package; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.util.Log; public class TaxPresumedProfitTest extends AndroidTestCase { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testContructorsWithoutParameters() throws Throwable { //Get class object Class<LucroPresumido> clazz = LucroPresumido.class; //Get constructors Constructor<?>[] constructors = clazz.getConstructors(); //Log how many constructors have Log.e("TEST_CT-PJ", "Number of contructors is " + constructors.length); //Checking if have some constructor without parameters for (Constructor<?> c : constructors) { //Get parameters type Class<?>[] parameters = c.getParameterTypes(); //Log how many parameters have Log.e("TEST_CT-PJ", "Contructor with " + parameters.length + " parameters"); //Checking if have more than zero parameters assertTrue(parameters.length>0); } } public void testCofinsValue() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 2.4f; //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the cofins value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getCofinsMensal(), 150.0); } public void testCsllMonthlyValue() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 2.4f; //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the monthly csll value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getCsllMensal(), 50.0); } public void testCsllQuarterlyValue() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 2.4f; //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the quarterly csll value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getCsllTrimetral(), 94.0); } public void testIrpjMonthlyValue() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 2.4f; // //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the monthly irpj value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getIrpjMensal(), 75.0); } public void testIrpjQuarterlyValueWithTwoDotFourIrpjPercentage() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 2.4f; //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the quarterly irpj value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getIrpjTrimestral(), 45.0); } public void testIrpjQuarterlyValueWithFourDotEightIrpjPercentage() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 4.8f; //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the quarterly irpj value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getIrpjTrimestral(), 165.0); } public void testPisValue() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage // float percIRPJ = 2.4f; // // //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the monthly irpj value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getPisMensal(), 32.5); } public void testIssValue() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 2.4f; //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the monthly irpj value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getIssMensal(), 100.0); } public void testGetTotalDiscountValue() { //Defining gross value double grossValue = 5000; //Defining IRPJ percentage float percIRPJ = 2.4f; //Creating taxation object // Tributo tax = new TributoLucroPresumido(grossValue, percIRPJ); // // //Checking the monthly irpj value // assertEquals( ((TributoLucroPresumido) tax).getValorTotalDescontos(), 407.5); } public void testSetters() { //Get class object // Class<TributoLucroPresumido> clazz = TributoLucroPresumido.class; // // //Get methods // Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); // // //Create a array of private methods // ArrayList<Method> methodsPrivate = new ArrayList<Method>(); // // //Feeding the methodsPrivate whit setters methods // for (Method m : methods) { // if (m.getName().substring(0, 3).equals("set")) { // methodsPrivate.add(m); // } // } // // //Checking if modifiers of setters are only private // for (Method m : methodsPrivate) { // Log.e("TEST_CT-PJ", "Method " + m.getName() + " have the modifier " + m.getModifiers()); // assertEquals(Modifier.PRIVATE, m.getModifiers()); // } } }