package; import com.evilmidget38.UUIDFetcher; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import me.beastman3226.bc.BusinessCore; import me.beastman3226.bc.BusinessCore.Config; import me.beastman3226.bc.BusinessCore.FileFunctions; import me.beastman3226.bc.BusinessCore.Information; import; import; import me.beastman3226.bc.util.Prefixes; import me.beastman3226.bc.util.Sorter; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; /** * * @author beastman3226 */ public class BusinessManager { /** * Creates all businesses from file. */ public static void createBusinesses() { FileFunctions.reload(Config.BUSINESS); FileConfiguration yml = Information.businessYml; int id; String name, owner; boolean salary = false; double pay = 0, balance; for(String s : Information.businessYml.getKeys(false)) { List<String> list = yml.getStringList(s + ".employeeIDs"); id = yml.getInt(s + ".id"); name = s; owner = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(UUID.fromString(yml.getString(s + ".ownerUUID"))).getName(); if(owner == null) owner = Bukkit.getPlayer(UUID.fromString(yml.getString(s + ".ownerUUID"))).getName(); balance = yml.getDouble(s + ".balance"); if(yml.contains(s + ".pay") || yml.contains(s + ".salary")) { pay = yml.getDouble(s + ".pay"); salary = yml.getBoolean(s + ".salary"); } if(!list.isEmpty()) { Business b = createBusiness(new Business.Builder(id) .name(name) .owner(owner) .balance(balance) .ids(list.toArray(new String[]{})) .salary(salary) .pay(pay)); BusinessCore.log(Level.INFO, "Loaded business " + b.getName() + " from file"); } else { Business b = createBusiness(new Business.Builder(id) .name(s) .owner(owner) .balance(balance)); if(Information.debug) { Information.BusinessCore.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Loaded business {0} with owner as {1}!", new Object[]{b.getName(), b.getOwnerName()}); } } } } /** * Base method for creating a new business * @param build * @return a new business */ public static Business createBusiness(Business.Builder build) { Business b =; Business.businessList.add(b); if(Information.debug) { Information.log.log(Level.INFO, "Created a business with name {0}", build.getName()); } return b; } /** * Gets a business based on id * @param id The id of the business * @return The business */ public static Business getBusiness(int id) { Business b = null; Business[] array = Business.businessList.toArray(new Business[]{}); for (Business business : array) { if(business.getID() == id) { b = business; break; } } return b; } /** * Finds a business based on the name of the current owner, * 100% match is not guaranteed (ownership change) * @param name Name of the owner * @return The business */ public static Business getBusiness(String name) { for(Business b : Business.businessList) { if(b.getOwnerName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return b; } else { continue; } } return null; } public static int getID(String bname) { int id = -1; for(Business b : Business.businessList) { if(b.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(bname)) { id = b.getID(); break; } } return id; } /** * Finds an open business ID for a newly created business * @return The open id */ public static int openID() { int id = 1000; Random r = new Random(); id = (r.nextInt(1000) + 1000); for(Business b : Business.businessList) { if(b.getID() == id) { return openID(); } } return id; } /** * Deletes a business from storage and in memory * @param business The business to be deleted */ public static void deleteBusiness(Business business) { try { Business.businessList.remove(business); BusinessFileManager.editConfig(new FileData().add(business.getName(), null)); BusinessCore.log(Level.WARNING, business.getOwnerName() + " has just deleted business " + business.getName()); Bukkit.getPlayer(UUIDFetcher.getUUIDOf(business.getOwnerName())).sendMessage(Prefixes.ERROR + "Your business has been deleted"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(BusinessManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Checks if the player is an owner via a null check * using the getBusiness(name) method * @param name The name of the player * @return True if name has a business, false if not. */ public static boolean isOwner(String name) { for(Business b : Business.businessList) { if(b.getOwnerName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return true; } else { continue; } } return false; } /** * Checks if the player is an owner via * null check using getbusiness(id) method. * @param id The id in question * @return True if the id is attached to a business, false if not */ public static boolean isID(int id) { return getBusiness(id) != null; } /** * Sorts the list and gets the rank specified * @param rank The rank * @return The name of the business at said rank */ public static String getIndex(int rank) { Business b = null; try { b = Sorter.sort().get(--rank); } catch (Exception e) { return "You could be here."; } return b.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + " ID: " + ChatColor.WHITE + b.getID(); } }