package com.mattc.autotyper.robot; import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.*; import com.mattc.autotyper.Autotyper; import com.mattc.autotyper.Parameters; import com.mattc.autotyper.meta.FXCompatible; import com.mattc.autotyper.meta.SwingCompatible; import com.mattc.autotyper.util.Console; import org.jnativehook.keyboard.NativeKeyListener; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; /** * Mimics the Keyboard to a large extent. <br /> * <br /> * Makes extensive use of {@link Robot}, JNativeHooks and switching between * KeyboardMode's to mimic user input after being given a character, String or File. * To make use of JNativeHooks, Keyboard does implement {@link NativeKeyListener} but * must be manually registered. <br /> * <br /> * Making use of {@link KeyboardMode}, this Keyboard can exist in 1 of 3 states: * ACTIVE, PAUSED, or INACTIVE. ACTIVE means the keyboard is currently typing. * INACTIVE means the keyboard is not typing nor in the middle of a typing action, * and PAUSED means the Keyboard is not typing, but IS in the middle of a session. * * @author Matthew */ @FXCompatible @SwingCompatible class SwingKeyboard extends Keyboard { private final Robot robo; private Methodology method; /** * Create an instance of Keyboard with the given delay between Key Presses. * * @param actionDelay */ SwingKeyboard(int actionDelay) { try { actionDelay = Math.max(actionDelay, Parameters.MIN_DELAY); this.robo = new Robot(); this.robo.setAutoDelay(actionDelay); this.robo.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); } catch (final AWTException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create java.awt.Robot!", e); } } /** * Type a Single Character * * @param c */ @Override public void type(char c) { // A bit verbose, but necessary. switch (c) { case 'a': doType(VK_A); break; case 'b': doType(VK_B); break; case 'c': doType(VK_C); break; case 'd': doType(VK_D); break; case 'e': doType(VK_E); break; case 'f': doType(VK_F); break; case 'g': doType(VK_G); break; case 'h': doType(VK_H); break; case 'i': doType(VK_I); break; case 'j': doType(VK_J); break; case 'k': doType(VK_K); break; case 'l': doType(VK_L); break; case 'm': doType(VK_M); break; case 'n': doType(VK_N); break; case 'o': doType(VK_O); break; case 'p': doType(VK_P); break; case 'q': doType(VK_Q); break; case 'r': doType(VK_R); break; case 's': doType(VK_S); break; case 't': doType(VK_T); break; case 'u': doType(VK_U); break; case 'v': doType(VK_V); break; case 'w': doType(VK_W); break; case 'x': doType(VK_X); break; case 'y': doType(VK_Y); break; case 'z': doType(VK_Z); break; case 'A': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_A); break; case 'B': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_B); break; case 'C': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_C); break; case 'D': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_D); break; case 'E': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_E); break; case 'F': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_F); break; case 'G': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_G); break; case 'H': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_H); break; case 'I': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_I); break; case 'J': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_J); break; case 'K': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_K); break; case 'L': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_L); break; case 'M': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_M); break; case 'N': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_N); break; case 'O': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_O); break; case 'P': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_P); break; case 'Q': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_Q); break; case 'R': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_R); break; case 'S': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_S); break; case 'T': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_T); break; case 'U': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_U); break; case 'V': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_V); break; case 'W': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_W); break; case 'X': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_X); break; case 'Y': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_Y); break; case 'Z': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_Z); break; case '`': doType(VK_BACK_QUOTE); break; case '0': doType(VK_0); break; case '1': doType(VK_1); break; case '2': doType(VK_2); break; case '3': doType(VK_3); break; case '4': doType(VK_4); break; case '5': doType(VK_5); break; case '6': doType(VK_6); break; case '7': doType(VK_7); break; case '8': doType(VK_8); break; case '9': doType(VK_9); break; case '-': doType(VK_MINUS); break; case '=': doType(VK_EQUALS); break; case '~': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_BACK_QUOTE); break; case '!': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_1); break; case '@': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_1); break; case '#': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_3); break; case '$': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_4); break; case '%': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_5); break; case '^': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_6); break; case '&': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_7); break; case '*': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_8); break; case '(': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_9); break; case ')': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_0); break; case '_': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_MINUS); break; case '+': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_EQUALS); break; case '\t': doType(VK_TAB); break; case '\n': doType(VK_ENTER); break; case '\r': doType(VK_ENTER); break; case '[': doType(VK_OPEN_BRACKET); break; case ']': doType(VK_CLOSE_BRACKET); break; case '\\': doType(VK_BACK_SLASH); break; case '{': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_OPEN_BRACKET); break; case '}': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_CLOSE_BRACKET); break; case '|': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_BACK_SLASH); break; case ';': doType(VK_SEMICOLON); break; case ':': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_SEMICOLON); break; case '\'': doType(VK_QUOTE); break; case '"': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_QUOTE); break; case ',': doType(VK_COMMA); break; case '<': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_COMMA); break; case '.': doType(VK_PERIOD); break; case '>': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_PERIOD); break; case '/': doType(VK_SLASH); break; case '?': doType(VK_SHIFT, VK_SLASH); break; case ' ': doType(VK_SPACE); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot type character " + c); } } /** * Type an entire String out, prints character by character to mimic user input. * * @param text */ @Override public void type(String text) { method.typeLine(text); } /** * Take an entire file and type the entirety of it's contents. This will print * character by character to mimic user input. * * @param f * @throws IOException */ @Override public void typeFile(File f) throws IOException { method.typeFile(f); } /** * Alter the delay between key presses in milliseconds * * @param delay */ @Override public void setInputDelay(int delay) { this.robo.setAutoDelay(Math.max(delay, Parameters.MIN_DELAY)); } /** * Get the delay between key presses in milliseconds * * @return */ @Override public int getInputDelay() { return this.robo.getAutoDelay(); } /** * Get the current state of the Keyboard * * @return */ @Override public KeyboardMode getKeyboardMode() { return this.method.mode(); } /** * Take a picture of the User's entire desktop and save it to * cc-autotyper-crash.png <br /> * <br /> * This would be used in the case of an Uncaught Exception but currently is * unused. */ @Override public void writeCrashImage() { try { final File crashFile = new File("logs", "cc-autotyper-crash.png"); final BufferedImage img = this.robo.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize())); ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", crashFile); } catch (final IOException e) { Console.exception(e); } } @Override public void setMethod(Methodology method) { if (this.method != null) Autotyper.unregisterGlobalKeyListener(this.method); this.method = method; Autotyper.registerGlobalKeyListener(this.method); } @Override void press(int code) { robo.keyPress(code); } @Override void release(int code) { robo.keyRelease(code); } /** * Internal Method for pressing keys. Very convenient for Key Strokes. (i.e. * Shift + 1 to get !). <br /> * <br /> * See {@link #doType(int[], int, int)} * * @param keycodes */ void doType(int... keycodes) { doType(keycodes, 0, keycodes.length); } /** * Recursively Press and Release Keys to mimic Key Strokes. * * @param codes * @param offset * @param length */ private void doType(int[] codes, int offset, int length) { if (length == 0) return; this.robo.keyPress(codes[offset]); doType(codes, offset + 1, length - 1); this.robo.keyRelease(codes[offset]); } @Override public void destroy() { this.method.destroy(); Autotyper.unregisterGlobalKeyListener(method); } }