package ch.unibe.scg.cells; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Helper methods that help with Iterables of cells. */ public enum Cells { ; // Don't instantiate /** Implementation of {@link breakIntoRows}. */ private static class Rows<T> extends UnmodifiableIterator<OneShotIterable<Cell<T>>> { /** Row to be returned on {@link #next}. */ private List<Cell<T>> cur; /** The cell just behind `cur` in `iter`. */ private Cell<T> next; final Iterator<Cell<T>> iter; Rows(Iterator<Cell<T>> iter) { this.iter = iter; if (iter.hasNext()) { next =; } forward(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return cur != null; } @Override public OneShotIterable<Cell<T>> next() { if (!hasNext()) { // Demanded by Iterator contract. throw new NoSuchElementException(); } Iterable<Cell<T>> ret = cur; forward(); return new AdapterOneShotIterable<>(ret); } /** Assume next is set. Read in a row. Move `next` *past* row `cur`. */ final void forward() { // final because it's called by constructor. cur = null; if (next == null) { return; } cur = new ArrayList<>(); do { cur.add(next); // Pull in next. If you can't, set next to null. next = null; if (iter.hasNext()) { next =; } // If next fits into cur, loop. } while (next != null && next.getRowKey().equals(cur.get(0).getRowKey())); } } /** Wrapper of {@code cellTable} that returns decoded rows */ public static <T> LookupTable<T> decodedTable(final CellLookupTable<T> cellTable, final Codec<T> codec) { return new LookupTable<T>() { final static private long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Iterable<T> readRow(ByteString rowKey) throws IOException { return decode(cellTable.readRow(rowKey), codec); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { cellTable.close(); } @Override public Iterable<T> readColumn(ByteString columnKey) throws IOException { return decode(cellTable.readColumn(columnKey), codec); } }; } /** In case of a IOException, the iterator will throw an unchecked {@link EncodingException}. */ public static <T> Iterable<T> decode(final Iterable<Cell<T>> row, final Codec<T> codec) { return Iterables.transform(row, new Function<Cell<T>, T>() { @Override public T apply(Cell<T> cell) { try { return codec.decode(cell); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: Choose better exception. throw new EncodingException(e); } } }); } /** @return the cell encoding of {@code objs}. */ public static <T> Iterable<Cell<T>> encode(Iterable<T> objs, Codec<T> codec) { List<Cell<T>> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (T o : objs) { ret.add(codec.encode(o)); } return ret; } /** * Decode source using codec. * In case of a IOException, the iterator will throw an unchecked {@link EncodingException}. */ public static <T> Source<T> decodeSource(final CellSource<T> source, final Codec<T> codec) { return new Source<T>() { final private static long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Iterator<Iterable<T>> iterator() { Iterable<Cell<T>> flatSource = Collections.emptyList(); try { for (int i = 0; i < source.nShards(); i++) { flatSource = Iterables.concat(flatSource, source.getShard(i)); } } catch (IOException e) { // Unchecked because iterables can't throw. throw new RuntimeException("Error decoding " + source, e); } return Iterables.transform(Cells.breakIntoRows(flatSource), new Function<Iterable<Cell<T>>, Iterable<T>>() { @Override public Iterable<T> apply(Iterable<Cell<T>> encodedRow) { return decode(encodedRow, codec); } }).iterator(); } @Override public String toString() { return Iterators.toString(iterator()); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { source.close(); } }; } /** Attempt to break {@code cells} into shards. Note that a custom sharding often works better. */ public static <T> CellSource<T> shard(final Iterable<Cell<T>> cells) { final List<Cell<T>> cellsList = asList(cells); final int nShards = Math.min(2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), cellsList.size()); return new CellSource<T>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void close() throws IOException { // Nothing to do. } @Override public int nShards() { return nShards; } @Override public OneShotIterable<Cell<T>> getShard(int shard) { int shardSize = cellsList.size() / nShards; List<Cell<T>> ret; if (shard == nShards - 1) { // Last shard goes unto the end. ret = cellsList.subList(shard * shardSize, cellsList.size()); } else { ret = cellsList.subList(shard * shardSize, (shard + 1) * shardSize); } return new AdapterOneShotIterable<>(ret); } }; } /** * Encode sink using codec. * * @return a sink that closes the wrapped sink on close. */ public static <T> Sink<T> encodeSink(final CellSink<T> sink, final Codec<T> codec) { return new Sink<T>() { final static private long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void write(T obj) throws IOException, InterruptedException { sink.write(codec.encode(obj)); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { sink.close(); } }; } /** @return the iterable, broken into individiual rows. A row is defined in {@link Cell}. */ static <T> Iterable<OneShotIterable<Cell<T>>> breakIntoRows(final Iterable<Cell<T>> shard) { return new Iterable<OneShotIterable<Cell<T>>>() { @Override public Iterator<OneShotIterable<Cell<T>>> iterator() { return new Rows<>(shard.iterator()); } }; } private static <T> List<Cell<T>> asList(final Iterable<Cell<T>> cells) { if (cells instanceof List) { return (List<Cell<T>>) cells; } return Lists.newArrayList(cells); } }