package com.commonsensenet.realfarm.model; /** * * @author Oscar Bola�os <@oscarbolanos> */ public class User implements Model { /** Identifier if the device the User has. */ private String mDeviceId; /** First name of the User. */ private String mFirstname; /** Unique User Identifier */ private long mId; /** Path where the image of the User is located. */ private String mImagePath; /** * Flag that indicates whether the user was inserted by an administrator or * not. */ private int mIsAdminAction; /** Flag that indicates whether the user is enabled or not. */ private int mIsEnabled; /** Flag that indicates whether the user data has been sent to the server. */ private int mIsSent; /** Lastname of the User. */ private String mLastname; /** Location of the user. */ private String mLocation; /** Audio resource that represents the location. */ private int mLocationAudio; /** Number number used to contact the User. */ private String mMobileNumber; /** Audio resource that represents the name. */ private int mNameAudio; /** Timestamp that indicates the creation of the User. */ private long mTimestamp; public User(long id, String firstname, String lastname, String mobileNumber, String deviceId, String imagePath, String location, int isSent, int isEnabled, int isAdminAction, long timestamp, int nameAudio, int locationAudio) { mId = id; mFirstname = firstname; mLastname = lastname; mMobileNumber = mobileNumber; mDeviceId = deviceId; mImagePath = imagePath; mLocation = location; mIsSent = isSent; mIsEnabled = isEnabled; mIsAdminAction = isAdminAction; mTimestamp = timestamp; mNameAudio = nameAudio; mLocationAudio = locationAudio; } public String getDeviceId() { return mDeviceId; } public String getFirstname() { return mFirstname; } public long getId() { return mId; } public String getImagePath() { return mImagePath; } public int getIsAdminAction() { return mIsAdminAction; } public int getIsEnabled() { return mIsEnabled; } public int getIsSent() { return mIsSent; } public String getLastname() { return mLastname; } public String getLocation() { return mLocation; } public int getLocationAudio() { return mLocationAudio; } public String getMobileNumber() { return mMobileNumber; } public int getModelTypeId() { return 1002; } public int getNameAudio() { return mNameAudio; } public long getTimestamp() { return mTimestamp; } public String toSmsString() { return "%" + getModelTypeId() + "%" + getId() + "#" + getFirstname() + "#" + getLastname() + "#" + getMobileNumber() + "#" + getDeviceId() + "#" + getImagePath() + "#" + getLocation() + "#" + getIsEnabled() + "#" + getIsAdminAction() + "#" + getTimestamp() + "%"; } @Override public String toString() { return String .format("[User id='%s', firstName='%s', lastName='%s', mobileNumber='%s', deviceId='%s', imagePath='%s', location='%s', isSent='%d', isEnabled='%d', isAdminAction='%d', timestamp='%s']", mId, mFirstname, mLastname, mMobileNumber, mDeviceId, mImagePath, mLocation, mIsSent, mIsEnabled, mIsAdminAction, mTimestamp); } }