package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.daimajia.slider.library.R; import com.squareup.picasso.Callback; import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso; import com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator; import; /** * When you want to make your own slider view, you must extends from this class. * BaseSliderView provides some useful methods. * I provide two example: {@link com.daimajia.slider.library.SliderTypes.DefaultSliderView} and * {@link com.daimajia.slider.library.SliderTypes.TextSliderView} * if you want to show progressbar, you just need to set a progressbar id as @+id/loading_bar. */ public abstract class BaseSliderView { protected Context mContext; private Bundle mBundle; /** * Error place holder image. */ private int mErrorPlaceHolderRes; /** * Empty imageView placeholder. */ private int mEmptyPlaceHolderRes; private String mUrl; private File mFile; private int mRes; protected OnSliderClickListener mOnSliderClickListener; private boolean mErrorDisappear; private ImageLoadListener mLoadListener; private String mDescription; /** * Scale type of the image. */ private ScaleType mScaleType = ScaleType.Fit; public enum ScaleType{ CenterCrop, CenterInside, Fit, FitCenterCrop } protected BaseSliderView(Context context) { mContext = context; this.mBundle = new Bundle(); } /** * the placeholder image when loading image from url or file. * @param resId Image resource id * @return */ public BaseSliderView empty(int resId){ mEmptyPlaceHolderRes = resId; return this; } /** * determine whether remove the image which failed to download or load from file * @param disappear * @return */ public BaseSliderView errorDisappear(boolean disappear){ mErrorDisappear = disappear; return this; } /** * if you set errorDisappear false, this will set a error placeholder image. * @param resId image resource id * @return */ public BaseSliderView error(int resId){ mErrorPlaceHolderRes = resId; return this; } /** * the description of a slider image. * @param description * @return */ public BaseSliderView description(String description){ mDescription = description; return this; } /** * set a url as a image that preparing to load * @param url * @return */ public BaseSliderView image(String url){ if(mFile != null || mRes != 0){ throw new IllegalStateException("Call multi image function," + "you only have permission to call it once"); } mUrl = url; return this; } /** * set a file as a image that will to load * @param file * @return */ public BaseSliderView image(File file){ if(mUrl != null || mRes != 0){ throw new IllegalStateException("Call multi image function," + "you only have permission to call it once"); } mFile = file; return this; } public BaseSliderView image(int res){ if(mUrl != null || mFile != null){ throw new IllegalStateException("Call multi image function," + "you only have permission to call it once"); } mRes = res; return this; } public String getUrl(){ return mUrl; } public boolean isErrorDisappear(){ return mErrorDisappear; } public int getEmpty(){ return mEmptyPlaceHolderRes; } public int getError(){ return mErrorPlaceHolderRes; } public String getDescription(){ return mDescription; } public Context getContext(){ return mContext; } /** * set a slider image click listener * @param l * @return */ public BaseSliderView setOnSliderClickListener(OnSliderClickListener l){ mOnSliderClickListener = l; return this; } /** * When you want to implement your own slider view, please call this method in the end in `getView()` method * @param v the whole view * @param targetImageView where to place image */ protected void bindEventAndShow(final View v, ImageView targetImageView){ final BaseSliderView me = this; v.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if(mOnSliderClickListener != null){ mOnSliderClickListener.onSliderClick(me); } } }); if (targetImageView == null) return; mLoadListener.onStart(me); Picasso p = Picasso.with(mContext); RequestCreator rq = null; if(mUrl!=null){ rq = p.load(mUrl); }else if(mFile != null){ rq = p.load(mFile); }else if(mRes != 0){ rq = p.load(mRes); }else{ return; } if(rq == null){ return; } if(getEmpty() != 0){ rq.placeholder(getEmpty()); } if(getError() != 0){ rq.error(getError()); } switch (mScaleType){ case Fit:; break; case CenterCrop:; break; case CenterInside:; break; } rq.into(targetImageView,new Callback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { if(v.findViewById( != null){ v.findViewById(; } } @Override public void onError() { if(mLoadListener != null){ mLoadListener.onEnd(false,me); } if(v.findViewById( != null){ v.findViewById(; } } }); } public BaseSliderView setScaleType(ScaleType type){ mScaleType = type; return this; } public ScaleType getScaleType(){ return mScaleType; } /** * the extended class have to implement getView(), which is called by the adapter, * every extended class response to render their own view. * @return */ public abstract View getView(); /** * set a listener to get a message , if load error. * @param l */ public void setOnImageLoadListener(ImageLoadListener l){ mLoadListener = l; } public interface OnSliderClickListener { public void onSliderClick(BaseSliderView slider); } /** * when you have some extra information, please put it in this bundle. * @return */ public Bundle getBundle(){ return mBundle; } public interface ImageLoadListener{ public void onStart(BaseSliderView target); public void onEnd(boolean result, BaseSliderView target); } }