package gipad.scheduling.choco; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import gipad.exception.PlanException; import gipad.execution.*; import gipad.plan.action.*; import gipad.scheduling.EntropyProperties; import gipad.configuration.*; import gipad.configuration.configuration.*; import gipad.execution.SequencedExecutionGraph; import gipad.plan.choco.*; import gipad.scheduling.AbstractScheduler; import; import; import gipad.plan.*; /**Scheduling module * is using a gipad.plan.choco.ChocoCustom3RP to compute a new configuration based on the initialOne * This planner is returning a SequentedReconfigurationPlan which is used in applyReconfigurationPlan() * @author Pocman * */ public class PlacementOptimizer extends AbstractScheduler { private ChocoCustom3RP planner; public PlacementOptimizer(Configuration initialConfiguration, CostFunction costFunc) { super(initialConfiguration); planner = new ChocoCustom3RP(costFunc); planner.setRepairMode(true); planner.setTimeLimit(EntropyProperties.getEntropyPlanTimeout()); } @Override public ComputingState computeReconfigurationPlan() { ComputingState res = ComputingState.SUCCESS; ManagedElementList<VirtualMachine> queue = initialConfiguration.getRunnings(); timeToComputeVMRP = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { reconfigurationPlan = planner.compute(initialConfiguration, queue); } catch (PlanException e) { e.printStackTrace(); res = ComputingState.PLACEMENT_FAILED; timeToComputeVMRP = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeToComputeVMRP; reconfigurationPlan = null; } if(reconfigurationPlan != null){ if(reconfigurationPlan.getActions().isEmpty()) res = ComputingState.NO_RECONFIGURATION_NEEDED; reconfigurationPlanCost = reconfigurationPlan.getDuration(); newConfiguration = reconfigurationPlan.getDestination(); nbMigrations = computeNbMigrations(); reconfigurationGraphDepth = computeReconfigurationGraphDepth(); } return res; } //Get the number of migrations private int computeNbMigrations(){ int nbMigrations = 0; for (Action a : reconfigurationPlan.getActions()){ if(a instanceof Migration){ nbMigrations++; } } return nbMigrations; } //Get the depth of the reconfiguration graph //May be compared to the number of steps in Entropy 1.1.1 //Return 0 if there is no action, and (1 + maximum number of dependencies) otherwise private int computeReconfigurationGraphDepth(){ if(reconfigurationPlan.getActions().isEmpty()){ return 0; } else{ int maxNbDeps = 0; SequencedExecutionGraph g = reconfigurationPlan.extractExecutionGraph(); int nbDeps; //Set the reverse dependencies map for (Dependencies dep : g.extractDependencies()) { nbDeps = dep.getUnsatisfiedDependencies().size(); if (nbDeps > maxNbDeps) maxNbDeps = nbDeps; } return 1 + maxNbDeps; } } @Override public void applyReconfigurationPlan() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } Configuration extractConfiguration(Collection<XHost> xhosts){ Configuration extractedConf = new SimpleConfiguration(); ManagedElementList<Node> nodes = new SimpleManagedElementList<Node>(); Node node = null; // Add nodes for (XHost tmpH:xhosts){ //Hardware Specification ArrayList<Cpu> cpus = new ArrayList<Cpu>(); cpus.add(new Cpu(tmpH.getNbCores(), tmpH.getCPUCapacity()/tmpH.getNbCores())); HardwareSpecification nodeHardwareSpecification = new HardwareSpecification( cpus, // StorageDevice are not yet implemented within the Simgrid framework new ArrayList<StorageDevice>() {{ add(new StorageDevice("hd0", 512 * Units.GIGA())); }}, new Memory(tmpH.getMemSize() * Units.MEGA()) ); ArrayList<NetworkInterface> nets = new ArrayList<NetworkInterface>(); nets.add(new NetworkInterface("eth0", tmpH.getNetBW() * Units.MEGA())); NetworkSpecification networkSpecification = new NetworkSpecification(nets); Location nodeLocation = new Location(tmpH.getIP(), 3000); ArrayList<VirtualMachine> vms = new ArrayList<VirtualMachine>(); node = new Node(tmpH.getName(), nodeHardwareSpecification, networkSpecification, nodeLocation, vms); for(XVM tmpVM:tmpH.getRunnings()) { ArrayList<Cpu> cpusVM = new ArrayList<Cpu>(); cpusVM.add(new Cpu((int)tmpVM.getCore(), 100)); HardwareSpecification vmHardwareSpecification = new HardwareSpecification( cpusVM, // Not used see above new ArrayList<StorageDevice>() {{ add(new StorageDevice("hd0", 100 * Units.GIGA())); }}, new Memory(tmpVM.getMemSize()* Units.MEGA()) ); ArrayList<NetworkInterface> netsVM = new ArrayList<NetworkInterface>(); nets.add(new NetworkInterface("eth0", tmpVM.getNetBW() * Units.MEGA())); NetworkSpecification networkSpecificationVMs = new NetworkSpecification(netsVM); // TODO 1./ Jonathan should add networkSpecification for a VM. // TODO 2./ Jonathan should encaspulates networkSpecification into HardwareSpecification (net should appear at // the same level than CPU/mem/... node.addVm(new VirtualMachine(tmpVM.getName(), new VirtualMachineStates.Running(), vmHardwareSpecification)); } nodes.add(node); } // extractedConf.addOnline(nodes); extractedConf.addOnline(nodes); //return nodes; return extractedConf; } }