package com.buildml.eclipse.actions.handlers; import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeSelection; import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil; import com.buildml.eclipse.MainEditor; import com.buildml.eclipse.actions.dialogs.MatchPatternSelectionDialog; import com.buildml.eclipse.bobj.UIAction; import com.buildml.eclipse.utils.AlertDialog; import com.buildml.eclipse.utils.EclipsePartUtils; import com.buildml.eclipse.utils.UndoOpAdapter; import com.buildml.eclipse.utils.errors.FatalError; import com.buildml.model.IActionMgr; import com.buildml.model.IBuildStore; import com.buildml.model.types.ActionSet; import com.buildml.model.undo.MultiUndoOp; import com.buildml.refactor.CanNotRefactorException; import com.buildml.refactor.IImportRefactorer; import com.buildml.utils.string.ShellCommandUtils; /** * An Eclipse UI Handler for managing the "Delete Action (Promote Children)" UI command. * This handler deletes the specified action and moves its child actions up one level * in the tree. The user will be given feedback on anything that may have gone wrong in * the process. * * @author Peter Smith <> */ public class HandlerDeleteAction extends AbstractHandler { /*=====================================================================================* * PUBLIC METHODS *=====================================================================================*/ /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler#execute(org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent) */ @Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { MainEditor mainEditor = EclipsePartUtils.getActiveMainEditor(); IBuildStore buildStore = mainEditor.getBuildStore(); IActionMgr actionMgr = buildStore.getActionMgr(); String mode = event.getParameter("com.buildml.eclipse.commandParameters.deleteAction"); /* * In "selected" mode, we delete all the actions that have been selected by the user. */ if (mode.equals("selected")) { /* build an ActionSet of all the selected actions */ TreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection)HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event); ActionSet selectedActions = EclipsePartUtils.getActionSetFromSelection(buildStore, selection); performDeletion(mainEditor, buildStore, selectedActions); } /* * In pattern mode, we query the user for a regular expression to be used for * selecting which patterns. */ else if (mode.equals("pattern")) { TreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection)HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event); if (selection.size() != 1) { AlertDialog.displayErrorDialog("Can't delete", "When deleting matching actions, only one action may be selected."); return null; } /* use the selected action's command string as the initial pattern */ UIAction selectedAction = (UIAction)selection.getFirstElement(); String selectedCmd = (String) actionMgr.getSlotValue(selectedAction.getId(), IActionMgr.COMMAND_SLOT_ID); selectedCmd = ShellCommandUtils.joinCommandLine(selectedCmd); /* invoke a Dialog box to query the user to select the pattern, and then the matching actions */ MatchPatternSelectionDialog dialog = new MatchPatternSelectionDialog(buildStore, selectedCmd, "Delete"); int status =; if (status == MatchPatternSelectionDialog.OK) { ActionSet selectedActions = dialog.getMatchingActions(); performDeletion(mainEditor, buildStore, selectedActions); } } /* else, not supported - throw internal error */ else { throw new FatalError("Unsupported mode in com.buildml.eclipse.commandParameters.deleteAction"); } return null; } /*=====================================================================================* * PRIVATE METHODS *=====================================================================================*/ /** * Perform the actual deletion of actions by evaluating the deletion operation, giving * errors where necessary, and scheduling a MultiUndoOp. * * @param mainEditor The main editor we're operating with. * @param buildStore The IBuildStore we're operating on. * @param selectedActions An ActionSet of actions to be deleted. */ private void performDeletion(MainEditor mainEditor, IBuildStore buildStore, ActionSet selectedActions) { IImportRefactorer refactorer = mainEditor.getImportRefactorer(); IActionMgr actionMgr = buildStore.getActionMgr(); /* accumulate all changes into a multiOp */ MultiUndoOp multiOp = new MultiUndoOp(); /* * For each action that was selected, treat it as an individual "delete action" * operation. */ for (int actionId : selectedActions) { String actionCmd = (String) actionMgr.getSlotValue(actionId, IActionMgr.COMMAND_SLOT_ID); try { refactorer.deleteAction(multiOp, actionId); } catch (CanNotRefactorException e) { switch (e.getCauseCode()) { case ACTION_IN_USE: AlertDialog.displayErrorDialog("Unable to delete action", "The following action is still in use, and can't be deleted:\n\n" + actionCmd); return; default: AlertDialog.displayErrorDialog("Operation failed", "The \"delete action\" operation for action:\n\n" + actionCmd + "\n\nfailed for the following reason: " + e.getCauseCode()); return; } } } /* make it happen */ new UndoOpAdapter("Delete Action", multiOp).invoke(); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ }