package; import com.kritsit.casetracker.client.domain.factory.ServiceFactory; import com.kritsit.casetracker.shared.domain.model.Case; import com.kritsit.casetracker.shared.domain.model.Defendant; import com.kritsit.casetracker.shared.domain.model.Evidence; import com.kritsit.casetracker.shared.domain.model.Incident; import com.kritsit.casetracker.shared.domain.model.Permission; import com.kritsit.casetracker.shared.domain.model.Person; import com.kritsit.casetracker.shared.domain.model.Staff; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ServerConnectionIT extends TestCase { String host = "localhost"; int port = 1244; IConnectionService connection; public ServerConnectionIT(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(ServerConnectionIT.class); } public void setUp() { connection = ServiceFactory.getServerConnection(); } public void testConnection_PortOutOfBounds() { try {, 65555); fail("IllegalArgumentException expected"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { assertEquals("Port must be in range", ex.getMessage()); } } public void testConnection_UnknownHostException() { try {"ThisIsNotAValidHost", port); fail("IllegalArgumentException expected"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { assertEquals("Host not found", ex.getMessage()); } } public void testConnection_Succeed() { assertTrue(, port)); } public void testLogin_Correct() {, port); assertTrue(connection.login("inspector", "inspector".hashCode())); } public void testLogin_Incorrect() {, port); assertFalse(connection.login("test", "".hashCode())); } public void testGetUser() {, port); assertNotNull(connection.getUser("inspector", "inspector".hashCode())); } public void testGetCases_NoUser() {, port); List<Case> caseList = connection.getCases(null); assertNotNull(caseList); } public void testGetCases_User() {, port); Staff user = new Staff("inspector", "test", "inspector", "department", "position", Permission.EDITOR); List<Case> caseList = connection.getCases(user); assertNotNull(caseList); } public void testGetInspectors() {, port); assertNotNull(connection.getInspectors()); } public void testGetLastCaseNumber() {, port); assertFalse("0000-00-0000".equals(connection.getLastCaseNumber())); } public void testAddCase() {, port); String caseNumber = connection.getLastCaseNumber(); String[] parts = caseNumber.split("-"); int nextNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]) + 1; String nextSequenceNumber = String.format("%04d", nextNumber); caseNumber = parts[0] + "-" + parts[1] + "-" + nextSequenceNumber; String caseName = "test case"; String description = "Something happened"; String animalsInvolved = "Some animals"; Staff investigatingOfficer = new Staff("inspector", "inspector", "inspector", "department","position", Permission.EDITOR); LocalDate incidentDate = LocalDate.parse("2015-03-02"); LocalDate followUpDate = LocalDate.parse("2015-03-08"); Incident incident = new Incident(-1, "some address", "Western Cape", incidentDate, followUpDate, true); Defendant defendant = new Defendant(-1, null, "Mr", "Test", "asd s", null, null, false); Person complainant = new Person(-1, null, "Mrs", "Test", "sad s", null, null); boolean isReturnVisit = false; String caseType = "testing"; File evidenceFile = new File("src/test/resources/file-test.txt"); List<Evidence> evidence = new ArrayList<>(); evidence.add(new Evidence(-1, "Test evidence", null, evidenceFile)); Case c = new Case(caseNumber, caseName, description, animalsInvolved, investigatingOfficer, incident, defendant, complainant, null, evidence, isReturnVisit, null, caseType, null); assertTrue(connection.addCase(c)); } public void testEditCase() {, port); String caseNumber = connection.getLastCaseNumber(); String caseName = "test case"; String description = "Something happened"; String animalsInvolved = "Some animals"; Staff investigatingOfficer = new Staff("inspector", "inspector", "inspector", "department","position", Permission.EDITOR); LocalDate incidentDate = LocalDate.parse("2015-03-02"); LocalDate followUpDate = LocalDate.parse("2015-03-08"); Incident incident = new Incident(-1, "some address", "Western Cape", incidentDate, followUpDate, true); Defendant defendant = new Defendant(-1, null, "Mr", "Test", "asd s", null, null, false); Person complainant = new Person(-1, null, "Mrs", "Test", "sad s", null, null); boolean isReturnVisit = false; String caseType = "testing"; File evidenceFile = new File("src/test/resources/file-test.txt"); List<Evidence> evidence = new ArrayList<>(); evidence.add(new Evidence(2, "Test evidence", null, evidenceFile)); Case c = new Case(caseNumber, caseName, description, animalsInvolved, investigatingOfficer, incident, defendant, complainant, null, evidence, isReturnVisit, null, caseType, null); assertTrue(connection.editCase(c)); } public void testAddUser(){, port); String username = "johndoe"; String firstname = "John"; String lastname = "Doe"; String department = "IT"; String position = "admin"; Permission permission = Permission.ADMIN; Staff staff = new Staff(username, firstname, lastname, department, position, permission); assertTrue(connection.addUser(staff)); } public void testEditUser(){, port); String username = "johndoe"; String firstname = "John"; String lastname = "Doe"; String department = "IT"; String position = "admin"; Permission permission = Permission.ADMIN; Staff staff = new Staff(username, firstname, lastname, department, position, permission); assertTrue(connection.editUser(staff)); } public void testDeleteUser(){, port); String username = "johndoe"; assertTrue(connection.deleteUser(username)); } public void testResetPass(){, port); setUpUser("johndoe", 1234); String username = "johndoe"; int hashedRandomPass = 1234; assertTrue(connection.resetPassword(username, hashedRandomPass)); assertTrue(connection.login(username, hashedRandomPass)); } public void testChangePass(){, port); setUpUser("johndoe", 1234); String username = "johndoe"; int currentHashedPass = 1234; int newHashedPass = 4321; assertTrue(connection.changePassword(username, currentHashedPass, newHashedPass)); } public void testCheckForUpdate() {, port); boolean updateRequired = connection.checkForUpdate("0.0.0-ALPHA"); assertTrue(updateRequired); } private void setUpUser(String username, int passwordHash) { String firstname = "John"; String lastname = "Doe"; String department = "IT"; String position = "admin"; Permission permission = Permission.ADMIN; Staff staff = new Staff(username, firstname, lastname, department, position, permission); connection.addUser(staff); connection.resetPassword(username, passwordHash); } public void tearDown() throws IOException { ServiceFactory.resetServerConnection(); if (connection.isOpen()) { connection.deleteUser("johndoe"); connection.close(); } File evidenceFile = new File("../server/data/"); if (evidenceFile.exists()) { delete(evidenceFile); } } private void delete(File f) throws IOException { if (f.isDirectory()) { for (File c : f.listFiles()) { delete(c); } } if (!f.delete()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to delete file: " + f); } } }