/* * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.dashbuilder.dataset.client; import org.dashbuilder.common.client.error.ClientRuntimeError; import org.dashbuilder.common.client.backend.PathUrlFactory; import org.dashbuilder.dataprovider.DataSetProviderType; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.DataSet; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.service.DataSetLookupServices; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.DataSetLookup; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.DataSetMetadata; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.client.resources.i18n.CommonConstants; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.def.DataSetDef; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.engine.group.IntervalBuilderLocator; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.events.*; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.group.AggregateFunctionManager; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.service.DataSetDefServices; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.service.DataSetExportServices; import org.jboss.errai.bus.client.api.messaging.Message; import org.jboss.errai.common.client.api.Caller; import org.jboss.errai.common.client.api.ErrorCallback; import org.jboss.errai.common.client.api.RemoteCallback; import org.uberfire.backend.vfs.Path; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.enterprise.event.Event; import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.*; import static org.uberfire.commons.validation.PortablePreconditions.checkNotNull; /** * Data set services for clients. * <p>It hides to client widgets where the data sets are stored and how they are fetched and processed.</p> */ @ApplicationScoped public class DataSetClientServices { private ClientDataSetManager clientDataSetManager; private PathUrlFactory pathUrlFactory; private AggregateFunctionManager aggregateFunctionManager; private IntervalBuilderLocator intervalBuilderLocator; private Event<DataSetPushingEvent> dataSetPushingEvent; private Event<DataSetPushOkEvent> dataSetPushOkEvent; private Event<DataSetModifiedEvent> dataSetModifiedEvent; private Caller<DataSetLookupServices> dataSetLookupServices; private Caller<DataSetDefServices> dataSetDefServices; private Caller<DataSetExportServices> dataSetExportServices; /** * A cache of DataSetMetadata instances */ private Map<String,DataSetMetadata> remoteMetadataMap = new HashMap<String,DataSetMetadata>(); /** * If enabled then remote data set can be pushed to clients. */ private boolean pushRemoteDataSetEnabled = true; /** * It holds a set of data set push requests in progress. */ private Map<String,DataSetPushHandler> pushRequestMap = new HashMap<String,DataSetPushHandler>(); public DataSetClientServices() { } @Inject public DataSetClientServices(ClientDataSetManager clientDataSetManager, PathUrlFactory pathUrlFactory, AggregateFunctionManager aggregateFunctionManager, IntervalBuilderLocator intervalBuilderLocator, Event<DataSetPushingEvent> dataSetPushingEvent, Event<DataSetPushOkEvent> dataSetPushOkEvent, Event<DataSetModifiedEvent> dataSetModifiedEvent, Caller<DataSetLookupServices> dataSetLookupServices, Caller<DataSetDefServices> dataSetDefServices, Caller<DataSetExportServices> dataSetExportServices) { this.clientDataSetManager = clientDataSetManager; this.pathUrlFactory = pathUrlFactory; this.aggregateFunctionManager = aggregateFunctionManager; this.intervalBuilderLocator = intervalBuilderLocator; this.dataSetPushingEvent = dataSetPushingEvent; this.dataSetPushOkEvent = dataSetPushOkEvent; this.dataSetModifiedEvent = dataSetModifiedEvent; this.dataSetLookupServices = dataSetLookupServices; this.dataSetDefServices = dataSetDefServices; this.dataSetExportServices = dataSetExportServices; } public boolean isPushRemoteDataSetEnabled() { return pushRemoteDataSetEnabled; } /** * Enable/disable the ability to push remote data sets from server. */ public void setPushRemoteDataSetEnabled(boolean pushRemoteDataSetEnabled) { this.pushRemoteDataSetEnabled = pushRemoteDataSetEnabled; } /** * Fetch the metadata instance for the specified data set. * * @param uuid The UUID of the data set * @throws Exception It there is an unexpected error trying to execute the lookup request. */ public void fetchMetadata(final String uuid, final DataSetMetadataCallback listener) throws Exception { DataSetMetadata metadata = clientDataSetManager.getDataSetMetadata(uuid); if (metadata != null) { listener.callback(metadata); } else if (dataSetLookupServices != null) { if (remoteMetadataMap.containsKey(uuid)) { listener.callback(remoteMetadataMap.get(uuid)); } else { dataSetLookupServices.call( new RemoteCallback<DataSetMetadata>() { public void callback(DataSetMetadata result) { if (result == null) { listener.notFound(); } else { remoteMetadataMap.put(uuid, result); listener.callback(result); } } }, new ErrorCallback<Message>() { @Override public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(throwable)); return true; } }).lookupDataSetMetadata(uuid); } } else { listener.notFound(); } } /** * Get the cached metadata instance for the specified data set. * * @param uuid The UUID of the data set. Null if the metadata is not stored on client yet. */ public DataSetMetadata getMetadata(String uuid) { DataSetMetadata metadata = clientDataSetManager.getDataSetMetadata(uuid); if (metadata != null) return metadata; return remoteMetadataMap.get(uuid); } /** * Export a data set, specified by a data set lookup request, to CSV format. * * @param request The data set lookup request * @throws Exception It there is an unexpected error during the export. */ public void exportDataSetCSV(final DataSetLookup request, final DataSetExportReadyCallback listener) throws Exception { if (dataSetLookupServices != null) { // Look always into the client data set manager. if (clientDataSetManager.getDataSet(request.getDataSetUUID()) != null) { DataSet dataSet = clientDataSetManager.lookupDataSet(request); dataSetExportServices.call( new RemoteCallback<Path>() { public void callback(Path csvFilePath) { listener.exportReady(csvFilePath); }} , new ErrorCallback<Message>() { public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(throwable)); return true; } }).exportDataSetCSV(dataSet); } // Data set not found on client. else { // If the data set is not in client, then look up remotely (only if the remote access is available). try { dataSetExportServices.call( new RemoteCallback<Path>() { public void callback(Path csvFilePath) { listener.exportReady(csvFilePath); }} , new ErrorCallback<Message>() { public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(throwable)); return true; } }).exportDataSetCSV(request); } catch (Exception e) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(e)); } } } else { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(CommonConstants.INSTANCE.exc_no_client_side_data_export())); } } /** * Export a data set, specified by a data set lookup request, to Excel format. * * @param request The data set lookup request * @throws Exception It there is an unexpected error during the export. */ public void exportDataSetExcel(final DataSetLookup request, final DataSetExportReadyCallback listener) throws Exception { if (dataSetLookupServices != null) { // Look always into the client data set manager. if (clientDataSetManager.getDataSet(request.getDataSetUUID()) != null) { DataSet dataSet = clientDataSetManager.lookupDataSet(request); try { dataSetExportServices.call( new RemoteCallback<Path>() { public void callback(Path excelFilePath) { listener.exportReady(excelFilePath); }}).exportDataSetExcel(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Data set not found on client. else { // If the data set is not in client, then look up remotely (only if the remote access is available). try { dataSetExportServices.call( new RemoteCallback<Path>() { public void callback(Path excelFilePath) { listener.exportReady(excelFilePath); }} , new ErrorCallback<Message>() { public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(throwable)); return true; } }).exportDataSetExcel(request); } catch (Exception e) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(e)); } } } else { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(CommonConstants.INSTANCE.exc_no_client_side_data_export())); } } /** * Creates a brand new data set definition for the provider type specified * @param type The provider type * @return A data set definition instance */ public void newDataSet(DataSetProviderType type, RemoteCallback<DataSetDef> callback) throws Exception { dataSetDefServices.call(callback).createDataSetDef(type); } /** * Process the specified data set lookup request for a given definition. * @param def The data set definition * @param request The data set lookup request * @throws Exception It there is an unexpected error trying to execute the lookup request. */ public void lookupDataSet(final DataSetDef def, final DataSetLookup request, final DataSetReadyCallback listener) throws Exception { if (dataSetLookupServices != null) { try { dataSetLookupServices.call( new RemoteCallback<DataSet>() { public void callback(DataSet result) { if (result == null) listener.notFound(); else listener.callback(result); } }, new ErrorCallback<Message>() { @Override public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) { return listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(throwable)); } }) .lookupDataSet(def, request); } catch (Exception e) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(e)); } } // Data set not found on client. else { listener.notFound(); } } /** * Process the specified data set lookup request. * * @param request The data set lookup request * @throws Exception It there is an unexpected error trying to execute the lookup request. */ public void lookupDataSet(final DataSetLookup request, final DataSetReadyCallback listener) throws Exception { // Look always into the client data set manager. if (clientDataSetManager.getDataSet(request.getDataSetUUID()) != null) { DataSet dataSet = clientDataSetManager.lookupDataSet(request); listener.callback(dataSet); } // If the data set is not in client, then look up remotely (only if the remote access is available). else if (dataSetLookupServices != null) { // First of all, get the target data set estimated size. fetchMetadata(request.getDataSetUUID(), new DataSetMetadataCallback() { public void callback(DataSetMetadata metatada) { // Push the data set to client if and only if the push feature is enabled, the data set is // pushable & the data set is smaller than the max push size defined. DataSetDef dsetDef = metatada.getDefinition(); int estimatedSize = metatada.getEstimatedSize() / 1000; boolean isPushable = dsetDef != null && dsetDef.isPushEnabled() && estimatedSize < dsetDef.getPushMaxSize(); if (pushRemoteDataSetEnabled && isPushable) { // Check if a push is already in progress. // (This is necessary in order to avoid repeating multiple push requests over the same data set). DataSetPushHandler pushHandler = pushRequestMap.get(request.getDataSetUUID()); if (pushHandler == null) { // Create a push handler. pushHandler = new DataSetPushHandler(metatada); // Send the lookup request to the server... DataSetLookup lookupSourceDataSet = new DataSetLookup(request.getDataSetUUID()); _lookupDataSet(lookupSourceDataSet, pushHandler); } // Register the lookup request into the current handler. pushHandler.registerLookup(request, listener); } // Lookup the remote data set otherwise. else { _lookupDataSet(request, listener); } } // Data set metadata not found public void notFound() { listener.notFound(); } @Override public boolean onError(final ClientRuntimeError error) { return listener.onError(error); } }); } // Data set not found on client. else { listener.notFound(); } } private void _lookupDataSet(DataSetLookup request, final DataSetReadyCallback listener) { try { dataSetLookupServices.call( new RemoteCallback<DataSet>() { public void callback(DataSet result) { if (result == null) listener.notFound(); else listener.callback(result); } }, new ErrorCallback<Message>() { @Override public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) { return listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(throwable)); } }) .lookupDataSet(request); } catch (Exception e) { listener.onError(new ClientRuntimeError(e)); } } /** * @deprecated Use <i>getPublicDataSetDefs</i> instead * @since 0.3.0.Final */ public void getRemoteSharedDataSetDefs(RemoteCallback<List<DataSetDef>> callback) { getPublicDataSetDefs(callback); } public void getPublicDataSetDefs(RemoteCallback<List<DataSetDef>> callback) { try { dataSetDefServices.call(callback).getPublicDataSetDefs(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public AggregateFunctionManager getAggregateFunctionManager() { return aggregateFunctionManager; } public IntervalBuilderLocator getIntervalBuilderLocator() { return intervalBuilderLocator; } // Classes for the handling of concurrent lookup requests over any push-able data set private class DataSetPushHandler implements DataSetReadyCallback { private DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = null; private List<DataSetLookupListenerPair> listenerList = new ArrayList<DataSetLookupListenerPair>(); private DataSetPushHandler(DataSetMetadata metadata) { this.dataSetMetadata = metadata; pushRequestMap.put(dataSetMetadata.getUUID(), this); dataSetPushingEvent.fire(new DataSetPushingEvent(dataSetMetadata)); } public void registerLookup(DataSetLookup lookup, DataSetReadyCallback listener) { listenerList.add(new DataSetLookupListenerPair(lookup, listener)); } public void callback(DataSet dataSet) { pushRequestMap.remove(dataSetMetadata.getUUID()); clientDataSetManager.registerDataSet(dataSet); dataSetPushOkEvent.fire(new DataSetPushOkEvent(dataSetMetadata)); for (DataSetLookupListenerPair pair : listenerList) { DataSet result = clientDataSetManager.lookupDataSet(pair.lookup); pair.listener.callback(result); } } public void notFound() { pushRequestMap.remove(dataSetMetadata.getUUID()); for (DataSetLookupListenerPair pair : listenerList) { pair.listener.notFound(); } } @Override public boolean onError(final ClientRuntimeError error) { boolean t = false; for (DataSetLookupListenerPair pair : listenerList) { if (pair.listener.onError(error)) t = true; } return t; } } private class DataSetLookupListenerPair { DataSetLookup lookup; DataSetReadyCallback listener; private DataSetLookupListenerPair(DataSetLookup lookup, DataSetReadyCallback listener) { this.lookup = lookup; this.listener = listener; } } // Catch backend events private void onDataSetStaleEvent(@Observes DataSetStaleEvent event) { checkNotNull("event", event); String uuid = event.getDataSetDef().getUUID(); // Remove any stale data existing on the client. // This will force next lookup requests to push a refreshed data set. clientDataSetManager.removeDataSet(uuid); remoteMetadataMap.remove(uuid); // If a data set has been updated on the sever then fire an event. // In this case the notification is always send, no matter whether the data set is pushed to the client or not. dataSetModifiedEvent.fire(new DataSetModifiedEvent(event.getDataSetDef())); } private void onDataSetRemovedEvent(@Observes DataSetDefRemovedEvent event) { checkNotNull("event", event); String uuid = event.getDataSetDef().getUUID(); clientDataSetManager.removeDataSet(uuid); remoteMetadataMap.remove(uuid); // If a data set has been updated on the sever then fire an event. // In this case the notification is always send, no matter whether the data set is pushed to the client or not. dataSetModifiedEvent.fire(new DataSetModifiedEvent(event.getDataSetDef())); } /** * <p>Returns the download URL for a given file provided by a servlet method.</p> * @param path The path of the file. */ public String getDownloadFileUrl(final Path path) { return pathUrlFactory.getDownloadFileUrl(path); } /** * <p>Returns the upload URL for a given file provided by a servlet method.</p> * @param path The path of the file. */ public String getUploadFileUrl(String path) { return pathUrlFactory.getUploadFileUrl(path); } }