/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007 Business Objects Software Limited and others. * All rights reserved. * This file is made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Business Objects Software Limited - initial API and implementation based on Eclipse 3.1.2 code for * org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.base.JDTChange * Eclipse source is available at: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ *******************************************************************************/ /* * CALChange.java * Created: Sept 7, 2007 * By: Greg McClement */ package org.openquark.cal.eclipse.ui.util; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.FileBuffers; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ITextFileBuffer; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ITextFileBufferManager; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension4; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.openquark.cal.eclipse.ui.CALUIMessages; /** * CAL specific change object. */ public abstract class CALChange extends Change { private long fModificationStamp; private boolean fReadOnly; private static class ValidationState { private IResource fResource; private int fKind; private boolean fDirty; private boolean fReadOnly; private long fModificationStamp; private ITextFileBuffer fTextFileBuffer; public static final int RESOURCE= 1; public static final int DOCUMENT= 2; public ValidationState(IResource resource) { fResource= resource; if (resource instanceof IFile) { initializeFile((IFile)resource); } else { initializeResource(resource); } } public void checkDirty(RefactoringStatus status, long stampToMatch, IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException { if (fDirty) { if (fKind == DOCUMENT && fTextFileBuffer != null && stampToMatch == fModificationStamp) { fTextFileBuffer.commit(pm, false); } else { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_is_unsaved, fResource.getFullPath().toString())); } } } public void checkDirty(RefactoringStatus status) { if (fDirty) { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_is_unsaved, fResource.getFullPath().toString())); } } public void checkReadOnly(RefactoringStatus status) { if (fReadOnly) { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_is_read_only, fResource.getFullPath().toString())); } } public void checkSameReadOnly(RefactoringStatus status, boolean valueToMatch) { if (fReadOnly != valueToMatch) { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_same_read_only, fResource.getFullPath().toString())); } } public void checkModificationStamp(RefactoringStatus status, long stampToMatch) { if (fKind == DOCUMENT) { if (stampToMatch != IDocumentExtension4.UNKNOWN_MODIFICATION_STAMP && fModificationStamp != stampToMatch) { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_has_modifications, fResource.getFullPath().toString())); } } else { if (stampToMatch != IResource.NULL_STAMP && fModificationStamp != stampToMatch) { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_has_modifications, fResource.getFullPath().toString())); } } } private void initializeFile(IFile file) { fTextFileBuffer= getBuffer(file); if (fTextFileBuffer == null) { initializeResource(file); } else { IDocument document= fTextFileBuffer.getDocument(); fDirty= fTextFileBuffer.isDirty(); fReadOnly= Resources.isReadOnly(file); if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension4) { fKind= DOCUMENT; fModificationStamp= ((IDocumentExtension4)document).getModificationStamp(); } else { fKind= RESOURCE; fModificationStamp= file.getModificationStamp(); } } } private void initializeResource(IResource resource) { fKind= RESOURCE; fDirty= false; fReadOnly= Resources.isReadOnly(resource); fModificationStamp= resource.getModificationStamp(); } } protected static final int NONE= 0; protected static final int READ_ONLY= 1 << 0; protected static final int DIRTY= 1 << 1; private static final int SAVE= 1 << 2; protected static final int SAVE_IF_DIRTY= SAVE | DIRTY; protected CALChange() { fModificationStamp= IResource.NULL_STAMP; fReadOnly= false; } public void initializeValidationData(IProgressMonitor pm) { IResource resource= getResource(getModifiedElement()); if (resource != null) { fModificationStamp= getModificationStamp(resource); fReadOnly= Resources.isReadOnly(resource); } } // protected final RefactoringStatus isValid(IProgressMonitor pm, boolean checkReadOnly, boolean checkDirty) throws CoreException { protected final RefactoringStatus isValid(IProgressMonitor pm, int flags) throws CoreException { pm.beginTask("", 2); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { RefactoringStatus result= new RefactoringStatus(); Object modifiedElement= getModifiedElement(); checkExistence(result, modifiedElement); if (result.hasFatalError()) return result; if (flags == NONE) return result; IResource resource= getResource(modifiedElement); if (resource != null) { ValidationState state= new ValidationState(resource); state.checkModificationStamp(result, fModificationStamp); if (result.hasFatalError()) return result; state.checkSameReadOnly(result, fReadOnly); if (result.hasFatalError()) return result; if ((flags & READ_ONLY) != 0) { state.checkReadOnly(result); if (result.hasFatalError()) return result; } if ((flags & DIRTY) != 0) { if ((flags & SAVE) != 0) { state.checkDirty(result, fModificationStamp, new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 1)); } else { state.checkDirty(result); } } } return result; } finally { pm.done(); } } protected static void checkIfModifiable(RefactoringStatus status, Object element, int flags) { checkIfModifiable(status, getResource(element), flags); } protected static void checkIfModifiable(RefactoringStatus result, IResource resource, int flags) { checkExistence(result, resource); if (result.hasFatalError()) return; if (flags == NONE) return; ValidationState state= new ValidationState(resource); if ((flags & READ_ONLY) != 0) { state.checkReadOnly(result); if (result.hasFatalError()) return; } if ((flags & DIRTY) != 0) { state.checkDirty(result); } } protected static void checkExistence(RefactoringStatus status, Object element) { if (element == null) { status.addFatalError(CALUIMessages.DynamicValidationStateChange_workspace_changed); } else if (element instanceof IResource && !((IResource)element).exists()) { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_does_not_exist, ((IResource)element).getFullPath().toString())); } else if (element instanceof IJavaElement && !((IJavaElement)element).exists()) { status.addFatalError(Messages.format( CALUIMessages.Change_does_not_exist, ((IJavaElement)element).getElementName())); } } private static IResource getResource(Object element) { if (element instanceof IResource) { return (IResource)element; } if (element instanceof ICompilationUnit) { return ((ICompilationUnit)element).getPrimary().getResource(); } if (element instanceof IJavaElement) { return ((IJavaElement)element).getResource(); } if (element instanceof IAdaptable) { return (IResource)((IAdaptable)element).getAdapter(IResource.class); } return null; } public String toString() { return getName(); } public long getModificationStamp(IResource resource) { if (!(resource instanceof IFile)) return resource.getModificationStamp(); IFile file= (IFile)resource; ITextFileBuffer buffer= getBuffer(file); if (buffer == null) { return file.getModificationStamp(); } else { IDocument document= buffer.getDocument(); if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension4) { return ((IDocumentExtension4)document).getModificationStamp(); } else { return file.getModificationStamp(); } } } private static ITextFileBuffer getBuffer(IFile file) { ITextFileBufferManager manager= FileBuffers.getTextFileBufferManager(); return manager.getTextFileBuffer(file.getFullPath()); } }