package com.eleybourn.bookcatalogue.widgets; /* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * This is a substantially modified version of the Android 2.3 FastScroller. * * The original did not work correctly with ExpandableListViews; the thumb would work * for only a small portion of fully expanded views and exhibited odd behaviour with * view with a small number of groups but large children. * * The underlying approach to scrolling with a summary in the original version was * also flawed: it translated a thumb position of 50% to mean that the middle summaryGroup * should be visible. While this may seem sensible, it is contrary to reasonable expectations with * scrollable lists: a thumb at 50% in any scrollable list should result in the list being at * the mid-point. With an expandableListView, this needs to take into account the total * number of items (groups and children), NOT just the summary groups. Doing what the original * implementaion did is not only counter-intuitive, but also makes the thumb unusable in the case of * n groups, where one of those n has O(n) children, and is expanded. In this case, the entire set * of children will move through the screen based on the same finger movement as moving between * two unexpanded groups. In the more general case it can be characterised as uneven scrolling * if sections have widely varying sizes. * * Finally, the original would fail to correctly place the overlay if setFastScrollEnabled was * called after the Activity had been fuly drawn: this is because the only place that set the * overlay position was in the onSizeChanged event. * * Combine this with the desire to display more than a single letter in the overlay, * and a rewrite was more or less essential. * * The solution is: * * - modify init() to fake an onSizeChanged event * - modify onSizeChanged() to make the overlay 75% of total width; * - modify draw() to handle arbitrary text (ellipsize if necessary) * - modify scrollTo() to just deal with list contents and not try to do any fancy * calculations about group position. * * Because the original was in the android package, it had access to classes that we do not * have access to, so in some cases we now check if mList is an ExpandableListView rather than * checking if the adapter is an ExpandableListConnector. * * ********************************************************* * * NOTE: any class implementing a SectionIndexer for this object MUST return flattened * positions in calls to getPositionForSection(), and will be passed flattened positions in * calls to getSectionForPosition(). * * ********************************************************* * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.Adapter; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter; import android.widget.ExpandableListView; import android.widget.HeaderViewListAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.SectionIndexer; import com.eleybourn.bookcatalogue.R; /** * Helper class for AbsListView to draw and control the Fast Scroll thumb */ public class FastScroller { // Minimum number of pages to justify showing a fast scroll thumb private static int MIN_PAGES = 4; // Scroll thumb not showing private static final int STATE_NONE = 0; // ENHANCE: Not implemented yet - fade-in transition // private static final int STATE_ENTER = 1; // Scroll thumb visible and moving along with the scrollbar private static final int STATE_VISIBLE = 2; // Scroll thumb being dragged by user private static final int STATE_DRAGGING = 3; // Scroll thumb fading out due to inactivity timeout private static final int STATE_EXIT = 4; private Drawable mThumbDrawable; private Drawable mOverlayDrawable; private int mThumbH; private int mThumbW; private int mThumbY; private RectF mOverlayPos; private final int mOverlaySize; private AbsListView mList; private boolean mScrollCompleted; private int mVisibleItem; private TextPaint mPaint; private int mListOffset; private int mItemCount = -1; private boolean mLongList; private Object [] mSections; private String mSectionTextV1; private String[] mSectionTextV2; private boolean mDrawOverlay; private ScrollFade mScrollFade; private int mState; private Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private BaseAdapter mListAdapter; private SectionIndexer mSectionIndexerV1; private SectionIndexerV2 mSectionIndexerV2; // This value is in SP taken from the Android sources private static final int mLargeTextSpSize = 22; //Units=SP private static int mLargeTextScaledSize = 22; //Units=SP /** * Better interface that just gets text for rows as needed rather * than having to build a huge index at start. */ public interface SectionIndexerV2 { String[] getSectionTextForPosition(int position); } private boolean mChangedBounds; public FastScroller(Context context, AbsListView listView) { mList = listView; int overlaySize; // Determine the overlay size based on 3xLargeTextSize; if // we get an error, just use a hard-coded guess. try { final float scale = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity; mLargeTextScaledSize = (int) (mLargeTextSpSize * scale); overlaySize = (int) (3 * mLargeTextScaledSize); } catch (Exception e) { // Not a critical value; just try to get it close. mLargeTextScaledSize = mLargeTextSpSize; overlaySize = (int) (3 * mLargeTextScaledSize); } mOverlaySize = overlaySize; init(context); } public void setState(int state) { //System.out.println("State: " + state); switch (state) { case STATE_NONE: mHandler.removeCallbacks(mScrollFade); mList.invalidate(); break; case STATE_VISIBLE: if (mState != STATE_VISIBLE) { // Optimization resetThumbPos(); } // Fall through case STATE_DRAGGING: mHandler.removeCallbacks(mScrollFade); break; case STATE_EXIT: int viewWidth = mList.getWidth(); mList.invalidate(viewWidth - mThumbW, mThumbY, viewWidth, mThumbY + mThumbH); break; } mState = state; } public int getState() { return mState; } private void resetThumbPos() { final int viewWidth = mList.getWidth(); // Bounds are always top right. Y coordinate get's translated during draw // For reference, the thumb itself is approximately 50% as wide as the underlying graphic // so 1/6th of the width means the thumb is approximately 1/12 the width. mThumbW = (int)(mLargeTextScaledSize * 2.5); // viewWidth / 6 ; //mOverlaySize *3/4 ; //64; //mCurrentThumb.getIntrinsicWidth(); mThumbH = (int)(mLargeTextScaledSize * 2.5); //viewWidth / 6 ; //mOverlaySize *3/4; //52; //mCurrentThumb.getIntrinsicHeight(); mThumbDrawable.setBounds(viewWidth - mThumbW, 0, viewWidth, mThumbH); mThumbDrawable.setAlpha(ScrollFade.ALPHA_MAX); } private void useThumbDrawable(Drawable drawable) { mThumbDrawable = drawable; // Can't use the view width yet, because it has probably not been set up // so we just use the native width. It will be set later when we come to // actually draw it. mThumbW = mThumbDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); mThumbH = mThumbDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(); mChangedBounds = true; } private void init(Context context) { // Get both the scrollbar states drawables final Resources res = context.getResources(); useThumbDrawable(res.getDrawable( R.drawable.scrollbar_handle_accelerated_anim2)); mOverlayDrawable = res.getDrawable( R.drawable.menu_submenu_background); mScrollCompleted = true; getSections(); mOverlayPos = new RectF(); mScrollFade = new ScrollFade(); mPaint = new TextPaint(); mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); mPaint.setTextSize(mOverlaySize / 3); TypedArray ta = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.textColorPrimary }); ColorStateList textColor = ta.getColorStateList(ta.getIndex(0)); int textColorNormal = textColor.getDefaultColor(); mPaint.setColor(textColorNormal); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); mState = STATE_NONE; // Send a fake onSizeChanged so that overlay position is correct if // this is called after Activity is stable final int w = mList.getWidth(); final int h = mList.getHeight(); onSizeChanged(w,h,w,h); } void stop() { setState(STATE_NONE); // No need for these any more. mOverlayDrawable = null; mThumbDrawable = null; } boolean isVisible() { return !(mState == STATE_NONE); } public void draw(final Canvas canvas) { if (mState == STATE_NONE) { // No need to draw anything return; } final int y = mThumbY; final int viewWidth = mList.getWidth(); final FastScroller.ScrollFade scrollFade = mScrollFade; int alpha = -1; if (mState == STATE_EXIT) { alpha = scrollFade.getAlpha(); if (alpha < ScrollFade.ALPHA_MAX / 2) { mThumbDrawable.setAlpha(alpha * 2); } int left = viewWidth - (mThumbW * alpha) / ScrollFade.ALPHA_MAX; mThumbDrawable.setBounds(left, 0, viewWidth, mThumbH); mChangedBounds = true; } canvas.translate(0, y); mThumbDrawable.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(0, -y); // If user is dragging the scroll bar, draw the alphabet overlay if (mState == STATE_DRAGGING && mDrawOverlay) { final TextPaint paint = mPaint; float descent = paint.descent(); final RectF rectF = mOverlayPos; // Work out what we actually need to draw boolean has2Lines; String line1; String line2 = ""; // If there is no V2 data, use the V1 data if (mSectionTextV2 == null) { has2Lines = false; line1 = mSectionTextV1; } else { // If using V2 data, make sure line 1 is a valid straing if (mSectionTextV2[0] == null) line1 = ""; else line1 = mSectionTextV2[0]; // Check if line 2 is present if (mSectionTextV2.length > 1 && mSectionTextV2[1] != null && !mSectionTextV2[1].equals("")) { has2Lines = true; line2 = mSectionTextV2[1]; } else { has2Lines = false; } } // If there are two lines, expand the box if (has2Lines) { Rect pos = mOverlayDrawable.getBounds(); Rect posSave = new Rect(pos); pos.set(pos.left,, pos.right, pos.bottom + pos.height()/2); mOverlayDrawable.setBounds(pos); mOverlayDrawable.draw(canvas); mOverlayDrawable.setBounds(posSave); } else { mOverlayDrawable.draw(canvas); } // Draw the first line final String text1 = TextUtils.ellipsize(line1, paint, (mOverlayPos.right - mOverlayPos.left) * 0.8f, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END).toString(); canvas.drawText(text1, (int) (rectF.left + rectF.right) / 2, // Base of text at: (middle) + (half text height) - descent : so it is vertically centred (int) (rectF.bottom + / 2 + mOverlaySize / 6 - descent, paint); if (has2Lines) { // Draw the second line, but smaller than first float s = paint.getTextSize(); paint.setTextSize(s * 0.7f); final String text2 = TextUtils.ellipsize(line2, paint, (mOverlayPos.right - mOverlayPos.left) * 0.8f, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END).toString(); canvas.drawText(text2, (int) (rectF.left + rectF.right) / 2, // Base of text at: (middle) + (half text height) - descent : so it is vertically centred (int) (rectF.bottom + / 2 + mOverlaySize / 6 + s, paint); paint.setTextSize(s); } } else if (mState == STATE_EXIT) { if (alpha == 0) { // Done with exit setState(STATE_NONE); } else { mList.invalidate(viewWidth - mThumbW, y, viewWidth, y + mThumbH); } } } void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { if (mThumbDrawable != null) { mThumbDrawable.setBounds(w - mThumbW, 0, w, mThumbH); } final RectF pos = mOverlayPos; // Original: width was equal to height, controlled by mOverlaySize. // pos.left = (w - mOverlaySize) / 2; // pos.right = pos.left + mOverlaySize; // // Now, Make it 75% of total available space pos.left = (w / 8); pos.right = pos.left + w * 3 / 4; = h / 10; // 10% from top pos.bottom = + mOverlaySize; if (mOverlayDrawable != null) { mOverlayDrawable.setBounds((int) pos.left, (int), (int) pos.right, (int) pos.bottom); } } void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) { // Are there enough pages to require fast scroll? Recompute only if total count changes if (mItemCount != totalItemCount && visibleItemCount > 0) { mItemCount = totalItemCount; mLongList = mItemCount / visibleItemCount >= MIN_PAGES; } if (!mLongList) { if (mState != STATE_NONE) { setState(STATE_NONE); } return; } if (totalItemCount - visibleItemCount > 0 && mState != STATE_DRAGGING ) { mThumbY = ((mList.getHeight() - mThumbH) * firstVisibleItem) / (totalItemCount - visibleItemCount); if (mChangedBounds) { resetThumbPos(); mChangedBounds = false; } } mScrollCompleted = true; if (firstVisibleItem == mVisibleItem) { return; } mVisibleItem = firstVisibleItem; if (mState != STATE_DRAGGING) { setState(STATE_VISIBLE); mHandler.postDelayed(mScrollFade, 1500); } } private void getSections() { Adapter adapter = mList.getAdapter(); mSectionIndexerV1 = null; mSectionIndexerV2 = null; if (adapter instanceof HeaderViewListAdapter) { mListOffset = ((HeaderViewListAdapter)adapter).getHeadersCount(); adapter = ((HeaderViewListAdapter)adapter).getWrappedAdapter(); } if (mList instanceof ExpandableListView) { ExpandableListAdapter expAdapter = ((ExpandableListView)mList).getExpandableListAdapter(); if (expAdapter instanceof SectionIndexer) { mSectionIndexerV1 = (SectionIndexer) expAdapter; mListAdapter = (BaseAdapter) adapter; mSections = mSectionIndexerV1.getSections(); } else if (expAdapter instanceof SectionIndexerV2) { mSectionIndexerV2 = (SectionIndexerV2) expAdapter; mListAdapter = (BaseAdapter) adapter; } } else { if (adapter instanceof SectionIndexer) { mListAdapter = (BaseAdapter) adapter; mSectionIndexerV1 = (SectionIndexer) adapter; mSections = mSectionIndexerV1.getSections(); } else if (adapter instanceof SectionIndexerV2) { mListAdapter = (BaseAdapter) adapter; mSectionIndexerV2 = (SectionIndexerV2) adapter; } else { mListAdapter = (BaseAdapter) adapter; mSections = new String[] { " " }; } } } private void scrollTo(float position) { int count = mList.getCount(); mScrollCompleted = false; final Object[] sections = mSections; int sectionIndex; int index = (int) (position * count); if (mList instanceof ListView) { // This INCLUDES ExpandableListView ((ListView) mList).setSelectionFromTop(index + mListOffset, 0); } else { mList.setSelection(index + mListOffset); } if (mSectionIndexerV2 != null) { mSectionTextV2 = mSectionIndexerV2.getSectionTextForPosition(index); } else { if (sections != null && sections.length > 1) { sectionIndex = mSectionIndexerV1.getSectionForPosition(index); if (sectionIndex >=0 && sectionIndex < sections.length) mSectionTextV1 = sections[sectionIndex].toString(); else mSectionTextV1 = null; } else { sectionIndex = -1; mSectionTextV1 = null; } } if ( (mSectionTextV2 != null ) || (mSectionTextV1 != null && mSectionTextV1.length() > 0)) { mDrawOverlay = true; //(mSectionText.length() != 1 || mSectionText.charAt(0) != ' ') ; //&& sectionIndex < sections.length; } else { mDrawOverlay = false; } } private void cancelFling() { // Cancel the list fling MotionEvent cancelFling = MotionEvent.obtain(0, 0, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL, 0, 0, 0); mList.onTouchEvent(cancelFling); cancelFling.recycle(); } boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (mState > STATE_NONE && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (ev.getX() > mList.getWidth() - mThumbW && ev.getY() >= mThumbY && ev.getY() <= mThumbY + mThumbH) { setState(STATE_DRAGGING); return true; } } return false; } boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) { if (mState == STATE_NONE) { return false; } if (me.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (me.getX() > mList.getWidth() - mThumbW && me.getY() >= mThumbY && me.getY() <= mThumbY + mThumbH) { setState(STATE_DRAGGING); if (mListAdapter == null && mList != null) { getSections(); } cancelFling(); return true; } } else if (me.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (mState == STATE_DRAGGING) { setState(STATE_VISIBLE); final Handler handler = mHandler; handler.removeCallbacks(mScrollFade); handler.postDelayed(mScrollFade, 1000); return true; } } else if (me.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { if (mState == STATE_DRAGGING) { final int viewHeight = mList.getHeight(); // Jitter int newThumbY = (int) me.getY() - mThumbH + 10; if (newThumbY < 0) { newThumbY = 0; } else if (newThumbY + mThumbH > viewHeight) { newThumbY = viewHeight - mThumbH; } // ENHANCE would be nice to use ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop()??? if (Math.abs(mThumbY - newThumbY) < 2) { return true; } mThumbY = newThumbY; // If the previous scrollTo is still pending if (mScrollCompleted) { scrollTo((float) mThumbY / (viewHeight - mThumbH)); } return true; } } return false; } public class ScrollFade implements Runnable { long mStartTime; long mFadeDuration; static final int ALPHA_MAX = 208; static final long FADE_DURATION = 200; void startFade() { mFadeDuration = FADE_DURATION; mStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); setState(STATE_EXIT); } int getAlpha() { if (getState() != STATE_EXIT) { return ALPHA_MAX; } int alpha; long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (now > mStartTime + mFadeDuration) { alpha = 0; } else { alpha = (int) (ALPHA_MAX - ((now - mStartTime) * ALPHA_MAX) / mFadeDuration); } return alpha; } public void run() { if (getState() != STATE_EXIT) { startFade(); return; } if (getAlpha() > 0) { mList.invalidate(); } else { setState(STATE_NONE); } } } }