// Chromis POS - The New Face of Open Source POS // Copyright (c) 2015 // http://www.chromis.co.uk // // This file is part of Chromis POS // // Chromis POS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Chromis POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Chromis POS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package uk.chromis.pos.scale; import gnu.io.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.TooManyListenersException; public class ScaleCASPDII implements Scale, SerialPortEventListener { private CommPortIdentifier m_PortIdPrinter; private SerialPort m_CommPortPrinter; private String m_sPortScale; private OutputStream m_out; private InputStream m_in; private static final int SCALE_READY = 0; private static final int SCALE_READING = 1; private static final int SCALE_READINGDECIMALS = 2; private double m_dWeightBuffer; private double m_dWeightDecimals; private int m_iStatusScale; /** Creates a new instance of ScaleComm */ public ScaleCASPDII(String sPortPrinter) { m_sPortScale = sPortPrinter; m_out = null; m_in = null; m_iStatusScale = SCALE_READY; m_dWeightBuffer = 0.0; m_dWeightDecimals = 1.0; } public Double readWeight() { synchronized(this) { if (m_iStatusScale != SCALE_READY) { try { wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (m_iStatusScale != SCALE_READY) { // bascula tonta. m_iStatusScale = SCALE_READY; } } // Ya estamos en SCALE_READY m_dWeightBuffer = 0.0; m_dWeightDecimals = 1.0; write(new byte[] {0x57}); // W flush(); // Esperamos un ratito try { wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (m_iStatusScale == SCALE_READY) { // hemos recibido cositas o si no hemos recibido nada estamos a 0.0 double dWeight = m_dWeightBuffer / m_dWeightDecimals; m_dWeightBuffer = 0.0; m_dWeightDecimals = 1000.0; return new Double(dWeight); } else { m_iStatusScale = SCALE_READY; m_dWeightBuffer = 0.0; m_dWeightDecimals = 1000.0; return new Double(0.0); } } } private void flush() { try { m_out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { } } private void write(byte[] data) { try { if (m_out == null) { m_PortIdPrinter = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(m_sPortScale); // Tomamos el puerto m_CommPortPrinter = (SerialPort) m_PortIdPrinter.open("PORTID", 1000); // Abrimos el puerto m_out = m_CommPortPrinter.getOutputStream(); // Tomamos el chorro de escritura m_in = m_CommPortPrinter.getInputStream(); m_CommPortPrinter.addEventListener(this); m_CommPortPrinter.notifyOnDataAvailable(true); m_CommPortPrinter.setSerialPortParams(9600, SerialPort.DATABITS_7, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_EVEN); // Configuramos el puerto } m_out.write(data); } catch (NoSuchPortException | PortInUseException | UnsupportedCommOperationException | TooManyListenersException | IOException e) { } } @Override public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent e) { // Determine type of event. switch (e.getEventType()) { case SerialPortEvent.BI: case SerialPortEvent.OE: case SerialPortEvent.FE: case SerialPortEvent.PE: case SerialPortEvent.CD: case SerialPortEvent.CTS: case SerialPortEvent.DSR: case SerialPortEvent.RI: case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY: break; case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE: try { while (m_in.available() > 0) { int b = m_in.read(); if (b == 0x000D) { // CR ASCII // Fin de lectura synchronized (this) { m_iStatusScale = SCALE_READY; notifyAll(); } } else if ((b > 0x002F && b < 0x003A) || b == 0x002E){ synchronized(this) { if (m_iStatusScale == SCALE_READY) { m_dWeightBuffer = 0.0; // se supone que esto debe estar ya garantizado m_dWeightDecimals = 1000.0; m_iStatusScale = SCALE_READING; } if (b == 0x002E) { m_iStatusScale = SCALE_READINGDECIMALS; } else { m_dWeightBuffer = m_dWeightBuffer * 10.0 + b - 0x0030; if (m_iStatusScale == SCALE_READINGDECIMALS) { m_dWeightDecimals *= 10.0; } } } } else { // caracteres invalidos, reseteamos. m_dWeightBuffer = 0.0; // se supone que esto debe estar ya garantizado m_dWeightDecimals = 1000.0; m_iStatusScale = SCALE_READY; } } } catch (IOException eIO) {} break; } } }