package Services; import Controllers.*; import Models.*; public class CalculationService { public static boolean obstacleIsOnLeft(Obstruction ob, Runway runway) { if (ob != null) { double stopwayLength = runway.getOriginalLogicalRunwayFromLeft().stopwayLength; double runwayLength = runway.getOriginalLogicalRunwayFromLeft().lda; return (ob.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) < (runwayLength / 2.0); } else { return true; } } public boolean obstacleIsOnLeft(Obstruction ob, RunwayModel runway) { if (ob != null) { double stopwayLength = runway.getOriginalLogicalRunwayFromLeft().stopwayLength; double runwayLength = runway.getOriginalLogicalRunwayFromLeft().lda; return (ob.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) < (runwayLength / 2.0); } else { return true; } } public void declareParametersLandFromLeft(RunwayModel runway) { StringBuilder breakdown = new StringBuilder(); Obstruction obstruction = runway.getFirstObstruction(); LogicalRunway logicalRunway = runway.getLeftLandLogicalRunway(); if (obstacleIsOnLeft(obstruction, runway)) { // SEE DIAGRAM 1 double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; // double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater") + obstruction.getHeight() + LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater_2") + logicalRunway.resa + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("obstr_is") + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + LocalizationService.localizeString("along_runway")); double newResa = Math.max(240.0, 50 * obstruction.getHeight()); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_distance") + newResa + " + 60.0\n\n"); double avoidDistance = newResa + 60.0; double threshold = (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength(); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("lda_start") + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + " + 0.5 x " + obstruction.getLength() + " + " + (logicalRunway.resa + 60.0) + "= " + threshold + "\n"); double newDisplacedLandingThreshold = Math.max(0.0, threshold); if (threshold < 0.0) { breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("lda_below_0")); threshold = 0.0; } double newLda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.lda, runwayLength - threshold)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, runwayLength + stopwayLength - threshold)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("lda_is") + runwayLength + " - " + threshold + " = " + newLda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_is") + logicalRunway.lda + " + " + stopwayLength + " = " + newAsda + "\n"); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { logicalRunway.resa = newResa; logicalRunway.lda = newLda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedLandingThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = 0.0; logicalRunway.toda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } else { // SEE DIAGRAM 2 double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double newResa = 240.0; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_avoid") + " 240 + 60 = 300m\n\n"); double avoidDistance = newResa + 60.0; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("threshold_beyond") + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + " - (" + avoidDistance + " + 0.5 x " + obstruction.getLength() + ") = " + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - (avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() + stopwayLength)) + "\n\n"); double threshold = obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - (avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() + stopwayLength); double newDisplacedLandingThreshold = Math.min(runwayLength + Math.max(stopwayLength, clearwayLength), threshold); double newLda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(runwayLength, threshold)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, threshold)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("lda_up_to") + newLda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_up_to") + newAsda + "\n\n"); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { logicalRunway.resa = newResa; logicalRunway.lda = newLda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedLandingThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = 0.0; logicalRunway.toda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } } public void declareParametersLandFromRight(RunwayModel runway) { StringBuilder breakdown = new StringBuilder(); Obstruction obstruction = runway.getFirstObstruction(); LogicalRunway logicalRunway = runway.getRightLandLogicalRunway(); if (obstacleIsOnLeft(obstruction, runway)) { // SEE DIAGRAM 3 double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; double newResa = 240.0; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_avoid") + " 240 + 60 = 300m\n\n"); double avoidDistance = newResa + 60.0; double threshold = (avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength()) + obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength; double newDisplacedLandingThreshold = Math.max(-Math.max(stopwayLength, clearwayLength), threshold); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("threshold_beyond") + threshold + "\n\n"); double newLda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(runwayLength, runwayLength - threshold)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, runwayLength - threshold)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("lda_up_to") + newLda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_up_to") + newAsda + "\n\n"); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { logicalRunway.resa = newResa; logicalRunway.lda = newLda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedLandingThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = 0.0; logicalRunway.toda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } else { // SEE DIAGRAM 4 double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; // double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double newResa = Math.max(240.0, 50 * obstruction.getHeight()); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater") + obstruction.getHeight() + LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater_2") + logicalRunway.resa + "\n\n"); double avoidDistance = newResa + 60.0; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_distance") + logicalRunway.resa + " + 60.0 = " + (newResa + 60) + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("threshold_beyond") + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + " - (" + avoidDistance + " + 0.5 x " + obstruction.getLength() + ") = " + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - (avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() + stopwayLength)) + "\n\n"); double threshold = obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - (avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() + stopwayLength); double newDisplacedLandingThreshold = Math.min(runwayLength, threshold); double newLda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.lda, threshold)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, threshold + stopwayLength)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("lda_up_to") + newLda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_up_to") + newAsda + "\n\n"); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { logicalRunway.resa = newResa; logicalRunway.lda = newLda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedLandingThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = 0.0; logicalRunway.toda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } } public void declareParametersTakeOffFromLeft(RunwayModel runway) { StringBuilder breakdown = new StringBuilder(); Obstruction obstruction = runway.getFirstObstruction(); LogicalRunway logicalRunway = runway.getLeftTakeOffLogicalRunway(); if (obstacleIsOnLeft(obstruction, runway)) { // SEE DIAGRAM 5 double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; double avoidDistance = runway.getBlastDistance(); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("taking_off_dist") + avoidDistance + ".\n\n"); double threshold = (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength(); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("threshold_beyond") + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + " + " + avoidDistance + " + 0.5 x " + obstruction.getLength() + " = " + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() + avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() - stopwayLength) + "\n\n"); double newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold = Math.max(0.0, threshold); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { double newTora = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.lda, runwayLength - threshold)); double newToda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.toda, clearwayLength + runwayLength - threshold)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, stopwayLength + runwayLength - threshold)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("tora_past") + logicalRunway.tora + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("toda_past") + newToda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_past") + newAsda + "\n\n"); logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = newTora; logicalRunway.toda = newToda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.resa = 0.0; logicalRunway.lda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } else { // SEE DIAGRAM 6 double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double newResa = Math.max(240.0, 50 * obstruction.getHeight()); double avoidDistance = newResa + 60.0; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater") + obstruction.getHeight() + LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater_2") + newResa + "\n\n"); double threshold = obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - (avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() + stopwayLength); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("threshold_up_to") + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + " - (" + avoidDistance + " + 1/2 x " + obstruction.getLength() + ") = " + threshold + "\n\n"); double newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold = Math.min(runwayLength + Math.max(stopwayLength, clearwayLength), threshold); double newTora = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.tora, threshold)); double newToda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.toda, threshold)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, threshold)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("tora_up_to") + newToda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("toda_up_to") + newToda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_up_to") + newAsda + "\n\n"); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { logicalRunway.resa = newResa; logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = newTora; logicalRunway.toda = newToda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.lda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } } public void declareParametersTakeOffFromRight(RunwayModel runway) { StringBuilder breakdown = new StringBuilder(); Obstruction obstruction = runway.getFirstObstruction(); LogicalRunway logicalRunway = runway.getRightTakeOffLogicalRunway(); if (obstacleIsOnLeft(obstruction, runway)) { // SEE DIAGRAM 7 double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; double newResa = Math.max(240.0, 50 * obstruction.getHeight()); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater") + obstruction.getHeight() + LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_greater_2") + newResa + "\n\n"); double avoidDistance = newResa + 60.0; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("resa_distance") + logicalRunway.resa + " + 60.0 = " + (newResa + 60) + "\n\n"); double threshold = obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() + avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() - stopwayLength; breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("threshold_beyond") + threshold + "\n\n"); double newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold = Math.max(-Math.max(stopwayLength, clearwayLength), runwayLength - threshold); double newTora = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.tora, runwayLength - threshold)); double newToda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.toda, runwayLength - threshold)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, runwayLength - threshold)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("tora_up_to") + newToda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("toda_up_to") + newToda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_up_to") + newAsda + "\n\n"); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { logicalRunway.resa = newResa; logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = newTora; logicalRunway.toda = newToda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.lda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } else { // SEE DIAGRAM 8 double runwayLength = logicalRunway.lda; double stopwayLength = logicalRunway.stopwayLength; double clearwayLength = logicalRunway.clearwayLength; double avoidDistance = runway.getBlastDistance(); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("taking_off_dist") + avoidDistance + ".\n\n"); double threshold = obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - (avoidDistance + 0.5 * obstruction.getLength() + stopwayLength); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("threshold_up_to") + (obstruction.getPositionAlongRunway() - stopwayLength) + " - (" + avoidDistance + " + 1/2 x " + obstruction.getLength() + ") = " + threshold + "\n\n"); double newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold = Math.min(runwayLength, threshold); double newTora = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.tora, threshold)); double newToda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(logicalRunway.toda, threshold + clearwayLength)); double newAsda = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(, threshold + stopwayLength)); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("tora_past") + logicalRunway.tora + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("toda_past") + newToda + "\n\n"); breakdown.append(LocalizationService.localizeString("asda_past") + newAsda + "\n\n"); if (avoidDistance >= obstruction.getDistanceFromRunway()) { logicalRunway.displacedThreshold = newDisplacedTakeOffThreshold; logicalRunway.tora = newTora; logicalRunway.toda = newToda; = newAsda; logicalRunway.resa = 0.0; logicalRunway.lda = 0.0; } else { breakdown = new StringBuilder(); breakdown.append("The obstacle is so far from the runway that the entire runway is safe to use."); } logicalRunway.setBreakdown(breakdown.toString()); } } }