package net.databinder.components; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator; import java.text.AttributedString; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.databinder.components.RenderedLabel.RenderedTextImageResource; import org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings; /** * Base class for rendered labels formated with a Markdown subset including **bold** * __bold__ *italic* _italic_ and [link] appearance, as well as hard returns (space-space-newline) * and paragraphs (newline-newline). Subclasses apply attributes to * an AttributedString in the abstract attributeBold/Italic/Link methods. * @see AttributedString * @author Nathan Hamblen */ public abstract class FormattedRenderedTextImageResource extends RenderedTextImageResource { //matches links patters like `[foo]: "Optional Title Here"` private static Pattern footnoteLinks = Pattern.compile("^ *\\[.+\\]\\:\\s.+\n", Pattern.MULTILINE); // matches single newlines that do not have two spaces before them private static Pattern strayNewlines = Pattern.compile("(?<!( )|\n)\n(?!\n)"); // group 1: either beginning of string or not a \ // group 2: beginning format element, to be expelled // group 3: reluuctantly matched string inside formatters // group 4: ending format element, to be expelled private static Pattern boldFormat = Pattern.compile("(\\A|[^\\\\])(_{2}|\\*{2})(.+?)(\\2)", Pattern.DOTALL); private static Pattern italicFormat = Pattern.compile("(\\A|[^\\\\])(\\*|_)(.+?)(\\2)", Pattern.DOTALL); private static Pattern linkFormat = Pattern.compile("(\\A|[^\\\\])(\\[)(.+?)(\\](\\(|\\[).+?(\\)|\\]))", Pattern.DOTALL); // matches a slash used for escaping, to be expelled private static Pattern escapedCharacter = Pattern.compile("(\\\\)[^\\\\]"); private enum Style {BOLD, ITALIC, LINK}; private static class Range{ Style style; int start; int end; } private static class MutableRangeString { List<Range> ranges = new ArrayList<Range>(10); StringBuilder string; public MutableRangeString(String str) { string = new StringBuilder(str); } void expell(int start, int end) { string.delete(start, end); for(Range r : ranges) { if (r.end > start) { r.end = r.end + start - end; if (r.start > start) r.start = r.start + start - end; } } } } /** Apply style markers to ranges matching the given format pattern. */ private static void process(MutableRangeString rangeStr, Pattern p, Style style) { int delta = 0; Matcher m = p.matcher(rangeStr.string.toString()); while (m.find()) { Range r = new Range(); = style; r.start = m.start(3) - delta; r.end = m.end(3) - delta; rangeStr.ranges.add(r); rangeStr.expell(m.start(2) - delta, m.end(2) - delta); delta += m.end(2) - m.start(2); rangeStr.expell(m.start(4) - delta, m.end(4) - delta); delta += m.end(4) - m.start(4); } } /** @return string formatted with markdown subset */ protected String getFormattedTextString() { return text; } /** @return string with attributes derived from formatting in getFormattedTextString() */ @Override protected List<AttributedCharacterIterator> getAttributedLines() { String markedtext = getFormattedTextString(); if (Strings.isEmpty(markedtext)) return null; markedtext = footnoteLinks.matcher(markedtext).replaceAll(""); markedtext = strayNewlines.matcher(markedtext.trim()).replaceAll(""); MutableRangeString rangeStr = new MutableRangeString(markedtext); process(rangeStr, boldFormat, Style.BOLD); process(rangeStr, italicFormat, Style.ITALIC); process(rangeStr, linkFormat, Style.LINK); int delta = 0; Matcher m = escapedCharacter.matcher(rangeStr.string.toString()); while (m.find()) { rangeStr.expell(m.start(1) - delta, m.end(1) - delta); delta++; } String text = rangeStr.string.toString(); AttributedString attributedText = new AttributedString(text); attributedText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font); for (Range r : rangeStr.ranges) { if ( == Style.BOLD) attributeBold(attributedText, r.start, r.end); else if ( == Style.ITALIC) attributeItalic(attributedText, r.start, r.end); else if ( == Style.LINK) attributeLink(attributedText, r.start, r.end); } return splitAtNewlines(attributedText, text); } abstract void attributeBold(AttributedString string, int start, int end); abstract void attributeItalic(AttributedString string, int start, int end); abstract void attributeLink(AttributedString string, int start, int end); }