package com.atc.accontroller; import; import; import; import com.atc.Ac; import com.atc.AcManager; import com.atc.AcSize; import com.atc.AcType; import com.atc.AcUtility; /** * * @author Rakesh Kumar * */ public class AirTrafficControlerConsole { BufferedReader mBr; /*For console input*/ Boolean isBootupComplete; /*Bootup complete flag*/ AcManager acManager; /*Aircraf Manager*/ /** * This is without argument constructor which initializes the member variables. */ public AirTrafficControlerConsole(){ mBr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; isBootupComplete = false; acManager = null; } /** * Creates AC object which will be further saved in the Priority Queue. * @return returns the AC object * @throws IOException if there is any problem in reading from the console * @throws NumberFormatException if user doesn't provide numeric value for any option. */ public Ac makeAC() throws IOException, NumberFormatException { String strACName; AcType acType; AcSize acSize; Ac ac; System.out.print("Enter Aircraft name : "); strACName = mBr.readLine(); System.out.print("Type of Aircraft"+AcUtility.newLine()+" Passenger ->1 "+AcUtility.newLine()+" Cargo -> 2 "+AcUtility.newLine()+" : "); acType = AcType.intToEnum(Integer.parseInt(mBr.readLine())); System.out.print("Type of Aircraft"+AcUtility.newLine()+" Big ->1 "+AcUtility.newLine()+" Small -> 2 "+AcUtility.newLine()+" : "); acSize = AcSize.intToEnum(Integer.parseInt(mBr.readLine())); ac= new Ac(strACName,acType,acSize); return ac; } /** * This method displays the list of option for Air Traffic Controller. */ public void printCommand(){ System.out.print("1. Takeoff Request" + AcUtility.newLine() +"2. Proceed to takeoff" + AcUtility.newLine() +"3. Display AC Queue" + AcUtility.newLine() +"4. Bootup " + AcUtility.newLine() +"5. Shutdown" + AcUtility.newLine() +" : "); } /** * Method which will handle the commands and execute the proper command * */ public void Execute(){ Integer option; Ac ac; while(true){ printCommand(); try { option = Integer.parseInt(mBr.readLine()); switch(option){ case 1://Takeoff request if(isBootupComplete){ acManager.enqueueAC(makeAC()); }else{ System.out.println("Please boot the system first"+AcUtility.newLine()); } break; case 2://Proceed to takeoff if(isBootupComplete){ ac = acManager.dequeueAC(); if(null!=ac){ System.out.println(ac); }else{ System.out.println("Aircraft Queue is empty"); } }else{ System.out.println("Please boot the system first"+AcUtility.newLine()); } break; case 3: //Display if(isBootupComplete){ acManager.displayPriorityQueue(); }else{ System.out.println("Please boot the system first"+AcUtility.newLine()); } break; case 4: //Bootup System.out.println(AcUtility.newLine()+"System is Booting up..."); acManager = AcManager.getInstance(); //Setting the isBootupComplete flag isBootupComplete = true; System.out.println("Bootup complete..."+AcUtility.newLine()); break; case 5: //Shutdown //Save the priority queue if(isBootupComplete){ acManager.saveQueue(); } //exit now System.out.println("Shuting down the system..."); System.exit(0); break; default: System.out.println("Please enter valid option"); break; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Please enter valid number"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("There was problem in reading from console"); } } } /** * Main method for entry point of this application. * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { new AirTrafficControlerConsole().Execute(); } }