package com.robotium.solo; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.IntentFilter; import; import; import; import; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import com.robotium.solo.Solo.Config; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Timer; import static com.robotium.solo.Solo.LOG_TAG; /** * Contains activity related methods. Examples are: * getCurrentActivity(), getActivityMonitor(), setActivityOrientation(int orientation). * * @author Renas Reda, * */ class ActivityUtils { private final Config config; private final Instrumentation inst; private ActivityMonitor activityMonitor; private Activity activity; private final Sleeper sleeper; private final int MINISLEEP = 100; private Stack<WeakReference<Activity>> activityStack; private WeakReference<Activity> weakActivityReference; private Stack<String> activitiesStoredInActivityStack; private Timer activitySyncTimer; private volatile boolean registerActivities; Thread activityThread; /** * Constructs this object. * * @param config the {@code Config} instance * @param inst the {@code Instrumentation} instance. * @param activity the start {@code Activity} * @param sleeper the {@code Sleeper} instance */ public ActivityUtils(Config config, Instrumentation inst, Activity activity, Sleeper sleeper) { this.config = config; this.inst = inst; this.activity = activity; this.sleeper = sleeper; createStackAndPushStartActivity(); activitySyncTimer = new Timer(); activitiesStoredInActivityStack = new Stack<String>(); setupActivityMonitor(); setupActivityStackListener(); } /** * Creates a new activity stack and pushes the start activity. */ private void createStackAndPushStartActivity(){ activityStack = new Stack<WeakReference<Activity>>(); if (activity != null && config.trackActivities){ WeakReference<Activity> weakReference = new WeakReference<Activity>(activity); activity = null; activityStack.push(weakReference); } } /** * Returns a {@code List} of all the opened/active activities. * * @return a {@code List} of all the opened/active activities */ public ArrayList<Activity> getAllOpenedActivities() { ArrayList<Activity> activities = new ArrayList<Activity>(); Iterator<WeakReference<Activity>> activityStackIterator = activityStack.iterator(); while(activityStackIterator.hasNext()){ Activity activity =; if(activity!=null) activities.add(activity); } return activities; } /** * This is were the activityMonitor is set up. The monitor will keep check * for the currently active activity. */ private void setupActivityMonitor() { if(config.trackActivities){ try { IntentFilter filter = null; activityMonitor = inst.addMonitor(filter, null, false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Returns true if registration of Activites should be performed * * @return true if registration of Activities should be performed */ public boolean shouldRegisterActivities() { return registerActivities; } /** * Set true if registration of Activities should be performed * @param registerActivities true if registration of Activities should be performed * */ public void setRegisterActivities(boolean registerActivities) { this.registerActivities = registerActivities; } /** * This is were the activityStack listener is set up. The listener will keep track of the * opened activities and their positions. */ private void setupActivityStackListener() { if(activityMonitor == null){ return; } setRegisterActivities(true); activityThread = new RegisterActivitiesThread(this); activityThread.start(); } void monitorActivities() { if(activityMonitor != null){ Activity activity = activityMonitor.waitForActivityWithTimeout(2000L); if(activity != null){ if (activitiesStoredInActivityStack.remove(activity.toString())){ removeActivityFromStack(activity); } if(!activity.isFinishing()){ addActivityToStack(activity); } } } } /** * Removes a given activity from the activity stack * * @param activity the activity to remove */ private void removeActivityFromStack(Activity activity){ Iterator<WeakReference<Activity>> activityStackIterator = activityStack.iterator(); while(activityStackIterator.hasNext()){ Activity activityFromWeakReference =; if(activityFromWeakReference == null){ activityStackIterator.remove(); } if(activity != null && activityFromWeakReference != null && activityFromWeakReference.equals(activity)){ activityStackIterator.remove(); } } } /** * Returns the ActivityMonitor used by Robotium. * * @return the ActivityMonitor used by Robotium */ public ActivityMonitor getActivityMonitor(){ return activityMonitor; } /** * Sets the Orientation (Landscape/Portrait) for the current activity. * * @param orientation An orientation constant such as {@link ActivityInfo#SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE} or {@link ActivityInfo#SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT} */ public void setActivityOrientation(int orientation) { Activity activity = getCurrentActivity(); if(activity != null){ activity.setRequestedOrientation(orientation); } } /** * Returns the current {@code Activity}, after sleeping a default pause length. * * @param shouldSleepFirst whether to sleep a default pause first * @return the current {@code Activity} */ public Activity getCurrentActivity(boolean shouldSleepFirst) { return getCurrentActivity(shouldSleepFirst, true); } /** * Returns the current {@code Activity}, after sleeping a default pause length. * * @return the current {@code Activity} */ public Activity getCurrentActivity() { return getCurrentActivity(true, true); } /** * Adds an activity to the stack * * @param activity the activity to add */ private void addActivityToStack(Activity activity){ activitiesStoredInActivityStack.push(activity.toString()); weakActivityReference = new WeakReference<Activity>(activity); activity = null; activityStack.push(weakActivityReference); } /** * Waits for an activity to be started if one is not provided * by the constructor. */ private final void waitForActivityIfNotAvailable(){ if(activityStack.isEmpty() || activityStack.peek().get() == null){ if (activityMonitor != null) { Activity activity = activityMonitor.getLastActivity(); while (activity == null){ sleeper.sleepMini(); activity = activityMonitor.getLastActivity(); } addActivityToStack(activity); } else if(config.trackActivities){ sleeper.sleepMini(); setupActivityMonitor(); waitForActivityIfNotAvailable(); } } } /** * Returns the name of the most recent Activity * * @return the name of the current {@code Activity} */ public String getCurrentActivityName(){ if(!activitiesStoredInActivityStack.isEmpty()){ return activitiesStoredInActivityStack.peek(); } return ""; } /** * Get target package activities. * @param context context * @return activities */ public ActivityInfo[] getAllActivities(Context context){ try { PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); return info.activities; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Get target launcher Activity. * @return launcher Activity */ public String getLauncherActivity(Context context){ android.content.Intent intent = new android.content.Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfos = context.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent, 0); if (resolveInfos != null && resolveInfos.size() > 0) return resolveInfos.get(0); return null; } /** * Returns the current {@code Activity}. * * @param shouldSleepFirst whether to sleep a default pause first * @param waitForActivity whether to wait for the activity * @return the current {@code Activity} */ public Activity getCurrentActivity(boolean shouldSleepFirst, boolean waitForActivity) { if(shouldSleepFirst){ sleeper.sleep(); } if(!config.trackActivities){ return activity; } if(waitForActivity){ waitForActivityIfNotAvailable(); } if(!activityStack.isEmpty()){ activity=activityStack.peek().get(); } return activity; } /** * Check if activity stack is empty. * * @return true if activity stack is empty */ public boolean isActivityStackEmpty() { return activityStack.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns to the given {@link Activity}. * * @param name the name of the {@code Activity} to return to, e.g. {@code "MyActivity"} */ public void goBackToActivity(String name) { ArrayList<Activity> activitiesOpened = getAllOpenedActivities(); boolean found = false; for(int i = 0; i < activitiesOpened.size(); i++){ if(activitiesOpened.get(i).getClass().getSimpleName().equals(name)){ found = true; break; } } if(found){ while(!getCurrentActivity().getClass().getSimpleName().equals(name)) { try{ inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK); }catch(SecurityException ignored){} } } else{ for (Activity anActivitiesOpened : activitiesOpened) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Activity priorly opened: " + anActivitiesOpened.getClass().getSimpleName()); } Log.e(LOG_TAG, "No Activity named: '" + name + "' has been priorly opened"); } } /** * Returns a localized string. * * @param resId the resource ID for the string * @return the localized string */ public String getString(int resId) { Activity activity = getCurrentActivity(false); if(activity == null){ return ""; } return activity.getString(resId); } /** * Finalizes the solo object. */ @Override public void finalize() throws Throwable { activitySyncTimer.cancel(); stopActivityMonitor(); super.finalize(); } /** * Removes the ActivityMonitor */ private void stopActivityMonitor(){ try { // Remove the monitor added during startup if (activityMonitor != null) { inst.removeMonitor(activityMonitor); activityMonitor = null; } } catch (Exception ignored) {} } /** * All activites that have been opened are finished. */ public void finishOpenedActivities(){ // Stops the activityStack listener activitySyncTimer.cancel(); if(!config.trackActivities){ useGoBack(3); return; } ArrayList<Activity> activitiesOpened = getAllOpenedActivities(); // Finish all opened activities for (int i = activitiesOpened.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { sleeper.sleep(MINISLEEP); finishActivity(activitiesOpened.get(i)); } activitiesOpened = null; sleeper.sleep(MINISLEEP); // Finish the initial activity, pressing Back for good measure finishActivity(getCurrentActivity(true, false)); stopActivityMonitor(); setRegisterActivities(false); this.activity = null; sleeper.sleepMini(); useGoBack(1); clearActivityStack(); } /** * Sends the back button command a given number of times * * @param numberOfTimes the number of times to press "back" */ private void useGoBack(int numberOfTimes){ for(int i = 0; i < numberOfTimes; i++){ try { inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK); sleeper.sleep(MINISLEEP); inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK); } catch (Throwable ignored) { // Guard against lack of INJECT_EVENT permission } } } /** * Clears the activity stack. */ private void clearActivityStack(){ activityStack.clear(); activitiesStoredInActivityStack.clear(); } /** * Finishes an activity. * * @param activity the activity to finish */ private void finishActivity(Activity activity){ if(activity != null) { try{ activity.finish(); }catch(Throwable e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static final class RegisterActivitiesThread extends Thread { public static final long REGISTER_ACTIVITY_THREAD_SLEEP_MS = 16L; private final WeakReference<ActivityUtils> activityUtilsWR; RegisterActivitiesThread(ActivityUtils activityUtils) { super("activityMonitorThread"); activityUtilsWR = new WeakReference<ActivityUtils>(activityUtils); setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); } @Override public void run() { while (shouldMonitor()) { monitorActivities(); SystemClock.sleep(REGISTER_ACTIVITY_THREAD_SLEEP_MS); } } private boolean shouldMonitor() { ActivityUtils activityUtils = activityUtilsWR.get(); return activityUtils != null && activityUtils.shouldRegisterActivities(); } private void monitorActivities() { ActivityUtils activityUtils = activityUtilsWR.get(); if (activityUtils != null) { activityUtils.monitorActivities(); } } } }