/** * Copyright (c) 2014 Richard Warburton (richard.warburton@gmail.com) * <p> * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * <p> * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * <p> * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **/ package com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.collector; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.parser.LogEventListener; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.parser.Method; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.parser.StackFrame; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.parser.TraceStart; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.parser.ThreadMeta; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.profiles.Profile; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.profiles.ProfileListener; import com.insightfullogic.honest_profiler.core.profiles.ProfileTree; import java.util.*; import static java.util.Comparator.comparing; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; /** * NB: Stack trace elements come in the opposite way to the profile */ public class LogCollector implements LogEventListener { private static final Comparator<ProfileTree> sortBySampleCount = comparing(ProfileTree::getNumberOfSamples).reversed(); private final ProfileListener listener; private final Map<Long, Method> methodByMethodId; private final CallCountAggregator<Long> callCountsByMethodId; private final CallCountAggregator<StackFrame> callCountsByFrame; private final Map<Long, NodeCollector> treesByThreadId; private final Map<Long, ThreadMeta> metaByThreadId; private final Stack<StackFrame> reversalStack; private long currentThread; private NodeCollector currentTreeNode; private int traceCount; private boolean immediatelyEmitProfile; public LogCollector(final ProfileListener listener, final boolean immediatelyEmitProfile) { this.listener = listener; methodByMethodId = new HashMap<>(); metaByThreadId = new HashMap<>(); callCountsByMethodId = new CallCountAggregator<>(methodByMethodId, id -> id); callCountsByFrame = new CallCountAggregator<>(methodByMethodId, StackFrame::getMethodId); treesByThreadId = new HashMap<>(); reversalStack = new Stack<>(); this.immediatelyEmitProfile = immediatelyEmitProfile; traceCount = 0; currentTreeNode = null; } @Override public void handle(TraceStart traceStart) { collectThreadDump(); emitProfileIfNeeded(); traceCount++; reversalStack.clear(); currentThread = traceStart.getThreadId(); currentTreeNode = null; } @Override public void handle(StackFrame stackFrame) { reversalStack.push(stackFrame); } private void collectThreadDump() { while (!reversalStack.empty()) { collectStackFrame(reversalStack.size() == 1, reversalStack.pop()); } } private void collectStackFrame(boolean endOfTrace, StackFrame stackFrame) { long methodId = stackFrame.getMethodId(); callCountsByMethodId.onFrameAppearance(methodId, endOfTrace); callCountsByFrame.onFrameAppearance(stackFrame, endOfTrace); if (currentTreeNode == null) { // might be null if the method hasn't been seen before // if this is the case then the handle(Method) will patch it currentTreeNode = treesByThreadId.compute(currentThread, (id, previous) -> { if (previous != null) return previous.callAgain(); return new NodeCollector(methodId); }); } else { currentTreeNode = currentTreeNode.newChildCall(methodId); } } @Override public void handle(Method newMethod) { methodByMethodId.put(newMethod.getMethodId(), newMethod); emitProfileIfNeeded(); } @Override public void handle(ThreadMeta newThreadMeta) { metaByThreadId.merge( newThreadMeta.getThreadId(), newThreadMeta, (oldMeta, newMeta) -> oldMeta.update(newMeta)); } @Override public void endOfLog() { collectThreadDump(); emitProfile(); } private void emitProfileIfNeeded() { if (traceCount > 0 && immediatelyEmitProfile) { emitProfile(); } } private void emitProfile() { listener.accept( new Profile( traceCount, callCountsByMethodId.aggregate(traceCount), callCountsByFrame.aggregate(traceCount), buildTreeProfile())); } private List<ProfileTree> buildTreeProfile() { return treesByThreadId.entrySet() .stream() .map(node -> { final Long threadId = node.getKey(); final ThreadMeta meta = metaByThreadId.get(threadId); final NodeCollector collector = node.getValue(); if (meta == null) { return new ProfileTree(threadId, collector.normalise(methodByMethodId::get), collector.getNumberOfVisits()); } return new ProfileTree(meta, collector.normalise(methodByMethodId::get), collector.getNumberOfVisits()); }) .sorted(sortBySampleCount) .collect(toList()); } }