package; /* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.apache.cassandra.cache.InstrumentingCacheMBean; import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutorMBean; import org.apache.cassandra.config.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStoreMBean; import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionInfo; import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionManagerMBean; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token; import; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.EstimatedHistogram; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair; public class NodeCmd { private static final Pair<String, String> HOST_OPT = new Pair<String, String>("h", "host"); private static final Pair<String, String> PORT_OPT = new Pair<String, String>("p", "port"); private static final Pair<String, String> USERNAME_OPT = new Pair<String, String>("u", "username"); private static final Pair<String, String> PASSWORD_OPT = new Pair<String, String>("pw", "password"); private static final Pair<String, String> TAG_OPT = new Pair<String, String>("t", "tag"); private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 7199; private static ToolOptions options = null; private NodeProbe probe; static { options = new ToolOptions(); options.addOption(HOST_OPT, true, "node hostname or ip address", true); options.addOption(PORT_OPT, true, "remote jmx agent port number"); options.addOption(USERNAME_OPT, true, "remote jmx agent username"); options.addOption(PASSWORD_OPT, true, "remote jmx agent password"); options.addOption(TAG_OPT, true, "optional name to give a snapshot"); } public NodeCmd(NodeProbe probe) { this.probe = probe; } public enum NodeCommand { RING, INFO, CFSTATS, SNAPSHOT, CLEARSNAPSHOT, VERSION, TPSTATS, FLUSH, DRAIN, DECOMMISSION, MOVE, REMOVETOKEN, REPAIR, CLEANUP, COMPACT, SCRUB, SETCACHECAPACITY, GETCOMPACTIONTHRESHOLD, SETCOMPACTIONTHRESHOLD, NETSTATS, CFHISTOGRAMS, COMPACTIONSTATS, DISABLEGOSSIP, ENABLEGOSSIP, INVALIDATEKEYCACHE, INVALIDATEROWCACHE, DISABLETHRIFT, ENABLETHRIFT, STATUSTHRIFT, JOIN, SETCOMPACTIONTHROUGHPUT, GETENDPOINTS, REFRESH } /** * Prints usage information to stdout. */ private static void printUsage() { HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); header.append("\nAvailable commands:\n"); // No args addCmdHelp(header, "ring", "Print informations on the token ring"); addCmdHelp(header, "join", "Join the ring"); addCmdHelp(header, "info", "Print node informations (uptime, load, ...)"); addCmdHelp(header, "cfstats", "Print statistics on column families"); addCmdHelp(header, "version", "Print cassandra version"); addCmdHelp(header, "tpstats", "Print usage statistics of thread pools"); addCmdHelp(header, "drain", "Drain the node (stop accepting writes and flush all column families)"); addCmdHelp(header, "decommission", "Decommission the node"); addCmdHelp(header, "compactionstats", "Print statistics on compactions"); addCmdHelp(header, "disablegossip", "Disable gossip (effectively marking the node dead)"); addCmdHelp(header, "enablegossip", "Reenable gossip"); addCmdHelp(header, "disablethrift", "Disable thrift server"); addCmdHelp(header, "enablethrift", "Reenable thrift server"); addCmdHelp(header, "statusthrift", "Status of thrift server"); // One arg addCmdHelp(header, "netstats [host]", "Print network information on provided host (connecting node by default)"); addCmdHelp(header, "move <new token>", "Move node on the token ring to a new token"); addCmdHelp(header, "removetoken status|force|<token>", "Show status of current token removal, force completion of pending removal or remove providen token"); addCmdHelp(header, "setcompactionthroughput <value_in_mb>", "Set the MB/s throughput cap for compaction in the system, or 0 to disable throttling."); // Two args addCmdHelp(header, "snapshot [keyspaces...] -t [snapshotName]", "Take a snapshot of the specified keyspaces using optional name snapshotName"); addCmdHelp(header, "clearsnapshot [keyspaces...] -t [snapshotName]", "Remove snapshots for the specified keyspaces. Either remove all snapshots or remove the snapshots with the given name."); addCmdHelp(header, "flush [keyspace] [cfnames]", "Flush one or more column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "repair [keyspace] [cfnames]", "Repair one or more column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "cleanup [keyspace] [cfnames]", "Run cleanup on one or more column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "compact [keyspace] [cfnames]", "Force a (major) compaction on one or more column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "scrub [keyspace] [cfnames]", "Scrub (rebuild sstables for) one or more column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "invalidatekeycache [keyspace] [cfnames]", "Invalidate the key cache of one or more column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "invalidaterowcache [keyspace] [cfnames]", "Invalidate the key cache of one or more column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "getcompactionthreshold <keyspace> <cfname>", "Print min and max compaction thresholds for a given column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "cfhistograms <keyspace> <cfname>", "Print statistic histograms for a given column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "refresh <keyspace> <cf-name>", "Load newly placed SSTables to the system without restart."); // Three args addCmdHelp(header, "getendpoints <keyspace> <cf> <key>", "Print the end points that owns the key"); // Four args addCmdHelp(header, "setcachecapacity <keyspace> <cfname> <keycachecapacity> <rowcachecapacity>", "Set the key and row cache capacities of a given column family"); addCmdHelp(header, "setcompactionthreshold <keyspace> <cfname> <minthreshold> <maxthreshold>", "Set the min and max compaction thresholds for a given column family"); String usage = String.format("java %s --host <arg> <command>%n", NodeCmd.class.getName()); hf.printHelp(usage, "", options, ""); System.out.println(header.toString()); } private static void addCmdHelp(StringBuilder sb, String cmd, String description) { sb.append(" ").append(cmd); // Ghetto indentation (trying, but not too hard, to not look too bad) if (cmd.length() <= 20) for (int i = cmd.length(); i < 22; ++i) sb.append(" "); sb.append(" - ").append(description).append("\n"); } /** * Write a textual representation of the Cassandra ring. * * @param outs the stream to write to */ public void printRing(PrintStream outs) { Map<Token, String> tokenToEndpoint = probe.getTokenToEndpointMap(); List<Token> sortedTokens = new ArrayList<Token>(tokenToEndpoint.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedTokens); Collection<String> liveNodes = probe.getLiveNodes(); Collection<String> deadNodes = probe.getUnreachableNodes(); Collection<String> joiningNodes = probe.getJoiningNodes(); Collection<String> leavingNodes = probe.getLeavingNodes(); Collection<String> movingNodes = probe.getMovingNodes(); Map<String, String> loadMap = probe.getLoadMap(); String format = "%-16s%-12s%-12s%-7s%-8s%-16s%-8s%-44s%n"; outs.printf(format, "Address", "DC", "Rack", "Status", "State", "Load", "Owns", "Token"); // show pre-wrap token twice so you can always read a node's range as // (previous line token, current line token] if (sortedTokens.size() > 1) outs.printf(format, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", sortedTokens.get(sortedTokens.size() - 1)); // Calculate per-token ownership of the ring Map<Token, Float> ownerships = probe.getOwnership(); for (Token token : sortedTokens) { String primaryEndpoint = tokenToEndpoint.get(token); String dataCenter; try { dataCenter = probe.getEndpointSnitchInfoProxy().getDatacenter(primaryEndpoint); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { dataCenter = "Unknown"; } String rack; try { rack = probe.getEndpointSnitchInfoProxy().getRack(primaryEndpoint); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { rack = "Unknown"; } String status = liveNodes.contains(primaryEndpoint) ? "Up" : deadNodes.contains(primaryEndpoint) ? "Down" : "?"; String state = "Normal"; if (joiningNodes.contains(primaryEndpoint)) state = "Joining"; else if (leavingNodes.contains(primaryEndpoint)) state = "Leaving"; else if (movingNodes.contains(primaryEndpoint)) state = "Moving"; String load = loadMap.containsKey(primaryEndpoint) ? loadMap.get(primaryEndpoint) : "?"; String owns = new DecimalFormat("##0.00%").format(ownerships.get(token)); outs.printf(format, primaryEndpoint, dataCenter, rack, status, state, load, owns, token); } } public void printThreadPoolStats(PrintStream outs) { outs.printf("%-25s%10s%10s%15s%10s%18s%n", "Pool Name", "Active", "Pending", "Completed", "Blocked", "All time blocked"); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutorMBean>> threads = probe.getThreadPoolMBeanProxies(); while (threads.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutorMBean> thread =; String poolName = thread.getKey(); JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutorMBean threadPoolProxy = thread.getValue(); outs.printf("%-25s%10s%10s%15s%10s%18s%n", poolName, threadPoolProxy.getActiveCount(), threadPoolProxy.getPendingTasks(), threadPoolProxy.getCompletedTasks(), threadPoolProxy.getCurrentlyBlockedTasks(), threadPoolProxy.getTotalBlockedTasks()); } outs.printf("%n%-20s%10s%n", "Message type", "Dropped"); for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : probe.getDroppedMessages().entrySet()) outs.printf("%-20s%10s%n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } /** * Write node information. * * @param outs the stream to write to */ public void printInfo(PrintStream outs) { boolean gossipInitialized = probe.isInitialized(); outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Token", probe.getToken()); outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Gossip active", gossipInitialized); outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Load", probe.getLoadString()); if (gossipInitialized) outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Generation No", probe.getCurrentGenerationNumber()); else outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Generation No", 0); // Uptime long secondsUp = probe.getUptime() / 1000; outs.printf("%-17s: %d%n", "Uptime (seconds)", secondsUp); // Memory usage MemoryUsage heapUsage = probe.getHeapMemoryUsage(); double memUsed = (double)heapUsage.getUsed() / (1024 * 1024); double memMax = (double)heapUsage.getMax() / (1024 * 1024); outs.printf("%-17s: %.2f / %.2f%n", "Heap Memory (MB)", memUsed, memMax); // Data Center/Rack outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Data Center", probe.getDataCenter()); outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Rack", probe.getRack()); // Exceptions outs.printf("%-17s: %s%n", "Exceptions", probe.getExceptionCount()); } public void printReleaseVersion(PrintStream outs) { outs.println("ReleaseVersion: " + probe.getReleaseVersion()); } public void printNetworkStats(final InetAddress addr, PrintStream outs) { outs.printf("Mode: %s%n", probe.getOperationMode()); Set<InetAddress> hosts = addr == null ? probe.getStreamDestinations() : new HashSet<InetAddress>(){{add(addr);}}; if (hosts.size() == 0) outs.println("Not sending any streams."); for (InetAddress host : hosts) { try { List<String> files = probe.getFilesDestinedFor(host); if (files.size() > 0) { outs.printf("Streaming to: %s%n", host); for (String file : files) outs.printf(" %s%n", file); } else { outs.printf(" Nothing streaming to %s%n", host); } } catch (IOException ex) { outs.printf(" Error retrieving file data for %s%n", host); } } hosts = addr == null ? probe.getStreamSources() : new HashSet<InetAddress>(){{add(addr); }}; if (hosts.size() == 0) outs.println("Not receiving any streams."); for (InetAddress host : hosts) { try { List<String> files = probe.getIncomingFiles(host); if (files.size() > 0) { outs.printf("Streaming from: %s%n", host); for (String file : files) outs.printf(" %s%n", file); } else { outs.printf(" Nothing streaming from %s%n", host); } } catch (IOException ex) { outs.printf(" Error retrieving file data for %s%n", host); } } MessagingServiceMBean ms = probe.msProxy; outs.printf("%-25s", "Pool Name"); outs.printf("%10s", "Active"); outs.printf("%10s", "Pending"); outs.printf("%15s%n", "Completed"); int pending; long completed; pending = 0; for (int n : ms.getCommandPendingTasks().values()) pending += n; completed = 0; for (long n : ms.getCommandCompletedTasks().values()) completed += n; outs.printf("%-25s%10s%10s%15s%n", "Commands", "n/a", pending, completed); pending = 0; for (int n : ms.getResponsePendingTasks().values()) pending += n; completed = 0; for (long n : ms.getResponseCompletedTasks().values()) completed += n; outs.printf("%-25s%10s%10s%15s%n", "Responses", "n/a", pending, completed); } public void printCompactionStats(PrintStream outs) { CompactionManagerMBean cm = probe.getCompactionManagerProxy(); outs.println("pending tasks: " + cm.getPendingTasks()); if (cm.getCompactions().size() > 0) outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%n", "compaction type", "keyspace", "column family", "bytes compacted", "bytes total", "progress"); for (CompactionInfo c : cm.getCompactions()) { String percentComplete = c.getTotalBytes() == 0 ? "n/a" : new DecimalFormat("0.00").format((double) c.getBytesComplete() / c.getTotalBytes() * 100) + "%"; outs.printf("%25s%16s%16s%16s%16s%10s%n", c.getTaskType(), c.getKeyspace(), c.getColumnFamily(), c.getBytesComplete(), c.getTotalBytes(), percentComplete); } } public void printColumnFamilyStats(PrintStream outs) { Map <String, List <ColumnFamilyStoreMBean>> cfstoreMap = new HashMap <String, List <ColumnFamilyStoreMBean>>(); // get a list of column family stores Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ColumnFamilyStoreMBean>> cfamilies = probe.getColumnFamilyStoreMBeanProxies(); while (cfamilies.hasNext()) { Entry<String, ColumnFamilyStoreMBean> entry =; String tableName = entry.getKey(); ColumnFamilyStoreMBean cfsProxy = entry.getValue(); if (!cfstoreMap.containsKey(tableName)) { List<ColumnFamilyStoreMBean> columnFamilies = new ArrayList<ColumnFamilyStoreMBean>(); columnFamilies.add(cfsProxy); cfstoreMap.put(tableName, columnFamilies); } else { cfstoreMap.get(tableName).add(cfsProxy); } } // print out the table statistics for (Entry<String, List<ColumnFamilyStoreMBean>> entry : cfstoreMap.entrySet()) { String tableName = entry.getKey(); List<ColumnFamilyStoreMBean> columnFamilies = entry.getValue(); long tableReadCount = 0; long tableWriteCount = 0; int tablePendingTasks = 0; double tableTotalReadTime = 0.0f; double tableTotalWriteTime = 0.0f; outs.println("Keyspace: " + tableName); for (ColumnFamilyStoreMBean cfstore : columnFamilies) { long writeCount = cfstore.getWriteCount(); long readCount = cfstore.getReadCount(); if (readCount > 0) { tableReadCount += readCount; tableTotalReadTime += cfstore.getTotalReadLatencyMicros(); } if (writeCount > 0) { tableWriteCount += writeCount; tableTotalWriteTime += cfstore.getTotalWriteLatencyMicros(); } tablePendingTasks += cfstore.getPendingTasks(); } double tableReadLatency = tableReadCount > 0 ? tableTotalReadTime / tableReadCount / 1000 : Double.NaN; double tableWriteLatency = tableWriteCount > 0 ? tableTotalWriteTime / tableWriteCount / 1000 : Double.NaN; outs.println("\tRead Count: " + tableReadCount); outs.println("\tRead Latency: " + String.format("%s", tableReadLatency) + " ms."); outs.println("\tWrite Count: " + tableWriteCount); outs.println("\tWrite Latency: " + String.format("%s", tableWriteLatency) + " ms."); outs.println("\tPending Tasks: " + tablePendingTasks); // print out column family statistics for this table for (ColumnFamilyStoreMBean cfstore : columnFamilies) { outs.println("\t\tColumn Family: " + cfstore.getColumnFamilyName()); outs.println("\t\tSSTable count: " + cfstore.getLiveSSTableCount()); outs.println("\t\tSpace used (live): " + cfstore.getLiveDiskSpaceUsed()); outs.println("\t\tSpace used (total): " + cfstore.getTotalDiskSpaceUsed()); outs.println("\t\tNumber of Keys (estimate): " + cfstore.estimateKeys()); outs.println("\t\tMemtable Columns Count: " + cfstore.getMemtableColumnsCount()); outs.println("\t\tMemtable Data Size: " + cfstore.getMemtableDataSize()); outs.println("\t\tMemtable Switch Count: " + cfstore.getMemtableSwitchCount()); outs.println("\t\tRead Count: " + cfstore.getReadCount()); outs.println("\t\tRead Latency: " + String.format("%01.3f", cfstore.getRecentReadLatencyMicros() / 1000) + " ms."); outs.println("\t\tWrite Count: " + cfstore.getWriteCount()); outs.println("\t\tWrite Latency: " + String.format("%01.3f", cfstore.getRecentWriteLatencyMicros() / 1000) + " ms."); outs.println("\t\tPending Tasks: " + cfstore.getPendingTasks()); InstrumentingCacheMBean keyCacheMBean = probe.getKeyCacheMBean(tableName, cfstore.getColumnFamilyName()); if (keyCacheMBean.getCapacity() > 0) { outs.println("\t\tKey cache capacity: " + keyCacheMBean.getCapacity()); outs.println("\t\tKey cache size: " + keyCacheMBean.getSize()); outs.println("\t\tKey cache hit rate: " + keyCacheMBean.getRecentHitRate()); } else { outs.println("\t\tKey cache: disabled"); } InstrumentingCacheMBean rowCacheMBean = probe.getRowCacheMBean(tableName, cfstore.getColumnFamilyName()); if (rowCacheMBean.getCapacity() > 0) { outs.println("\t\tRow cache capacity: " + rowCacheMBean.getCapacity()); outs.println("\t\tRow cache size: " + rowCacheMBean.getSize()); outs.println("\t\tRow cache hit rate: " + rowCacheMBean.getRecentHitRate()); } else { outs.println("\t\tRow cache: disabled"); } outs.println("\t\tCompacted row minimum size: " + cfstore.getMinRowSize()); outs.println("\t\tCompacted row maximum size: " + cfstore.getMaxRowSize()); outs.println("\t\tCompacted row mean size: " + cfstore.getMeanRowSize()); outs.println(""); } outs.println("----------------"); } } public void printRemovalStatus(PrintStream outs) { outs.println("RemovalStatus: " + probe.getRemovalStatus()); } private void printCfHistograms(String keySpace, String columnFamily, PrintStream output) { ColumnFamilyStoreMBean store = this.probe.getCfsProxy(keySpace, columnFamily); // default is 90 offsets long[] offsets = new EstimatedHistogram().getBucketOffsets(); long[] rrlh = store.getRecentReadLatencyHistogramMicros(); long[] rwlh = store.getRecentWriteLatencyHistogramMicros(); long[] sprh = store.getRecentSSTablesPerReadHistogram(); long[] ersh = store.getEstimatedRowSizeHistogram(); long[] ecch = store.getEstimatedColumnCountHistogram(); output.println(String.format("%s/%s histograms", keySpace, columnFamily)); output.println(String.format("%-10s%10s%18s%18s%18s%18s", "Offset", "SSTables", "Write Latency", "Read Latency", "Row Size", "Column Count")); for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) { output.println(String.format("%-10d%10s%18s%18s%18s%18s", offsets[i], (i < sprh.length ? sprh[i] : ""), (i < rwlh.length ? rrlh[i] : ""), (i < rrlh.length ? rwlh[i] : ""), (i < ersh.length ? ersh[i] : ""), (i < ecch.length ? ecch[i] : ""))); } } private void printEndPoints(String keySpace, String cf, String key, PrintStream output) { List<InetAddress> endpoints = this.probe.getEndpoints(keySpace, cf, key); for (InetAddress anEndpoint : endpoints) { output.println(anEndpoint.getHostAddress()); } } private void printIsThriftServerRunning(PrintStream outs) { outs.println(probe.isThriftServerRunning() ? "running" : "not running"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ConfigurationException, ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); ToolCommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = new ToolCommandLine(parser.parse(options, args)); } catch (ParseException p) { badUse(p.getMessage()); } String host = cmd.getOptionValue(HOST_OPT.left); int port = DEFAULT_PORT; String portNum = cmd.getOptionValue(PORT_OPT.left); if (portNum != null) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(portNum); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("Port must be a number"); } } String username = cmd.getOptionValue(USERNAME_OPT.left); String password = cmd.getOptionValue(PASSWORD_OPT.left); NodeProbe probe = null; try { probe = username == null ? new NodeProbe(host, port) : new NodeProbe(host, port, username, password); } catch (IOException ioe) { err(ioe, "Error connection to remote JMX agent!"); } NodeCommand command = null; try { command = cmd.getCommand(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { badUse(e.getMessage()); } NodeCmd nodeCmd = new NodeCmd(probe); // Execute the requested command. String[] arguments = cmd.getCommandArguments(); switch (command) { case RING : nodeCmd.printRing(System.out); break; case INFO : nodeCmd.printInfo(System.out); break; case CFSTATS : nodeCmd.printColumnFamilyStats(System.out); break; case DECOMMISSION : probe.decommission(); break; case TPSTATS : nodeCmd.printThreadPoolStats(System.out); break; case VERSION : nodeCmd.printReleaseVersion(System.out); break; case COMPACTIONSTATS : nodeCmd.printCompactionStats(System.out); break; case DISABLEGOSSIP : probe.stopGossiping(); break; case ENABLEGOSSIP : probe.startGossiping(); break; case DISABLETHRIFT : probe.stopThriftServer(); break; case ENABLETHRIFT : probe.startThriftServer(); break; case STATUSTHRIFT : nodeCmd.printIsThriftServerRunning(System.out); break; case DRAIN : try { probe.drain(); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { err(ee, "Error occured during flushing"); } break; case NETSTATS : if (arguments.length > 0) { nodeCmd.printNetworkStats(InetAddress.getByName(arguments[0]), System.out); } else { nodeCmd.printNetworkStats(null, System.out); } break; case SNAPSHOT : case CLEARSNAPSHOT : String tag = cmd.getOptionValue(TAG_OPT.left); handleSnapshots(command, tag, arguments, probe); break; case MOVE : if (arguments.length != 1) { badUse("Missing token argument for move."); } probe.move(arguments[0]); break; case JOIN: if (probe.isJoined()) { System.err.println("This node has already joined the ring."); System.exit(1); } probe.joinRing(); break; case SETCOMPACTIONTHROUGHPUT : if (arguments.length != 1) { badUse("Missing value argument."); } probe.setCompactionThroughput(Integer.valueOf(arguments[0])); break; case REMOVETOKEN : if (arguments.length != 1) { badUse("Missing an argument for removetoken (either status, force, or a token)"); } else if (arguments[0].equals("status")) { nodeCmd.printRemovalStatus(System.out); } else if (arguments[0].equals("force")) { nodeCmd.printRemovalStatus(System.out); probe.forceRemoveCompletion(); } else { probe.removeToken(arguments[0]); } break; case CLEANUP : case COMPACT : case REPAIR : case FLUSH : case SCRUB : case INVALIDATEKEYCACHE : case INVALIDATEROWCACHE : optionalKSandCFs(command, arguments, probe); break; case GETCOMPACTIONTHRESHOLD : if (arguments.length != 2) { badUse("getcompactionthreshold requires ks and cf args."); } probe.getCompactionThreshold(System.out, arguments[0], arguments[1]); break; case CFHISTOGRAMS : if (arguments.length != 2) { badUse("cfhistograms requires ks and cf args"); } nodeCmd.printCfHistograms(arguments[0], arguments[1], System.out); break; case SETCACHECAPACITY : if (arguments.length != 4) { badUse("setcachecapacity requires ks, cf, keycachecap, and rowcachecap args."); } probe.setCacheCapacities(arguments[0], arguments[1], Integer.parseInt(arguments[2]), Integer.parseInt(arguments[3])); break; case SETCOMPACTIONTHRESHOLD : if (arguments.length != 4) { badUse("setcompactionthreshold requires ks, cf, min, and max threshold args."); } int minthreshold = Integer.parseInt(arguments[2]); int maxthreshold = Integer.parseInt(arguments[3]); if ((minthreshold < 0) || (maxthreshold < 0)) { badUse("Thresholds must be positive integers"); } if (minthreshold > maxthreshold) { badUse("Min threshold cannot be greater than max."); } if (minthreshold < 2 && maxthreshold != 0) { badUse("Min threshold must be at least 2"); } probe.setCompactionThreshold(arguments[0], arguments[1], minthreshold, maxthreshold); break; case GETENDPOINTS : if (arguments.length != 3) { badUse("getendpoints requires ks, cf and key args"); } nodeCmd.printEndPoints(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], System.out); break; case REFRESH: if (arguments.length != 2) { badUse("load_new_sstables requires ks and cf args"); } probe.loadNewSSTables(arguments[0], arguments[1]); break; default : throw new RuntimeException("Unreachable code."); } System.exit(0); } private static void badUse(String useStr) { System.err.println(useStr); printUsage(); System.exit(1); } private static void err(Exception e, String errStr) { System.err.println(errStr); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(3); } private static void complainNonzeroArgs(String[] args, NodeCommand cmd) { if (args.length > 0) { System.err.println("Too many arguments for command '"+cmd.toString()+"'."); printUsage(); System.exit(1); } } private static void handleSnapshots(NodeCommand nc, String tag, String[] cmdArgs, NodeProbe probe) throws InterruptedException, IOException { String[] keyspaces = Arrays.copyOfRange(cmdArgs, 0, cmdArgs.length); System.out.print("Requested snapshot for: "); if ( keyspaces.length > 0 ) { for (int i = 0; i < keyspaces.length; i++) System.out.print(keyspaces[i] + " "); } else { System.out.print("all keyspaces"); } System.out.println(); switch (nc) { case SNAPSHOT : if (tag == null || tag.equals("")) tag = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString(); probe.takeSnapshot(tag, keyspaces); System.out.println("Snapshot directory: " + tag); break; case CLEARSNAPSHOT : probe.clearSnapshot(tag, keyspaces); break; } } private static void optionalKSandCFs(NodeCommand nc, String[] cmdArgs, NodeProbe probe) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // if there is one additional arg, it's the keyspace; more are columnfamilies List<String> keyspaces = cmdArgs.length == 0 ? probe.getKeyspaces() : Arrays.asList(cmdArgs[0]); for (String keyspace : keyspaces) { if (!probe.getKeyspaces().contains(keyspace)) { System.err.println("Keyspace [" + keyspace + "] does not exist."); System.exit(1); } } // second loop so we're less likely to die halfway through due to invalid keyspace for (String keyspace : keyspaces) { String[] columnFamilies = cmdArgs.length <= 1 ? new String[0] : Arrays.copyOfRange(cmdArgs, 1, cmdArgs.length); switch (nc) { case REPAIR : probe.forceTableRepair(keyspace, columnFamilies); break; case INVALIDATEKEYCACHE : probe.invalidateKeyCaches(keyspace, columnFamilies); break; case INVALIDATEROWCACHE : probe.invalidateRowCaches(keyspace, columnFamilies); break; case FLUSH : try { probe.forceTableFlush(keyspace, columnFamilies); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { err(ee, "Error occured during flushing"); } break; case COMPACT : try { probe.forceTableCompaction(keyspace, columnFamilies); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { err(ee, "Error occured during compaction"); } break; case CLEANUP : if (keyspace.equals("system")) { break; } // Skip cleanup on system cfs. try { probe.forceTableCleanup(keyspace, columnFamilies); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { err(ee, "Error occured during cleanup"); } break; case SCRUB : try { probe.scrub(keyspace, columnFamilies); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { err(ee, "Error occured while scrubbing keyspace " + keyspace); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unreachable code."); } } } private static class ToolOptions extends Options { public void addOption(Pair<String, String> opts, boolean hasArgument, String description) { addOption(opts, hasArgument, description, false); } public void addOption(Pair<String, String> opts, boolean hasArgument, String description, boolean required) { addOption(opts.left, opts.right, hasArgument, description, required); } public void addOption(String opt, String longOpt, boolean hasArgument, String description, boolean required) { Option option = new Option(opt, longOpt, hasArgument, description); option.setRequired(required); addOption(option); } } private static class ToolCommandLine { private final CommandLine commandLine; public ToolCommandLine(CommandLine commands) { commandLine = commands; } public Option[] getOptions() { return commandLine.getOptions(); } public boolean hasOption(String opt) { return commandLine.hasOption(opt); } public String getOptionValue(String opt) { return commandLine.getOptionValue(opt); } public NodeCommand getCommand() { if (commandLine.getArgs().length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command was not specified."); String command = commandLine.getArgs()[0]; try { return NodeCommand.valueOf(command.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized command: " + command); } } public String[] getCommandArguments() { List params = commandLine.getArgList(); if (params.size() < 2) // command parameters are empty return new String[0]; String[] toReturn = new String[params.size() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < params.size(); i++) toReturn[i - 1] = (String) params.get(i); return toReturn; } } }