return relativeLocation; } public MapView getMap() { return map; } public int getMaxToolTipWidth() { if (maxToolTipWidth == 0) { try { maxToolTipWidth = ResourceController.getResourceController().getIntProperty("toolTipManager.max_tooltip_width", 600); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { maxToolTipWidth = 600; } } return maxToolTipWidth; } public NodeModel getModel() { return model; } protected NodeView getNextSiblingSingle() { LinkedList<NodeView> v = null; if (getParentView().getModel().isRoot()) { if (this.isLeft()) { v = (getParentView()).getLeft(true); } else { v = (getParentView()).getRight(true); } } else { v = getParentView().getChildrenViews(); } final int index = v.indexOf(this); for (int i = index + 1; i < v.size(); i++) { final NodeView nextView = (NodeView) v.get(i); if (nextView.isContentVisible()) { return nextView; } else { final NodeView first = nextView.getFirst(null, false, false); if (first != null) { return first; } } } return this; } protected NodeView getNextVisibleSibling() { NodeView sibling; NodeView lastSibling = this; for (sibling = this; !sibling.getModel().isRoot(); sibling = sibling.getParentView()) { lastSibling = sibling; sibling = sibling.getNextSiblingSingle(); if (sibling != lastSibling) { break; } } while (sibling.getModel().getNodeLevel(false) < getMap().getSiblingMaxLevel()) { final NodeView first = sibling.getFirst(sibling.isRoot() ? lastSibling : null, this.isLeft(), !this.isLeft()); if (first == null) { break; } sibling = first; } if (sibling.isRoot()) { return this; } return sibling; } public NodeView getParentView() { final Container parent = getParent(); if (parent instanceof NodeView) { return (NodeView) parent; } return null; } public NodeView getPreferredVisibleChild(final boolean getUpper, final boolean left) { if (getModel().isLeaf()) { return null; } if (getUpper) { preferredChild = null; } if (preferredChild != null && (left == preferredChild.isLeft()) && preferredChild.getParent() == this) { if (preferredChild.isContentVisible()) { return preferredChild; } else { final NodeView newSelected = preferredChild.getPreferredVisibleChild(getUpper, left); if (newSelected != null) { return newSelected; } } } int yGap = Integer.MAX_VALUE; final NodeView baseComponent; if (isContentVisible()) { baseComponent = this; } else { baseComponent = getVisibleParentView(); } final int ownX = baseComponent.getContent().getX() + baseComponent.getContent().getWidth() / 2; final int ownY = baseComponent.getContent().getY() + baseComponent.getContent().getHeight() / 2; NodeView newSelected = null; for (int i = 0; i < getComponentCount(); i++) { final Component c = getComponent(i); if (!(c instanceof NodeView)) { continue; } NodeView childView = (NodeView) c; if (!(childView.isLeft() == left)) { continue; } if (!childView.isContentVisible()) { childView = childView.getPreferredVisibleChild(getUpper, left); if (childView == null) { continue; } } if (getUpper) { return childView; } final JComponent childContent = childView.getContent(); if(childContent == null) continue; final Point childPoint = new Point(left ? childContent.getWidth() : 0, childContent.getHeight() / 2); UITools.convertPointToAncestor(childContent, childPoint, baseComponent); final int dy = childPoint.y - ownY; final int dx = childPoint.x - ownX; final int gapToChild = dy * dy + dx * dx; if (gapToChild < yGap) { newSelected = childView; preferredChild = (NodeView) c; yGap = gapToChild; } else { break; } } return newSelected; } protected NodeView getPreviousSiblingSingle() { LinkedList<NodeView> v = null; if (getParentView().getModel().isRoot()) { if (this.isLeft()) { v = (getParentView()).getLeft(true); } else { v = (getParentView()).getRight(true); } } else { v = getParentView().getChildrenViews(); } final int index = v.indexOf(this); for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final NodeView nextView = (NodeView) v.get(i); if (nextView.isContentVisible()) { return nextView; } else { final NodeView last = nextView.getLast(null, false, false); if (last != null) { return last; } } } return this; } protected NodeView getPreviousVisibleSibling() { NodeView sibling; NodeView previousSibling = this; for (sibling = this; !sibling.getModel().isRoot(); sibling = sibling.getParentView()) { previousSibling = sibling; sibling = sibling.getPreviousSiblingSingle(); if (sibling != previousSibling) { break; } } while (sibling.getModel().getNodeLevel(false) < getMap().getSiblingMaxLevel()) { final NodeView last = sibling.getLast(sibling.isRoot() ? previousSibling : null, this.isLeft(), !this.isLeft()); if (last == null) { break; } sibling = last; } if (sibling.isRoot()) { return this; } return sibling; } LinkedList<NodeView> getRight(final boolean onlyVisible) { final LinkedList<NodeView> right = new LinkedList<NodeView>(); for (final NodeView node : getChildrenViews()) { if (node == null) { continue; } if (!node.isLeft()) { right.add(node); } } return right; } /** * @return returns the color that should used to select the node. */ public Color getSelectedColor() { return MapView.standardSelectColor; } /** * @return Returns the sHIFT.s */ public int getShift() { final LocationModel locationModel = LocationModel.getModel(model); return map.getZoomed(calcShiftY(locationModel)); } protected LinkedList<NodeView> getSiblingViews() { return getParentView().getChildrenViews(); } public Color getTextBackground() { if (modelBackgroundColor != null) { return modelBackgroundColor; } return getBackgroundColor(); } public Color getTextColor() { final Color color = NodeStyleController.getController(getMap().getModeController()).getColor(model); return color; } /** * @return Returns the VGAP. */ public int getVGap() { return map.getZoomed(LocationModel.getModel(model).getVGap()); } public NodeView getVisibleParentView() { final Container parent = getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof NodeView)) { return null; } final NodeView parentView = (NodeView) parent; if (parentView.isContentVisible()) { return parentView; } return parentView.getVisibleParentView(); } public int getZoomedFoldingSymbolHalfWidth() { if (NodeView.FOLDING_SYMBOL_WIDTH == -1) { NodeView.FOLDING_SYMBOL_WIDTH = ResourceController.getResourceController().getIntProperty("foldingsymbolwidth", 8); } final int preferredFoldingSymbolHalfWidth = (int) ((NodeView.FOLDING_SYMBOL_WIDTH * map.getZoom()) / 2); return preferredFoldingSymbolHalfWidth; } void addChildViews() { int index = 0; for (NodeModel child : getMap().getModeController().getMapController().childrenFolded(getModel())) { if(child.containsExtension(HideChildSubtree.class)) return; if(getComponentCount() <= index || ! (getComponent(index) instanceof NodeView)) addChildView(child, index++); } } /** * Create views for the newNode and all his descendants, set their isLeft * attribute according to this view. * @param index2 */ void addChildView(final NodeModel newNode, int index) { NodeViewFactory.getInstance().newNodeView(newNode, getMap(), this, index); } /* fc, 25.1.2004: Refactoring necessary: should call the model. */ public boolean isChildOf(final NodeView myNodeView) { return getParentView() == myNodeView; } /** */ public boolean isContentVisible() { return getModel().isVisible(); } public boolean isLeft() { if (getMap().getLayoutType() == MapViewLayout.OUTLINE) { return false; } return getModel().isLeft(); } public boolean isParentHidden() { final Container parent = getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof NodeView)) { return false; } final NodeView parentView = (NodeView) parent; return !parentView.isContentVisible(); } /* fc, 25.1.2004: Refactoring necessary: should call the model. */ public boolean isParentOf(final NodeView myNodeView) { return (this == myNodeView.getParentView()); } public boolean isRoot() { return getModel().isRoot(); } public boolean isSelected() { return (getMap().isSelected(this)); } /* fc, 25.1.2004: Refactoring necessary: should call the model. */ public boolean isSiblingOf(final NodeView myNodeView) { return getParentView() == myNodeView.getParentView(); } public void mapChanged(final MapChangeEvent event) { } public void nodeChanged(final NodeChangeEvent event) { final NodeModel node = event.getNode(); // is node is deleted, skip the rest. if (!node.isRoot() && node.getParent() == null) { return; } final Object property = event.getProperty(); if (property == NodeChangeType.FOLDING) { treeStructureChanged(); getMap().selectIfSelectionIsEmpty(this); String shape = NodeStyleController.getController(getMap().getModeController()).getShape(model); if (shape.equals(NodeStyleModel.SHAPE_COMBINED)) update(); return; } // is node is not fully initialized, skip the rest. if (mainView == null) { return; } if (property.equals(NodeModel.NODE_ICON) || property.equals(HierarchicalIcons.ICONS)) { mainView.updateIcons(this); revalidate(); return; } if (property.equals(NodeModel.NOTE_TEXT)) { NodeViewFactory.getInstance().updateNoteViewer(this); mainView.updateIcons(this); return; } if (property.equals(ShortenedTextModel.SHORTENER)) { NodeViewFactory.getInstance().updateNoteViewer(this); } if (property.equals(HistoryInformationModel.class)) { return; } update(); if (!isRoot()) getParentView().numberingChanged(node.getParent().getIndex(node) + 1); } public void onNodeDeleted(final NodeModel parent, final NodeModel child, final int index) { if (getMap().getModeController().getMapController().isFolded(model)) { return; } final boolean preferredChildIsLeft = preferredChild != null && preferredChild.isLeft(); final NodeView node = (NodeView) getComponent(index); if (node == preferredChild) { preferredChild = null; for (int j = index + 1; j < getComponentCount(); j++) { final Component c = getComponent(j); if (!(c instanceof NodeView)) { break; } final NodeView candidate = (NodeView) c; if (candidate.isVisible() && node.isLeft() == candidate.isLeft()) { preferredChild = candidate; break; } } if (preferredChild == null) { for (int j = index - 1; j >= 0; j--) { final Component c = getComponent(j); if (!(c instanceof NodeView)) { break; } final NodeView candidate = (NodeView) c; if (candidate.isVisible() && node.isLeft() == candidate.isLeft()) { preferredChild = candidate; break; } } } } numberingChanged(index + 1); node.remove(); NodeView preferred = getPreferredVisibleChild(false, preferredChildIsLeft); if (preferred == null) { preferred = this; } if(getMap().getSelected() == null) getMap().selectVisibleAncestorOrSelf(preferred); revalidate(); } public void onNodeInserted(final NodeModel parent, final NodeModel child, final int index) { assert parent == model; if (getMap().getModeController().getMapController().isFolded(model)) { return; } addChildView(child, index); numberingChanged(index + 1); revalidate(); } public void onNodeMoved(final NodeModel oldParent, final int oldIndex, final NodeModel newParent, final NodeModel child, final int newIndex) { } public void onPreNodeDelete(final NodeModel oldParent, final NodeModel child, final int oldIndex) { } // updates children, starting from firstChangedIndex, if necessary. private void numberingChanged(int firstChangedIndex) { final TextController textController = TextController.getController(getMap().getModeController()); if (firstChangedIndex > 0 || textController.getNodeNumbering(getModel())) { final Component[] components = getComponents(); for (int i = firstChangedIndex; i < components.length; i++) { if (components[i] instanceof NodeView) { final NodeView view = (NodeView) components[i]; final MainView childMainView = view.getMainView(); if(childMainView != null){ childMainView.updateText(view.getModel()); view.numberingChanged(0); } } } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.swing.JComponent#paint(java.awt.Graphics) */ @Override public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { if (modifyModelWithoutRepaint) { return; } if (getMainView() == null) return; final PaintingMode paintingMode = map.getPaintingMode(); //DOCEAR -- if no paintingMode is set if(paintingMode == null) { return; } if (isContentVisible()) { final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; final ModeController modeController = map.getModeController(); final Object renderingHint = g2.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING); switch (paintingMode) { case CLOUDS: modeController.getController().getViewController().setEdgesRenderingHint(g2); final boolean isRoot = isRoot(); if (isRoot) { paintCloud(g); } paintClouds(g2); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, renderingHint); } switch (paintingMode) { case NODES: g2.setStroke(BubbleMainView.DEF_STROKE); modeController.getController().getViewController().setEdgesRenderingHint(g2); paintEdges(g2, this); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, renderingHint); } } if (PAINT_DEBUG_BORDER && isSelected()&& paintingMode.equals(PaintingMode.SELECTED_NODES)){ final int spaceAround = getZoomed(SPACE_AROUND); g.drawRect(spaceAround, spaceAround, getWidth() - 2 * spaceAround, getHeight() - 2 * spaceAround); } } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); paintDecoration((Graphics2D) g); } private void paintCloud(final Graphics g) { if (!isContentVisible()) { return; } final CloudModel cloudModel = getCloudModel(); if (cloudModel == null) { return; } final CloudView cloud = new CloudViewFactory().createCloudView(cloudModel, this); cloud.paint(g); } private void paintClouds(final Graphics2D g) { for (int i = getComponentCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final Component component = getComponent(i); if (!(component instanceof NodeView)) { continue; } final NodeView nodeView = (NodeView) component; final Point p = new Point(); UITools.convertPointToAncestor(nodeView, p, this); g.translate(p.x, p.y); if (nodeView.isContentVisible()) { nodeView.paintCloud(g); } else { nodeView.paintClouds(g); } g.translate(-p.x, -p.y); } } private void paintEdges(final Graphics2D g, NodeView source) { SummaryEdgePainter summaryEdgePainter = new SummaryEdgePainter(this, isRoot() ? true : isLeft()); SummaryEdgePainter rightSummaryEdgePainter = isRoot() ? new SummaryEdgePainter(this, false) : null; final int start; final int end; final int step; if (getMap().getLayoutType() == MapViewLayout.OUTLINE){ start = getComponentCount() - 1; end = -1; step = -1; } else{ start = 0; end = getComponentCount(); step = 1; } for (int i = start; i != end; i+=step) { final Component component = getComponent(i); if (!(component instanceof NodeView)) { continue; } final NodeView nodeView = (NodeView) component; if (getMap().getLayoutType() != MapViewLayout.OUTLINE) { SummaryEdgePainter activePainter = nodeView.isLeft() || !isRoot() ? summaryEdgePainter : rightSummaryEdgePainter; activePainter.addChild(nodeView); if(activePainter.paintSummaryEdge(g, source, nodeView)){ if(! nodeView.isContentVisible()){ final Rectangle bounds = SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(this, nodeView.getBounds(), source); final Graphics cg = g.create(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); try{ nodeView.paintEdges((Graphics2D) cg, nodeView); } finally{ cg.dispose(); } } continue; } } if (nodeView.isContentVisible()) { final EdgeView edge = EdgeViewFactory.getInstance().getEdge(source, nodeView, source); edge.paint(g); } else { nodeView.paintEdges(g, source); } } } int getSpaceAround() { return getZoomed(NodeView.SPACE_AROUND); } public int getZoomed(int x) { return getMap().getZoomed(x); } private void paintDecoration(final Graphics2D g) { final PaintingMode paintingMode = map.getPaintingMode(); if(! (getMainView() != null && ( PaintingMode.NODES.equals(paintingMode) && !isSelected() || PaintingMode.SELECTED_NODES.equals(paintingMode) && isSelected()) && isContentVisible())) return; final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; final ModeController modeController = map.getModeController(); final Object renderingHint = g2.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING); g2.setStroke(BubbleMainView.DEF_STROKE); modeController.getController().getViewController().setEdgesRenderingHint(g2); final Point origin = new Point(); UITools.convertPointToAncestor(mainView, origin, this); g.translate(origin.x, origin.y); mainView.paintDecoration(this, g); g.translate(-origin.x, -origin.y); final FilterController filterController = FilterController.getController(getMap().getModeController().getController()); if(filterController.isNodeHighlighted(getModel())){ final Color oldColor = g.getColor(); final Stroke oldStroke = g.getStroke(); g.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); g.setStroke(getMap().getStandardSelectionStroke()); final JComponent content = getContent(); Point contentLocation = content.getLocation(); final int arcWidth = 8; g.drawRoundRect(contentLocation.x - arcWidth, contentLocation.y - arcWidth, content.getWidth() + 2 * arcWidth, content.getHeight() + 2 * arcWidth, 15, 15); g.setColor(oldColor); g.setStroke(oldStroke); } g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, renderingHint); } /** * This is a bit problematic, because getChildrenViews() only works if model * is not yet removed. (So do not _really_ delete the model before the view * removed (it needs to stay in memory) */ void remove() { for (final ListIterator<NodeView> e = getChildrenViews().listIterator(); e.hasNext();) { e.next().remove(); } getMap().deselect(this); getMap().getModeController().onViewRemoved(this); removeFromMap(); if (attributeView != null) { attributeView.viewRemoved(); } getModel().removeViewer(this); } protected void removeFromMap() { setFocusCycleRoot(false); getParent().remove(this); } private void repaintEdge(final NodeView target) { if (target.getMap().getLayoutType() == MapViewLayout.OUTLINE) { target.getVisibleParentView().repaint(); return; } final Point relativeLocation = getRelativeLocation(target); final MainView targetMainView = target.getMainView(); relativeLocation.x += targetMainView.getWidth() / 2; relativeLocation.y += targetMainView.getHeight() / 2; final Point inPoint = mainView.getConnectorPoint(relativeLocation); UITools.convertPointToAncestor(targetMainView, inPoint, this); relativeLocation.x -= targetMainView.getWidth() / 2; relativeLocation.y -= targetMainView.getHeight() / 2; relativeLocation.x = -relativeLocation.x + mainView.getWidth() / 2; relativeLocation.y = -relativeLocation.y + mainView.getHeight() / 2; final Point outPoint = targetMainView.getConnectorPoint(relativeLocation); UITools.convertPointToAncestor(getMainView(), outPoint, this); final int x = Math.min(inPoint.x, outPoint.x); final int y = Math.min(inPoint.y, outPoint.y); final int w = Math.abs(inPoint.x - outPoint.x); final int h = Math.abs(inPoint.y - outPoint.y); final int EXTRA = 50; repaint(x - EXTRA, y - EXTRA, w + EXTRA * 2, h + EXTRA * 2); } void repaintSelected() { // return if main view was not set if (mainView == null) { return; } // do not repaint removed nodes if (model.getParentNode() == null && !model.isRoot()) { return; } if (getEdgeStyle().equals(EdgeStyle.EDGESTYLE_HIDDEN)) { final NodeView visibleParentView = getVisibleParentView(); if (visibleParentView != null) { visibleParentView.repaintEdge(this); } } final JComponent content = getContent(); final int EXTRA = 20; final int x = content.getX() - EXTRA; final int y = content.getY() - EXTRA; repaint(x, y, content.getWidth() + EXTRA * 2, content.getHeight() + EXTRA * 2); } @Override public boolean requestFocusInWindow() { //DOCEAR: update the nodemodel without repainting, to greatly enhance speed when inserting references if (NodeView.modifyModelWithoutRepaint) { return false; } if (mainView == null) { return false; } getMap().scrollNodeToVisible(this); Controller.getCurrentController().getViewController().addObjectTypeInfo(getModel().getUserObject()); return mainView.requestFocusInWindow(); } @Override public void requestFocus() { //DOCEAR: update the nodemodel without repainting, to greatly enhance speed when inserting references if (NodeView.modifyModelWithoutRepaint) { return; } if (mainView == null) { return; } getMap().scrollNodeToVisible(this); Controller.getCurrentController().getViewController().addObjectTypeInfo(getModel().getUserObject()); mainView.requestFocus(); } void setMainView(final MainView newMainView) { if (contentPane != null) { assert (contentPane.getParent() == this); if (mainView != null) removeContent(MAIN_VIEWER_POSITION); addContent(newMainView, MAIN_VIEWER_POSITION); assert (contentPane.getParent() == this); } else if (mainView != null) { final Container c = mainView.getParent(); int i; for (i = c.getComponentCount() - 1; i >= 0 && mainView != c.getComponent(i); i--) { ; } c.remove(i); c.add(newMainView, i); } else { add(newMainView); } mainView = newMainView; final IUserInputListenerFactory userInputListenerFactory = getMap().getModeController().getUserInputListenerFactory(); mainView.addMouseListener(userInputListenerFactory.getNodeMouseMotionListener()); mainView.addMouseMotionListener(userInputListenerFactory.getNodeMouseMotionListener()); mainView.addKeyListener(userInputListenerFactory.getNodeKeyListener()); addDragListener(userInputListenerFactory.getNodeDragListener()); addDropListener(userInputListenerFactory.getNodeDropTargetListener()); } protected void setModel(final NodeModel model) { this.model = model; } public void setPreferredChild(final NodeView view) { if (view != null && !SummaryNode.isSummaryNode(view.getModel())) preferredChild = view; final Container parent = this.getParent(); if (view == null) { return; } else if (parent instanceof NodeView) { ((NodeView) parent).setPreferredChild(this); } } /** */ public void setText(final String string) { mainView.setText(string); } void syncronizeAttributeView() { if (attributeView != null) { attributeView.syncronizeAttributeView(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.Component#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return getModel().toString() + ", " + super.toString(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener#treeStructureChanged(javax.swing. * event.TreeModelEvent) */ private void treeStructureChanged() { for (final ListIterator<NodeView> i = getChildrenViews().listIterator(); i.hasNext();) { i.next().remove(); } addChildViews(); map.revalidateSelecteds(); revalidate(); } public void update() { //DOCEAR: update the nodemodel without repainting, to greatly enhance speed when inserting references if (NodeView.modifyModelWithoutRepaint) { return; } updateShape(); updateEdge(); if (!isContentVisible()) { mainView.setVisible(false); return; } mainView.setVisible(true); mainView.updateTextColor(this); mainView.updateFont(this); createAttributeView(); if (attributeView != null) { attributeView.update(); } final boolean textShortened = isShortened(); if (!textShortened) { NodeViewFactory.getInstance().updateDetails(this); if (contentPane != null) { final int componentCount = contentPane.getComponentCount(); for (int i = 1; i < componentCount; i++) { final Component component = contentPane.getComponent(i); if (component instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent) component).revalidate(); } } } } updateShortener(getModel(), textShortened); mainView.updateIcons(this); mainView.updateText(getModel()); updateCloud(); modelBackgroundColor = NodeStyleController.getController(getMap().getModeController()).getBackgroundColor(model); revalidate(); } public boolean isShortened() { final ModeController modeController = getMap().getModeController(); final TextController textController = TextController.getController(modeController); final boolean textShortened = textController.isMinimized(getModel()); return textShortened; } private void updateEdge() { final EdgeController edgeController = EdgeController.getController(getMap().getModeController()); this.edgeStyle = edgeController.getStyle(model, false); this.edgeWidth = edgeController.getWidth(model, false); this.edgeColor = edgeController.getColor(model, false); } public EdgeStyle getEdgeStyle() { if (edgeStyle != null) return edgeStyle; final NodeView parentView = getParentView(); if(parentView != null) return parentView.getEdgeStyle(); return EdgeStyle.values()[0]; } public int getEdgeWidth() { if(edgeWidth != null) return edgeWidth; final NodeView parentView = getParentView(); if(parentView != null) return parentView.getEdgeWidth(); return 1; } public Color getEdgeColor() { if (edgeColor != null) return edgeColor; final NodeView parentView = getParentView(); if(parentView != null) return parentView.getEdgeColor(); return Color.GRAY; } private void updateCloud() { final CloudModel cloudModel = CloudController.getController(getMap().getModeController()).getCloud(model); putClientProperty(CloudModel.class, cloudModel); } public CloudModel getCloudModel() { return (CloudModel) getClientProperty(CloudModel.class); } private void updateShortener(NodeModel nodeModel, boolean textShortened) { final boolean componentsVisible = !textShortened; setContentComponentVisible(componentsVisible); } private void setContentComponentVisible(final boolean componentsVisible) { if (contentPane == null) return; final Component[] components = getContentPane().getComponents(); int index; for (index = 0; index < components.length; index++) { final Component component = components[index]; if (component == getMainView()) { continue; } if (component.isVisible() != componentsVisible) { component.setVisible(componentsVisible); } } } public void updateAll() { if (modifyModelWithoutRepaint) { return; } NodeViewFactory.getInstance().updateNoteViewer(this); update(); invalidate(); for (final NodeView child : getChildrenViews()) { child.updateAll(); } } private void updateShape() { final String newShape = NodeStyleController.getController(getMap().getModeController()).getShape(model); final String oldShape; if (mainView != null) oldShape = mainView.getShape(); else oldShape = null; if (mainView != null) { if (oldShape.equals(newShape)) return; if (model.isRoot()) { if (newShape != null) ((RootMainView) mainView).setShape(newShape); return; } } final MainView newMainView = NodeViewFactory.getInstance().newMainView(this); if (newMainView.getShape().equals(oldShape)) return; setMainView(newMainView); if (map.getSelected() == this) { requestFocusInWindow(); } } boolean useSelectionColors() { return isSelected() && !MapView.standardDrawRectangleForSelection && !map.isPrinting(); } public void onPreNodeMoved(final NodeModel oldParent, final int oldIndex, final NodeModel newParent, final NodeModel child, final int newIndex) { } @Override protected void validateTree() { //DOCEAR - (repaint errors) catch every exception and ignore it try { super.validateTree(); } catch (Exception e) { } } public void addContent(JComponent component, int pos) { component.putClientProperty("NODE_VIEW_CONTENT_POSITION", pos); final Container contentPane = getContentPane(); for (int i = 0; i < contentPane.getComponentCount(); i++) { JComponent content = (JComponent) contentPane.getComponent(i); if (content == null) throw new RuntimeException("component " + i + "is null"); final Object clientProperty = content.getClientProperty("NODE_VIEW_CONTENT_POSITION"); if (clientProperty == null) throw new RuntimeException("NODE_VIEW_CONTENT_POSITION not set on component " + content.toString() + i + "/" + contentPane.getComponentCount()); if (pos < (Integer) clientProperty) { contentPane.add(component, i); return; } } contentPane.add(component); } public JComponent removeContent(int pos) { return removeContent(pos, true); } private JComponent removeContent(int pos, boolean remove) { if (contentPane == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < contentPane.getComponentCount(); i++) { JComponent component = (JComponent) contentPane.getComponent(i); Integer contentPos = (Integer) component.getClientProperty("NODE_VIEW_CONTENT_POSITION"); if (contentPos == null) { continue; } if (contentPos == pos) { if (remove) { component.putClientProperty("NODE_VIEW_CONTENT_POSITION", null); contentPane.remove(i); } return component; } if (contentPos > pos) { return null; } } return null; } public JComponent getContent(int pos) { return removeContent(pos, false); } public boolean isSummary() { return SummaryNode.isSummaryNode(getModel()); } public boolean isFirstGroupNode() { return SummaryNode.isFirstGroupNode(getModel()); } public boolean isFree() { return FreeNode.isFreeNode(getModel()); } public Color getDetailBackground() { final Color detailBackground = getMap().getDetailBackground(); return detailBackground; } int getTopOverlap() { return topOverlap; } void setTopOverlap(int topOverlap) { this.topOverlap = topOverlap; } int getBottomOverlap() { return bottomOverlap; } void setBottomOverlap(int bottomOverlap) { this.bottomOverlap = bottomOverlap; } public static void setModifyModelWithoutRepaint(boolean modifyModelWithoutRepaint) { NodeView.modifyModelWithoutRepaint = modifyModelWithoutRepaint; } public static boolean isModifyModelWithoutRepaint() { return modifyModelWithoutRepaint; } }