package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.Intent.*; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; public class AssassinsApplication<T> extends Application { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ public Intent myIntent; private SharedPreferences myPrefs; Context context; //Activity currActivity; Facebook facebook = new"281380471893391"); String FILENAME = "assassins_data"; private String TAG = "Application"; private ArrayList<Game> gameList = new ArrayList<Game>(); private ArrayList<User> userList = new ArrayList<User>(); private ArrayList<Player> playerList = new ArrayList<Player>(); public static Game newGameAdded = new Game(); public static User user = new User(); public static String gameID= ""; public static String userID = ""; public static String debug = ""; public static boolean errorParsing = false; //public static final String ACCESS_TOKEN = ""; public static String accessToken = ""; public static final String URL_BASE = ""; /*List available games: assassins/game/games/ GET request args: (No arguments)*/ public static String urlListGames = URL_BASE + "game/games/?access_token=" ; //public static final String URL_LIST_GAMES = URL_BASE + "game/games/?access_token=" + ACCESS_TOKEN; /*Join game: assassins/player/joingame/ POST request args: access_token, game_id*/ public static final String urlJoinGame = URL_BASE + "player/joingame/?access_token="; /*Get user info: assassins/player/getuserinfo/ GET request args: access_token*/ public static String urlPlayerInfo = URL_BASE + "player/info/?access_token=" ; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); } // Added public void setUserList(ArrayList<User> a){ Collections.copy(this.userList, a); } public ArrayList<User> getUserList(){ return this.userList; } // public void setGameList(ArrayList<Game> a){ Collections.copy(this.gameList, a); } public ArrayList<Game> getGameList(){ return this.gameList; } public void setPlayerList(ArrayList<Player> a){ Collections.copy(this.playerList, a); } public ArrayList<Player> getPlayerList(){ return this.playerList; } public void setNewGameAdded(Game g){ this.newGameAdded = g; } public Game getNewGameAdded(){ return this.newGameAdded; } public void setUser(User u){ this.user = u; } public User getUser(){ return this.user; } public void setAccessToken(String a){ this.accessToken = a; } public String getAccessToken(){ return this.accessToken; } public void setUserID(String a){ this.userID =a; } public String getUserID(){ return this.userID; } /* SET and GET URL methods */ public void setURLPlayerInfo(String accessToken, String userID){ this.urlPlayerInfo = URL_BASE + "player/info/?access_token="+ accessToken + "&user_id=" + userID; } public String getURLPlayerInfo(){ return this.urlPlayerInfo; } public void setURLListGames(String accessToken){ this.urlListGames = URL_BASE + "game/games/?access_token=" + accessToken; } public String getURLListGames(){ return this.urlListGames; } /* DEBUG */ public void setDebugString(String d){ this.debug = d; } public String getDebugString(){ return this.debug; } public void setErrorParsing(boolean a){ this.errorParsing = a; } public boolean getErrorParsing(){ return this.errorParsing; } // Get JSON array from HTTPstring public JSONArray getJSONArray(String returnedHTTPString){ String firstChar = Character.toString(returnedHTTPString.charAt(0)); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); // If the returnHTTPString is a list: try { if(firstChar.equals("[")){ jsonArray = new JSONArray(returnedHTTPString); } } catch(JSONException e){ Log.v(TAG, "Can't convert HTTPstring to a JSONArray."); } return jsonArray; } // Get JSON object from a JSONArray with an index. public JSONObject getJSONFieldsObject(JSONArray a, int index){ JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject fieldsObj = new JSONObject(); // If the returnHTTPString is a list: try { jsonObj = a.getJSONObject(index); Log.v(TAG, "The 'fields' obj = "+ jsonObj.getJSONObject("fields")); fieldsObj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("fields"); }catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.v(TAG, "can't get JSONFieldObject: Game object parsing error."); e.printStackTrace(); } return fieldsObj; } // Helper Method to Parse the string returned by calling HTTPrequest() to a String with a given Key public String parseReturnedHTTPToString(String returnedHTTPString, String jsonObjKey){ String firstChar = Character.toString(returnedHTTPString.charAt(0)); JSONArray jsonArray = null; String value = ""; JSONObject jsonObj = null; JSONObject fieldsObj = null; // If the returnHTTPString is a list: if(firstChar.equals("[")){ try { jsonArray = new JSONArray(returnedHTTPString); Log.v(TAG, "json.toString() = "+ jsonArray.toString()); jsonObj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0); Log.v(TAG, "The 'fields' obj = "+ jsonObj.getJSONObject("fields")); fieldsObj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("fields"); value = fieldsObj.getString(jsonObjKey); Log.v(TAG, "the return value is "+ value); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block this.setErrorParsing(true); Log.v(TAG, "errorParsing is true."); e.printStackTrace(); } } // if the returnHTTPString is an obj from the FACEBOOK GRAPH API: else{ try { jsonObj = new JSONObject(returnedHTTPString); Log.v(TAG, "json.toString() = "+ jsonObj.toString()); //fieldsObj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("fields"); value = jsonObj.getString(jsonObjKey); Log.v(TAG, "the return value is "+ " id = " + value); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block this.setErrorParsing(true); Log.v(TAG, "errorParsing is true."); e.printStackTrace(); } } Log.v(TAG, "Return ("+ jsonObjKey +") is: "+value ); return value; } /* * Update Game List * */ public void updateGameList(){ // query the server for the list of game with accessToken // Add all the games to the arrayList obj //TODO: check to see if ArrayAdapter<String> is better than ArrayAdapter<Game> // setAdapter then???? String returnedGameListString = ""; String firstGameInListName = ""; try{ this.setURLListGames(facebook.getAccessToken()); returnedGameListString = InGameService.request(this.getURLListGames(), true, null); //InputStream error = ((HttpURLConnection) connection).getErrorStream(); firstGameInListName = this.parseReturnedHTTPToString(returnedGameListString, "name"); if(this.getErrorParsing() == true || (firstGameInListName.equals(""))){ this.setErrorParsing(false); Log.v(TAG, "errorParsing Game Array."); // Deactivate Join Game Button // joinGameButton.setClickable(false); } else if(this.getErrorParsing() == false){ Log.v(TAG, "There are public games to join. Start getting games info."); JSONArray gameArray = new JSONArray(returnedGameListString); Log.v(TAG, "JSONArray(returnedGameListString) = "+gameArray.toString()); for(int i=0; i < gameArray.length(); i++){ JSONObject jsonObj = gameArray.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject fieldObj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("fields"); Game game = new Game(); game.setGameID(jsonObj.getString("pk")); game.setStatus(fieldObj.getString("status")); game.setGameName(fieldObj.getString("name")); game.setPublicGame(fieldObj.getString("public")); game.setCreator(fieldObj.getString("creator")); game.setMaxPlayers(fieldObj.getString("max_players")); this.getGameList().add(game); } } Log.v("GameList", "in updateGameList"); Log.v(TAG, "app.getGameList is "+ this.getGameList().toString()); Log.v(TAG, "app.getGameList is "+ this.getGameList().get(0).toString()); } catch(Exception e){ Log.v(TAG, "Can't add game to app.getGameList()"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }