package nl.itopia.corendon.controller.employee; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.List; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.util.StringConverter; import nl.itopia.corendon.components.AutoCompleteComboBoxListener; import*; import nl.itopia.corendon.model.*; import nl.itopia.corendon.mvc.Controller; /** * @author Jeroentje */ public class SearchLuggageController extends Controller { @FXML private ChoiceBox foundonAirportdropdown, colorDropdown; @FXML private Button searchButton, cancelButton; @FXML private TextField labelInputfield, heightInputfield, widthInputfield, depthInputfield, weightInputfield, notesInputfield; @FXML private ComboBox brandInputfield; @FXML private RadioButton foundluggageRadiobutton,lostluggageRadiobutton,resolvedluggageRadiobutton; @FXML private DatePicker datepicker1, datepicker2; private AutoCompleteComboBoxListener<ChooseItem> comboBoxListener; private AirportModel airportModel; private ColorModel colorModel; private BrandModel brandModel; private List<Luggage> luggageList; public SearchLuggageController() { // Set view registerFXML("gui/Search_luggage.fxml"); airportModel = AirportModel.getDefault(); colorModel = ColorModel.getDefault(); brandModel = BrandModel.getDefault(); // Set the Airports in the foundonAirportdropdown List<Airport> airports = airportModel.getAirports(); for(Airport airport : airports) { ChooseItem c = airportModel.airportToChoose(airport); foundonAirportdropdown.getItems().add(c); } foundonAirportdropdown.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); // Set the Colors in the colorDropdown List<Color> colors = colorModel.getColors(); for(Color color : colors) { ChooseItem c = colorModel.colorToChoose(color); colorDropdown.getItems().add(c); } colorDropdown.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); // Fill the brand input with the brands in the system List<Brand> brands = brandModel.getBrands(); ObservableList<ChooseItem> brandData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for(Brand brand : brands) { ChooseItem c = brandModel.brandToChoose(brand); brandData.add(c); } brandInputfield.setItems(brandData); // Because we set the combobox editable to true, we need to implement our StringConverter brandInputfield.setConverter(new StringConverter<ChooseItem>() { @Override public String toString(ChooseItem object) { if(object == null) return null; return object.toString(); } @Override public ChooseItem fromString(String string) { //TODO: Implement a factory patern for this ChooseItem item = null; for(ChooseItem data : brandData) { if(data.toString().equals(string)) { item = data; break; } } // If the item doesn't exist, create a new one with it's id set to 0 if(item == null) { item = new ChooseItem(-1, string); } return item; } }); // Give the brand input our combobox listener comboBoxListener = new AutoCompleteComboBoxListener(brandInputfield); cancelButton.setOnAction(this::cancelHandler); searchButton.setOnAction(this::searchHandler); } public void cancelHandler(ActionEvent e){ removeController(this); } public void searchHandler(ActionEvent e) { String label, notes, weight, colorName, airportName; String[] dimensions = { widthInputfield.getText(), heightInputfield.getText(), depthInputfield.getText(), "cm" }; LocalDate beginDate = datepicker1.getValue(); LocalDate endDate = datepicker2.getValue(); label = labelInputfield.getText(); weight = weightInputfield.getText(); notes = notesInputfield.getText(); colorName = colorDropdown.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString(); airportName = foundonAirportdropdown.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString(); Color color = colorModel.getColor(colorName); Airport airport = airportModel.getAirport(airportName); Brand brand; // Check if the brand input value is null, if get the 'None' brand. // Otherwise get the correct brand if(brandInputfield.getValue() == null) { brand = brandModel.getBrand("None"); } else { brand = brandModel.getBrand(brandInputfield.getValue().toString()); } SearchModel searchmodel = SearchModel.getDefault(); Luggage luggage = new Luggage(); if(lostluggageRadiobutton.isSelected()) { /* lost lugage is selected */ Status status = StatusModel.getDefault().getStatus(1); luggage.status = status; } if(foundluggageRadiobutton.isSelected()) { /* found luggage is selected */ Status status = StatusModel.getDefault().getStatus(2); luggage.status = status; } if(resolvedluggageRadiobutton.isSelected()) { /* resolved luggage is selected */ Status status = StatusModel.getDefault().getStatus(3); luggage.status = status; } luggage.brand = brand; luggage.label = label; luggage.notes = notes; luggage.weight = weight; luggage.color = color; luggage.airport = airport; luggage.setDimensions(dimensions); luggageList = searchmodel.initSearch(luggage, beginDate, endDate); removeController(this); } @Override protected Object destroyReturn() { return luggageList; } }