package kr.kdev.dg1s.biowiki.models; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import kr.kdev.dg1s.biowiki.util.DateTimeUtils; import kr.kdev.dg1s.biowiki.util.HtmlUtils; import kr.kdev.dg1s.biowiki.util.JSONUtil; import kr.kdev.dg1s.biowiki.util.PhotonUtils; import kr.kdev.dg1s.biowiki.util.StringUtils; import kr.kdev.dg1s.biowiki.util.UrlUtils; /** * Created by nbradbury on 6/27/13. */ public class ReaderPost { public long postId; public long blogId; public long timestamp; // used for sorting public int numReplies; // includes comments, trackbacks & pingbacks public int numLikes; public boolean isLikedByCurrentUser; public boolean isFollowedByCurrentUser; public boolean isRebloggedByCurrentUser; public boolean isCommentsOpen; public boolean isExternal; public boolean isPrivate; public boolean isVideoPress; private String pseudoId; private String title; private String text; private String excerpt; private String authorName; private String blogName; private String blogUrl; private String postAvatar; private String tags; // comma-separated list of tags private String published; private String url; private String featuredImage; private String featuredVideo; /** * * * the following are transient variables - not stored in the db or returned in the json - whose * sole purpose is to cache commonly-used values for the post that speeds up using them inside * adapters * ** */ /* * returns the featured image url as a photon url set to the passed width/height */ private transient String featuredImageForDisplay; /* * returns the avatar url as a photon url set to the passed size */ private transient String avatarForDisplay; /* * converts iso8601 published date to an actual java date */ private transient java.util.Date dtPublished; private transient String firstTag; /* * This is necessary to get VideoPress videos to work in the Reader since the v1 * REST API returns VideoPress videos in a script block that relies on jQuery - which obviously * fails on mobile - here we extract the video thumbnail and insert a DIV at the top of the * post content which links the thumbnail IMG to the video so the user can tap the thumb to * play the video * iOS: */ /*private static void cleanupVideoPress(ReaderPost post) { if (post==null || !post.hasText() || !post.hasFeaturedVideo()) return; // extract the video thumbnail from them "videopress-poster" image class String text = post.getText(); int pos = text.indexOf("videopress-poster"); if (pos == -1) return; int srcStart = text.indexOf("src=\"", pos); if (srcStart == -1) return; srcStart += 5; int srcEnd = text.indexOf("\"", srcStart); if (srcEnd == -1) return; // set the featured image to the thumbnail if a featured image isn't already assigned String thumb = text.substring(srcStart, srcEnd); if (!post.hasFeaturedImage()) post.featuredImage = thumb; // add the thumbnail linked to the actual video to the top of the content String videoLink = String.format("<div><a href='%s'><img src='%s'/></a></div>", post.getFeaturedVideo(), thumb); post.text = videoLink + text; }*/ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static ReaderPost fromJson(JSONObject json) { if (json == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null json post"); ReaderPost post = new ReaderPost(); post.postId = json.optLong("ID"); post.blogId = json.optLong("site_ID"); if (json.has("pseudo_ID")) { post.pseudoId = JSONUtil.getString(json, "pseudo_ID"); // read/ endpoint } else { post.pseudoId = JSONUtil.getString(json, "global_ID"); // sites/ endpoint } // remove HTML from the excerpt post.excerpt = HtmlUtils.fastStripHtml(JSONUtil.getString(json, "excerpt")); post.text = JSONUtil.getString(json, "content"); post.title = JSONUtil.getStringDecoded(json, "title"); post.url = JSONUtil.getString(json, "URL"); post.blogUrl = JSONUtil.getString(json, "site_URL"); post.numReplies = json.optInt("comment_count"); post.numLikes = json.optInt("like_count"); post.isLikedByCurrentUser = JSONUtil.getBool(json, "i_like"); post.isFollowedByCurrentUser = JSONUtil.getBool(json, "is_following"); post.isRebloggedByCurrentUser = JSONUtil.getBool(json, "is_reblogged"); post.isCommentsOpen = JSONUtil.getBool(json, "comments_open"); post.isExternal = JSONUtil.getBool(json, "is_external"); post.isPrivate = JSONUtil.getBool(json, "site_is_private"); JSONObject jsonAuthor = json.optJSONObject("author"); if (jsonAuthor != null) { post.authorName = JSONUtil.getString(jsonAuthor, "name"); post.postAvatar = JSONUtil.getString(jsonAuthor, "avatar_URL"); } // only freshly-pressed posts have the "editorial" section JSONObject jsonEditorial = json.optJSONObject("editorial"); if (jsonEditorial != null) { post.blogId = jsonEditorial.optLong("blog_id"); post.blogName = JSONUtil.getStringDecoded(jsonEditorial, "blog_name"); post.featuredImage = getImageUrlFromFeaturedImageUrl(JSONUtil.getString(jsonEditorial, "image")); // we want freshly-pressed posts to show & store the date they were chosen rather than the day they were published post.published = JSONUtil.getString(jsonEditorial, "displayed_on"); } else { post.featuredImage = JSONUtil.getString(json, "featured_image"); post.blogName = JSONUtil.getStringDecoded(json, "site_name"); post.published = JSONUtil.getString(json, "date"); } // the date a post was liked is only returned by the read/liked/ endpoint - if this exists, // set it as the timestamp so posts are sorted by the date they were liked rather than the // date they were published (the timestamp is used to sort posts when querying) String likeDate = JSONUtil.getString(json, "date_liked"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(likeDate)) { post.timestamp = DateTimeUtils.iso8601ToTimestamp(likeDate); } else { post.timestamp = DateTimeUtils.iso8601ToTimestamp(post.published); } // parse attachments to get the VideoPress thumbnail & url /*"attachments": { "321": { "ID": 321, "URL": "", "guid": "", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "width": 640, "height": 360, "duration": 21, "videopress_files": { "dvd": { "url": "", "mime_type": "video/mp4" }, "std": { "url": "", "mime_type": "video/mp4" }, "ogg": { "url": "", "mime_type": "video/ogg" } }, "videopress_thumbnail": "" } }, */ JSONObject jsonAttachments = json.optJSONObject("attachments"); if (jsonAttachments != null) { Iterator<String> it = jsonAttachments.keys(); if (it != null && it.hasNext()) { JSONObject jsonFirstAttachment = jsonAttachments.optJSONObject(; if (jsonFirstAttachment != null) { String thumbnail = JSONUtil.getString(jsonFirstAttachment, "videopress_thumbnail"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(thumbnail)) post.featuredImage = thumbnail; JSONObject jsonVideoPress = jsonFirstAttachment.optJSONObject("videopress_files"); if (jsonVideoPress != null) { JSONObject jsonStdVideo = jsonVideoPress.optJSONObject("std"); if (jsonStdVideo != null) { post.featuredVideo = JSONUtil.getString(jsonStdVideo, "url"); post.isVideoPress = true; } } } } } // if there's no featured thumbnail, check if featured media has been set - this is sometimes // a YouTube or Vimeo video, in which case store it as the featured video so we can treat // it as a video if (!post.hasFeaturedImage()) { JSONObject jsonMedia = json.optJSONObject("featured_media"); if (jsonMedia != null) { String mediaUrl = JSONUtil.getString(jsonMedia, "uri"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaUrl)) { String type = JSONUtil.getString(jsonMedia, "type"); boolean isVideo = (type != null && type.equals("video")); if (isVideo) { post.featuredVideo = mediaUrl; } else { post.featuredImage = mediaUrl; } } } // if we still don't have a featured image, parse the content for an image that's // suitable as a featured image - this is done since featured_media seems to miss // some images that would work well as featured images on mobile if (!post.hasFeaturedImage()) post.featuredImage = findFeaturedImage(post.text); } // if the post is untitled, make up a title from the excerpt if (!post.hasTitle() && post.hasExcerpt()) post.title = extractTitle(post.excerpt, 50); // extract comma-separated list of tags JSONObject jsonTags = json.optJSONObject("tags"); if (jsonTags != null) { StringBuilder sbTags = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<String> it = jsonTags.keys(); boolean isFirst = true; while (it.hasNext()) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { sbTags.append(","); } sbTags.append(; } post.setTags(sbTags.toString()); } // the single-post sites/$site/posts/$post endpoint doesn't return the blog_id/site_ID, // instead all site metadata is returned under meta/data/site (assuming ?meta=site was // added to the request) - check for this metadata if the blogId wasn't set above if (post.blogId == 0) { JSONObject jsonSite = JSONUtil.getJSONChild(json, "meta/data/site"); if (jsonSite != null) { post.blogId = jsonSite.optInt("ID"); post.blogName = JSONUtil.getString(jsonSite, "name"); post.blogUrl = JSONUtil.getString(jsonSite, "URL"); post.isPrivate = JSONUtil.getBool(jsonSite, "is_private"); } } return post; } /* * extracts a title from a post's excerpt */ private static String extractTitle(final String excerpt, int maxLen) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(excerpt)) return null; if (excerpt.length() < maxLen) return excerpt.trim(); //return excerpt.substring(0, maxLen).trim() + "..."; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); BreakIterator wordIterator = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(); wordIterator.setText(excerpt); int start = wordIterator.first(); int end =; int totalLen = 0; while (end != BreakIterator.DONE) { String word = excerpt.substring(start, end); result.append(word); totalLen += word.length(); if (totalLen >= maxLen) break; start = end; end =; } if (totalLen == 0) return null; return result.toString().trim() + "..."; } /* * called when a post doesn't have a featured image, searches post's content for an image that * may still be suitable as a featured image - only works with WP posts due to the search for * specific WP image classes (but will also work with RSS posts that come from WP blogs) */ private static String findFeaturedImage(final String text) { if (text == null || !text.contains("<img ")) return null; final String className; if (text.contains("size-full")) { className = "size-full"; } else if (text.contains("size-large")) { className = "size-large"; } else if (text.contains("size-medium")) { className = "size-medium"; } else { return null; } // determine whether attributes are single- or double- quoted boolean usesSingleQuotes = text.contains("src='"); int imgStart = text.indexOf("<img "); while (imgStart > -1) { int imgEnd = text.indexOf(">", imgStart); if (imgEnd == -1) return null; String img = text.substring(imgStart, imgEnd + 1); if (img.contains(className)) { int srcStart = img.indexOf(usesSingleQuotes ? "src='" : "src=\""); if (srcStart == -1) return null; int srcEnd = img.indexOf(usesSingleQuotes ? "'" : "\"", srcStart + 5); if (srcEnd == -1) return null; return img.substring(srcStart + 5, srcEnd); } imgStart = text.indexOf("<img ", imgEnd); } // if we get this far, no suitable image was found return null; } /* returns the actual image url from a Freshly Pressed featured image url - this is necessary because the featured image returned by the API is often an ImagePress url that formats the actual image url for a specific size, and we want to define the size in the app when the image is requested. here's an example of an ImagePress featured image url from a freshly-pressed post:,0.5,3 */ private static String getImageUrlFromFeaturedImageUrl(final String featuredImageUrl) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(featuredImageUrl)) return null; // if this is an mshots image, return the actual url without the query string (?h=n&w=n), // and change it from https: to http: so it can be cached (it's only https because it's // being returned by an authenticated REST endpoint - these images are found only in // FP posts so they don't require https) if (PhotonUtils.isMshotsUrl(featuredImageUrl)) return UrlUtils.removeQuery(featuredImageUrl).replaceFirst("https", "http"); if (featuredImageUrl.contains("imgpress")) { // parse the url parameter String actualImageUrl = Uri.parse(featuredImageUrl).getQueryParameter("url"); if (actualImageUrl == null) return featuredImageUrl; // at this point the imageUrl may still be an ImagePress url, so check the url param again (see above example) if (actualImageUrl.contains("url=")) { return Uri.parse(actualImageUrl).getQueryParameter("url"); } else { return actualImageUrl; } } // for all other featured images, return the passed url w/o the query string (since the query string // often contains Photon sizing params that we don't want here) int pos = featuredImageUrl.lastIndexOf("?"); if (pos == -1) return featuredImageUrl; return featuredImageUrl.substring(0, pos); } public String getAuthorName() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(authorName); } public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { this.authorName = StringUtils.notNullStr(authorName); } public String getTitle() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(title); } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = StringUtils.notNullStr(title); } public String getText() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(text); } public void setText(String text) { this.text = StringUtils.notNullStr(text); } public String getExcerpt() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(excerpt); } public void setExcerpt(String excerpt) { this.excerpt = StringUtils.notNullStr(excerpt); } public String getUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(url); } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = StringUtils.notNullStr(url); } public String getFeaturedImage() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredImage); } public void setFeaturedImage(String featuredImage) { this.featuredImage = StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredImage); } public String getFeaturedVideo() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredVideo); } public void setFeaturedVideo(String featuredVideo) { this.featuredVideo = StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredVideo); } public String getBlogName() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(blogName); } public void setBlogName(String blogName) { this.blogName = StringUtils.notNullStr(blogName); } public String getBlogUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(blogUrl); } public void setBlogUrl(String blogUrl) { this.blogUrl = StringUtils.notNullStr(blogUrl); } public String getPostAvatar() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(postAvatar); } public void setPostAvatar(String postAvatar) { this.postAvatar = StringUtils.notNullStr(postAvatar); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public String getPseudoId() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(pseudoId); } public void setPseudoId(String pseudoId) { this.pseudoId = StringUtils.notNullStr(pseudoId); } public String getPublished() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(published); } public void setPublished(String published) { this.published = StringUtils.notNullStr(published); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * comma-separated tags */ public String getTags() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(tags); } public void setTags(String tags) { this.tags = StringUtils.notNullStr(tags); } public boolean hasTags() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(tags); } List<String> getTagList() { return Arrays.asList(getTags().split(",")); } public boolean hasText() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(text); } public boolean hasExcerpt() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(excerpt); } public boolean hasFeaturedImage() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(featuredImage); } public boolean hasFeaturedVideo() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(featuredVideo); } public boolean hasPostAvatar() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(postAvatar); } public boolean hasBlogName() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(blogName); } public boolean hasAuthorName() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(authorName); } public boolean hasTitle() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(title); } public boolean hasBlogUrl() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(blogUrl); } /* * returns true if this post is from a WordPress blog */ public boolean isWP() { return !isExternal; } public String getFeaturedImageForDisplay(int width, int height) { if (featuredImageForDisplay == null) { if (!hasFeaturedImage()) return ""; if (isPrivate) { // can't use photon on images in private posts since they require authentication, and must // use https: in order for AuthToken to work when requesting them featuredImageForDisplay = UrlUtils.makeHttps(featuredImage); } else if (UrlUtils.isHttps(featuredImage)) { // skip photon for https images since we can't authenticate them featuredImageForDisplay = featuredImage; } else { // not private or https, so set to correctly sized photon url featuredImageForDisplay = PhotonUtils.getPhotonImageUrl(featuredImage, width, height); } } return featuredImageForDisplay; } public String getPostAvatarForDisplay(int avatarSize) { if (avatarForDisplay == null) { if (!hasPostAvatar()) return ""; avatarForDisplay = PhotonUtils.fixAvatar(postAvatar, avatarSize); } return avatarForDisplay; } public java.util.Date getDatePublished() { if (dtPublished == null) dtPublished = DateTimeUtils.iso8601ToJavaDate(published); return dtPublished; } public String getFirstTag() { if (firstTag == null) { List<String> tags = getTagList(); if (tags != null && tags.size() > 0) { firstTag = tags.get(0); } else { firstTag = ""; } } return firstTag; } }