package com.sf.monitor.druid; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import com.sf.log.Logger; import com.sf.monitor.Config; import com.sf.monitor.Event; import com.sf.monitor.Resources; import com.sf.monitor.utils.DCMZkUtils; import com.sf.monitor.utils.JsonValues; import com.sf.monitor.utils.PrometheusUtils; import com.sf.monitor.utils.Utils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class DruidInfos { private static final Logger log = new Logger(DruidInfos.class); private static final String coordinatorLeaderElectionPath = "/coordinator/_COORDINATOR"; private static final String overlordLeaderElectionPath = "/indexer/leaderLatchPath"; public static class AnnounceNode { public String host; public String name; public String role; public String regTime; public String serviceType; public static List<Map<String, Object>> toMaps(List<AnnounceNode> nodes) { return Lists.transform( nodes, new Function<AnnounceNode, Map<String, Object>>() { @Override public Map<String, Object> apply(AnnounceNode node) { return ImmutableMap.of( "host", (Object), "name",, "role", node.role, "regTime", node.regTime, "serviceType", node.serviceType ); } } ); } } @JsonProperty public String zkRootPath; @JsonProperty public String zkDiscoveryPath; @JsonProperty public String overlordName; @JsonProperty public String brokerName; @JsonProperty public String coordinatorName; @JsonProperty public String realtimeName; @JsonProperty public String historicalName; @JsonProperty public String middleManagerName; @JsonProperty public Map<String, Boolean> warningSpecs; private DruidService<DruidService.OverlordService> overlordService; private DruidService<DruidService.CoordinatorService> coordinatorService; public boolean shouldWarn(String metric) { if (warningSpecs == null) { return false; } else { Boolean b = warningSpecs.get(metric); return b == null ? false : b; } } public void init() { overlordService = new DruidService<DruidService.OverlordService>( zkRootPath + overlordLeaderElectionPath, DruidService.OverlordService.class ); coordinatorService = new DruidService<DruidService.CoordinatorService>( zkRootPath + coordinatorLeaderElectionPath, DruidService.CoordinatorService.class ); } private List<JsonValues> getDataServiceNodes(String type, String name) { DruidService.CoordinatorService service = coordinatorService.getService(); if (service == null) { log.warn("coordinator service not found!"); return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Map<String, Object>> nodes = service.getDataServers(); List<JsonValues> typeNodes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map<String, Object> node : nodes) { if (type.equals(node.get("type"))) { node.put("used", (Double) node.get("currSize") / (Double) node.get("maxSize")); node.put("name", name); typeNodes.add(JsonValues.of(node, "name", "host", "type", "maxSize", "currSize", "used", "tier", "priority")); } } return typeNodes; } public List<JsonValues> getRealtimeNodes() { return getDataServiceNodes("realtime", realtimeName); } public List<JsonValues> getHistoricalNodes() { return getDataServiceNodes("historical", historicalName); } public List<JsonValues> getMiddleManagerNodes() { DruidService.OverlordService service = overlordService.getService(); if (service == null) { log.warn("overlord service not found!"); return Collections.emptyList(); } return Lists.transform( service.getWorkers(), new Function<DruidService.MiddleManager, JsonValues>() { @Override public JsonValues apply(DruidService.MiddleManager input) { return input.toJsonValues(); } } ); } public List<AnnounceNode> getBrokerNodes() { return getAnnounceNodes(brokerName, null); } public List<AnnounceNode> getCoordinatorNodes() { return getAnnounceNodes(coordinatorName, zkRootPath + coordinatorLeaderElectionPath); } public List<AnnounceNode> getOverlordNodes() { return getAnnounceNodes(overlordName, zkRootPath + overlordLeaderElectionPath); } private List<AnnounceNode> getAnnounceNodes(String serviceName, String leaderElectionPath) { List<AnnounceNode> nodes = Lists.transform( DCMZkUtils.getZKChildrenContent(zkDiscoveryPath + "/" + serviceName, false), new Function<String, AnnounceNode>() { @Override public AnnounceNode apply(String input) { Map<String, Object> m = Utils.toMap(input); AnnounceNode node = new AnnounceNode(); = (String) m.get("address") + ":" + (Integer) m.get("port"); = (String) m.get("name"); node.role = "-"; node.regTime = new DateTime((Long) m.get("registrationTimeUTC")).toString(); node.serviceType = (String) m.get("serviceType"); return node; } } ); String leaderHost = null; List<String> waitingHosts = Collections.emptyList(); if (leaderElectionPath != null) { leaderHost = DCMZkUtils.getLeaderContent(leaderElectionPath); waitingHosts = DCMZkUtils.getZKChildrenContent(leaderElectionPath, false); } Map<String, AnnounceNode> nodeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (AnnounceNode node : nodes) { if ( { node.role = "leader"; } nodeMap.put(, node); } // Backup nodes won't announce themseleves until them got a chance to be leader, // we also need to put them in. for (String host : waitingHosts) { if (!nodeMap.containsKey(host)) { AnnounceNode node = new AnnounceNode(); = host; = serviceName; node.regTime = "unknown"; node.role = "-"; node.serviceType = "unknown"; nodeMap.put(host, node); } } return Lists.newArrayList(nodeMap.values()); } public Map<String, List<Event>> getTrendData(Map<String, String> tags, DateTime from, DateTime to) { return PrometheusUtils.getEvents(EmitMetricsAnalyzer.tableName, tags, from, to); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Config.init("config"); Resources.init(); DruidInfos infos = Resources.druidInfos; ObjectMapper om = Resources.jsonMapper; System.out.println("realtime: " + om.writeValueAsString(infos.getRealtimeNodes())); System.out.println("broker: " + om.writeValueAsString(infos.getBrokerNodes())); System.out.println("historical: " + om.writeValueAsString(infos.getHistoricalNodes())); System.out.println("middle manager: " + om.writeValueAsString(infos.getMiddleManagerNodes())); System.out.println("coodinator: " + om.writeValueAsString(infos.getCoordinatorNodes())); System.out.println("overlord: " + om.writeValueAsString(infos.getOverlordNodes())); Resources.close(); } }