package com.jingewenku.abrahamcaijin.commonutil; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import*; import; import; import; import*; import; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.Layout.Alignment; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextPaint; import*; import android.util.Log; import com.jingewenku.abrahamcaijin.commonutil.application.Utils; import; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; /** * @Description:主要功能:用于设置文字的前景色、背景色、Typeface、粗体、斜体、字号、超链接、删除线、下划线、上下标等 * @Prject: CommonUtilLibrary * @Package: com.jingewenku.abrahamcaijin.commonutil * @author: AbrahamCaiJin * @date: 2017年05月19日 13:24 * @Copyright: 个人版权所有 * @Company: * @version: 1.0.0 */ public class SpannableStringUtils { private SpannableStringUtils() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("u can't instantiate me..."); } public static final int ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0; public static final int ALIGN_BASELINE = 1; public static final int ALIGN_CENTER = 2; public static final int ALIGN_TOP = 3; @IntDef({ALIGN_BOTTOM, ALIGN_BASELINE, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface Align { } private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public static class Builder { private int defaultValue = 0x12000000; private CharSequence text; private int flag; @ColorInt private int foregroundColor; @ColorInt private int backgroundColor; @ColorInt private int quoteColor; private int stripeWidth; private int quoteGapWidth; private boolean isLeadingMargin; private int first; private int rest; private int margin; private boolean isBullet; private int bulletColor; private int bulletRadius; private int bulletGapWidth; private int fontSize; private boolean fontSizeIsDp; private float proportion; private float xProportion; private boolean isStrikethrough; private boolean isUnderline; private boolean isSuperscript; private boolean isSubscript; private boolean isBold; private boolean isItalic; private boolean isBoldItalic; private String fontFamily; private Typeface typeface; private Alignment alignment; private boolean imageIsBitmap; private Bitmap bitmap; private boolean imageIsDrawable; private Drawable drawable; private boolean imageIsUri; private Uri uri; private boolean imageIsResourceId; @DrawableRes private int resourceId; @Align int align; private ClickableSpan clickSpan; private String url; private boolean isBlur; private float blurRadius; private BlurMaskFilter.Blur style; private SpannableStringBuilder mBuilder; public Builder() { flag = Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE; foregroundColor = defaultValue; backgroundColor = defaultValue; quoteColor = defaultValue; margin = -1; fontSize = -1; proportion = -1; xProportion = -1; align = ALIGN_BOTTOM; mBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(); } /** * 设置标识 * * @param flag <ul> * <li>{@link Spanned#SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE}</li> * <li>{@link Spanned#SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE}</li> * <li>{@link Spanned#SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE}</li> * <li>{@link Spanned#SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE}</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setFlag(int flag) { this.flag = flag; return this; } /** * 设置前景色 * * @param color 前景色 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setForegroundColor(@ColorInt int color) { this.foregroundColor = color; return this; } /** * 设置背景色 * * @param color 背景色 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int color) { this.backgroundColor = color; return this; } /** * 设置引用线的颜色 * * @param color 引用线的颜色 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setQuoteColor(@ColorInt int color) { this.quoteColor = color; this.stripeWidth = 2; this.quoteGapWidth = 2; return this; } /** * 设置引用线的颜色 * * @param color 引用线的颜色 * @param stripeWidth 引用线线宽 * @param quoteGapWidth 引用线和文字间距 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setQuoteColor(@ColorInt int color, int stripeWidth, int quoteGapWidth) { this.quoteColor = color; this.stripeWidth = stripeWidth; this.quoteGapWidth = quoteGapWidth; return this; } /** * 设置缩进 * * @param first 首行缩进 * @param rest 剩余行缩进 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setLeadingMargin(int first, int rest) { this.first = first; = rest; isLeadingMargin = true; return this; } /** * 设置间距 * * @param margin 间距 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setMargin(int margin) { this.margin = margin; this.text = " " + this.text; return this; } /** * 设置列表标记 * * @param gapWidth 列表标记和文字间距离 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBullet(@ColorInt int gapWidth) { this.bulletColor = 0; this.bulletRadius = 3; this.bulletGapWidth = gapWidth; isBullet = true; return this; } /** * 设置列表标记 * * @param color 列表标记的颜色 * @param radius 列表标记颜色 * @param gapWidth 列表标记和文字间距离 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBullet(@ColorInt int color, int radius, int gapWidth) { this.bulletColor = color; this.bulletRadius = radius; this.bulletGapWidth = gapWidth; isBullet = true; return this; } /** * 设置字体尺寸 * * @param size 尺寸 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setFontSize(int size) { this.fontSize = size; this.fontSizeIsDp = false; return this; } /** * 设置字体尺寸 * * @param size 尺寸 * @param isDp 是否使用dip * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setFontSize(int size, boolean isDp) { this.fontSize = size; this.fontSizeIsDp = isDp; return this; } /** * 设置字体比例 * * @param proportion 比例 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setFontProportion(float proportion) { this.proportion = proportion; return this; } /** * 设置字体横向比例 * * @param proportion 比例 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setFontXProportion(float proportion) { this.xProportion = proportion; return this; } /** * 设置删除线 * * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setStrikethrough() { this.isStrikethrough = true; return this; } /** * 设置下划线 * * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setUnderline() { this.isUnderline = true; return this; } /** * 设置上标 * * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setSuperscript() { this.isSuperscript = true; return this; } /** * 设置下标 * * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setSubscript() { this.isSubscript = true; return this; } /** * 设置粗体 * * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBold() { isBold = true; return this; } /** * 设置斜体 * * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setItalic() { isItalic = true; return this; } /** * 设置粗斜体 * * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBoldItalic() { isBoldItalic = true; return this; } /** * 设置字体系列 * * @param fontFamily 字体系列 * <ul> * <li>monospace</li> * <li>serif</li> * <li>sans-serif</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setFontFamily(@NonNull String fontFamily) { this.fontFamily = fontFamily; return this; } /** * 设置字体 * * @param typeface 字体 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setTypeface(@NonNull Typeface typeface) { this.typeface = typeface; return this; } /** * 设置对齐 * * @param alignment 对其方式 * <ul> * <li>{@link Alignment#ALIGN_NORMAL}正常</li> * <li>{@link Alignment#ALIGN_OPPOSITE}相反</li> * <li>{@link Alignment#ALIGN_CENTER}居中</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setAlign(@NonNull Alignment alignment) { this.alignment = alignment; return this; } /** * 设置图片 * * @param bitmap 图片位图 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap) { return setBitmap(bitmap, align); } /** * 设置图片 * * @param bitmap 图片位图 * @param align 对齐 * <ul> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_TOP}顶部对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_CENTER}居中对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_BASELINE}基线对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_BOTTOM}底部对齐</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, @Align int align) { this.bitmap = bitmap; this.align = align; this.text = " " + this.text; imageIsBitmap = true; return this; } /** * 设置图片 * * @param drawable 图片资源 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setDrawable(@NonNull Drawable drawable) { return setDrawable(drawable, align); } /** * 设置图片 * * @param drawable 图片资源 * @param align 对齐 * <ul> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_TOP}顶部对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_CENTER}居中对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_BASELINE}基线对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_BOTTOM}底部对齐</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setDrawable(@NonNull Drawable drawable, @Align int align) { this.drawable = drawable; this.align = align; this.text = " " + this.text; imageIsDrawable = true; return this; } /** * 设置图片 * * @param uri 图片uri * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setUri(@NonNull Uri uri) { setUri(uri, ALIGN_BOTTOM); return this; } /** * 设置图片 * * @param uri 图片uri * @param align 对齐 * <ul> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_TOP}顶部对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_CENTER}居中对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_BASELINE}基线对齐</li> * <li>{@link Align#ALIGN_BOTTOM}底部对齐</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setUri(@NonNull Uri uri, @Align int align) { this.uri = uri; this.align = align; this.text = " " + this.text; imageIsUri = true; return this; } /** * 设置图片 * * @param resourceId 图片资源id * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setResourceId(@DrawableRes int resourceId) { return setResourceId(resourceId, align); } /** * 设置图片 * * @param resourceId 图片资源id * @param align 对齐 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setResourceId(@DrawableRes int resourceId, @Align int align) { this.resourceId = resourceId; this.align = align; this.text = " " + this.text; imageIsResourceId = true; return this; } /** * 设置点击事件 * <p>需添加view.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance())</p> * * @param clickSpan 点击事件 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setClickSpan(@NonNull ClickableSpan clickSpan) { this.clickSpan = clickSpan; return this; } /** * 设置超链接 * <p>需添加view.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance())</p> * * @param url 超链接 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setUrl(@NonNull String url) { this.url = url; return this; } /** * 设置模糊 * <p>尚存bug,其他地方存在相同的字体的话,相同字体出现在之前的话那么就不会模糊,出现在之后的话那会一起模糊</p> * <p>推荐还是把所有字体都模糊这样使用</p> * * @param radius 模糊半径(需大于0) * @param style 模糊样式<ul> * <li>{@link BlurMaskFilter.Blur#NORMAL}</li> * <li>{@link BlurMaskFilter.Blur#SOLID}</li> * <li>{@link BlurMaskFilter.Blur#OUTER}</li> * <li>{@link BlurMaskFilter.Blur#INNER}</li> * </ul> * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder setBlur(float radius, BlurMaskFilter.Blur style) { this.blurRadius = radius; = style; this.isBlur = true; return this; } /** * 追加样式一行字符串 * * @param text 样式字符串文本 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder appendLine(@NonNull CharSequence text) { return append(text + LINE_SEPARATOR); } /** * 追加样式字符串 * * @param text 样式字符串文本 * @return {@link Builder} */ public Builder append(@NonNull CharSequence text) { setSpan(); this.text = text; return this; } /** * 创建样式字符串 * * @return 样式字符串 */ public SpannableStringBuilder create() { setSpan(); return mBuilder; } /** * 设置样式 */ private void setSpan() { if (text == null || text.length() == 0) return; int start = mBuilder.length(); mBuilder.append(this.text); int end = mBuilder.length(); if (backgroundColor != defaultValue) { mBuilder.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(backgroundColor), start, end, flag); backgroundColor = defaultValue; } if (foregroundColor != defaultValue) { mBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(foregroundColor), start, end, flag); foregroundColor = defaultValue; } if (isLeadingMargin) { mBuilder.setSpan(new LeadingMarginSpan.Standard(first, rest), start, end, flag); isLeadingMargin = false; } if (margin != -1) { mBuilder.setSpan(new MarginSpan(margin), start, end, flag); margin = -1; } if (quoteColor != defaultValue) { mBuilder.setSpan(new CustomQuoteSpan(quoteColor, stripeWidth, quoteGapWidth), start, end, flag); quoteColor = defaultValue; } if (isBullet) { mBuilder.setSpan(new CustomBulletSpan(bulletColor, bulletRadius, bulletGapWidth), start, end, flag); isBullet = false; } if (fontSize != -1) { mBuilder.setSpan(new AbsoluteSizeSpan(fontSize, fontSizeIsDp), start, end, flag); fontSize = -1; fontSizeIsDp = false; } if (proportion != -1) { mBuilder.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(proportion), start, end, flag); proportion = -1; } if (xProportion != -1) { mBuilder.setSpan(new ScaleXSpan(xProportion), start, end, flag); xProportion = -1; } if (isStrikethrough) { mBuilder.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), start, end, flag); isStrikethrough = false; } if (isUnderline) { mBuilder.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), start, end, flag); isUnderline = false; } if (isSuperscript) { mBuilder.setSpan(new SuperscriptSpan(), start, end, flag); isSuperscript = false; } if (isSubscript) { mBuilder.setSpan(new SubscriptSpan(), start, end, flag); isSubscript = false; } if (isBold) { mBuilder.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), start, end, flag); isBold = false; } if (isItalic) { mBuilder.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), start, end, flag); isItalic = false; } if (isBoldItalic) { mBuilder.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC), start, end, flag); isBoldItalic = false; } if (fontFamily != null) { mBuilder.setSpan(new TypefaceSpan(fontFamily), start, end, flag); fontFamily = null; } if (typeface != null) { mBuilder.setSpan(new CustomTypefaceSpan(typeface), start, end, flag); typeface = null; } if (alignment != null) { mBuilder.setSpan(new AlignmentSpan.Standard(alignment), start, end, flag); alignment = null; } if (imageIsBitmap || imageIsDrawable || imageIsUri || imageIsResourceId) { if (imageIsBitmap) { mBuilder.setSpan(new CustomImageSpan(Utils.getContext(), bitmap, align), start, end, flag); bitmap = null; imageIsBitmap = false; } else if (imageIsDrawable) { mBuilder.setSpan(new CustomImageSpan(drawable, align), start, end, flag); drawable = null; imageIsDrawable = false; } else if (imageIsUri) { mBuilder.setSpan(new CustomImageSpan(Utils.getContext(), uri, align), start, end, flag); uri = null; imageIsUri = false; } else { mBuilder.setSpan(new CustomImageSpan(Utils.getContext(), resourceId, align), start, end, flag); resourceId = 0; imageIsResourceId = false; } } if (clickSpan != null) { mBuilder.setSpan(clickSpan, start, end, flag); clickSpan = null; } if (url != null) { mBuilder.setSpan(new URLSpan(url), start, end, flag); url = null; } if (isBlur) { mBuilder.setSpan(new MaskFilterSpan(new BlurMaskFilter(blurRadius, style)), start, end, flag); isBlur = false; } flag = Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE; } } static class MarginSpan extends ReplacementSpan { private final int margin; private MarginSpan(int margin) { super(); this.margin = margin; } @Override public int getSize(@NonNull Paint paint, CharSequence text, @IntRange(from = 0) int start, @IntRange(from = 0) int end, @Nullable Paint.FontMetricsInt fm) { text = " "; return margin; } @Override public void draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, @IntRange(from = 0) int start, @IntRange(from = 0) int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) { } } static class CustomQuoteSpan implements LeadingMarginSpan { private final int color; private final int stripeWidth; private final int gapWidth; private CustomQuoteSpan(@ColorInt int color, int stripeWidth, int gapWidth) { super(); this.color = color; this.stripeWidth = stripeWidth; this.gapWidth = gapWidth; } public int getLeadingMargin(boolean first) { return stripeWidth + gapWidth; } public void drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c, Paint p, int x, int dir, int top, int baseline, int bottom, CharSequence text, int start, int end, boolean first, Layout layout) { Paint.Style style = p.getStyle(); int color = p.getColor(); p.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); p.setColor(this.color); c.drawRect(x, top, x + dir * stripeWidth, bottom, p); p.setStyle(style); p.setColor(color); } } static class CustomBulletSpan implements LeadingMarginSpan { private final int color; private final int radius; private final int gapWidth; private static Path sBulletPath = null; private CustomBulletSpan(int color, int radius, int gapWidth) { this.color = color; this.radius = radius; this.gapWidth = gapWidth; } public int getLeadingMargin(boolean first) { return 2 * radius + gapWidth; } public void drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c, Paint p, int x, int dir, int top, int baseline, int bottom, CharSequence text, int start, int end, boolean first, Layout l) { if (((Spanned) text).getSpanStart(this) == start) { Paint.Style style = p.getStyle(); int oldColor = 0; oldColor = p.getColor(); p.setColor(color); p.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); if (c.isHardwareAccelerated()) { if (sBulletPath == null) { sBulletPath = new Path(); // Bullet is slightly better to avoid aliasing artifacts on mdpi devices. sBulletPath.addCircle(0.0f, 0.0f, radius, Path.Direction.CW); }; c.translate(x + dir * radius, (top + bottom) / 2.0f); c.drawPath(sBulletPath, p); c.restore(); } else { c.drawCircle(x + dir * radius, (top + bottom) / 2.0f, radius, p); } p.setColor(oldColor); p.setStyle(style); } } } @SuppressLint("ParcelCreator") static class CustomTypefaceSpan extends TypefaceSpan { private final Typeface newType; private CustomTypefaceSpan(Typeface type) { super(""); newType = type; } @Override public void updateDrawState(TextPaint textPaint) { apply(textPaint, newType); } @Override public void updateMeasureState(TextPaint paint) { apply(paint, newType); } private static void apply(Paint paint, Typeface tf) { int oldStyle; Typeface old = paint.getTypeface(); if (old == null) { oldStyle = 0; } else { oldStyle = old.getStyle(); } int fake = oldStyle & ~tf.getStyle(); if ((fake & Typeface.BOLD) != 0) { paint.setFakeBoldText(true); } if ((fake & Typeface.ITALIC) != 0) { paint.setTextSkewX(-0.25f); } paint.setTypeface(tf); } } static class CustomImageSpan extends CustomDynamicDrawableSpan { private Drawable mDrawable; private Uri mContentUri; private int mResourceId; private Context mContext; CustomImageSpan(Context context, Bitmap b, int verticalAlignment) { super(verticalAlignment); mContext = context; mDrawable = context != null ? new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), b) : new BitmapDrawable(b); int width = mDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); int height = mDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(); mDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, width > 0 ? width : 0, height > 0 ? height : 0); } CustomImageSpan(Drawable d, int verticalAlignment) { super(verticalAlignment); mDrawable = d; mDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, mDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), mDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); } CustomImageSpan(Context context, Uri uri, int verticalAlignment) { super(verticalAlignment); mContext = context; mContentUri = uri; } CustomImageSpan(Context context, @DrawableRes int resourceId, int verticalAlignment) { super(verticalAlignment); mContext = context; mResourceId = resourceId; } @Override public Drawable getDrawable() { Drawable drawable = null; if (mDrawable != null) { drawable = mDrawable; } else if (mContentUri != null) { Bitmap bitmap = null; try { InputStream is = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream( mContentUri); bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is); drawable = new BitmapDrawable(mContext.getResources(), bitmap); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); if (is != null) { is.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("sms", "Failed to loaded content " + mContentUri, e); } } else { try { drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, mResourceId); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("sms", "Unable to find resource: " + mResourceId); } } return drawable; } } static abstract class CustomDynamicDrawableSpan extends ReplacementSpan { static final int ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0; static final int ALIGN_BASELINE = 1; static final int ALIGN_CENTER = 2; static final int ALIGN_TOP = 3; final int mVerticalAlignment; CustomDynamicDrawableSpan() { mVerticalAlignment = ALIGN_BOTTOM; } CustomDynamicDrawableSpan(int verticalAlignment) { mVerticalAlignment = verticalAlignment; } public abstract Drawable getDrawable(); @Override public int getSize(@NonNull Paint paint, CharSequence text, int start, int end, Paint.FontMetricsInt fm) { Drawable d = getCachedDrawable(); Rect rect = d.getBounds(); final int fontHeight = (int) (paint.getFontMetrics().descent - paint.getFontMetrics().ascent); if (fm != null) { // this is the fucking code which I waste 3 days if (rect.height() > fontHeight) { if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_TOP) { fm.descent += rect.height() - fontHeight; } else if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_CENTER) { fm.ascent -= (rect.height() - fontHeight) / 2; fm.descent += (rect.height() - fontHeight) / 2; } else if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BASELINE) { fm.ascent -= rect.height() - fontHeight + fm.descent; } else { fm.ascent -= rect.height() - fontHeight; } } } return rect.right; } @Override public void draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) { Drawable d = getCachedDrawable(); Rect rect = d.getBounds();; final float fontHeight = paint.getFontMetrics().descent - paint.getFontMetrics().ascent; int transY = bottom - rect.bottom; if (rect.height() < fontHeight) { // this is the fucking code which I waste 3 days if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BASELINE) { transY -= paint.getFontMetricsInt().descent; } else if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_CENTER) { transY -= (fontHeight - rect.height()) / 2; } else if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_TOP) { transY -= fontHeight - rect.height(); } } else { if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BASELINE) { transY -= paint.getFontMetricsInt().descent; } } canvas.translate(x, transY); d.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } private Drawable getCachedDrawable() { WeakReference<Drawable> wr = mDrawableRef; Drawable d = null; if (wr != null) d = wr.get(); if (d == null) { d = getDrawable(); mDrawableRef = new WeakReference<>(d); } return getDrawable(); } private WeakReference<Drawable> mDrawableRef; } }