/************************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008 EsperTech, Inc. All rights reserved. * * http://esper.codehaus.org * * http://www.espertech.com * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license * * a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file. * **************************************************************************************/ package com.espertech.esper.epl.variable; import com.espertech.esper.client.EventBean; import com.espertech.esper.client.EventPropertyGetter; import com.espertech.esper.client.EventType; import com.espertech.esper.client.VariableValueException; import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprEvaluator; import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprEvaluatorContext; import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprValidationException; import com.espertech.esper.epl.spec.OnTriggerSetAssignment; import com.espertech.esper.event.EventAdapterService; import com.espertech.esper.event.EventBeanCopyMethod; import com.espertech.esper.event.EventPropertyWriter; import com.espertech.esper.event.EventTypeSPI; import com.espertech.esper.util.JavaClassHelper; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.util.*; /** * A convenience class for dealing with reading and updating multiple variable values. */ public class VariableReadWritePackage { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(VariableReadWritePackage.class); private final VariableTriggerSetDesc[] assignments; private final VariableReader[] readers; private final boolean[] mustCoerce; private final WriteDesc writers[]; private final Map<EventTypeSPI, EventBeanCopyMethod> copyMethods; private final EventAdapterService eventAdapterService; private final Map<String, Object> variableTypes; /** * Ctor. * @param assignments the list of variable assignments * @param variableService variable service * @param eventAdapterService event adapters * @throws ExprValidationException when variables cannot be found */ public VariableReadWritePackage(List<OnTriggerSetAssignment> assignments, VariableService variableService, EventAdapterService eventAdapterService) throws ExprValidationException { this.assignments = toAssignments(assignments); this.readers = new VariableReader[assignments.size()]; this.mustCoerce = new boolean[assignments.size()]; this.writers = new WriteDesc[assignments.size()]; this.variableTypes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); this.eventAdapterService = eventAdapterService; Map<EventTypeSPI, CopyMethodDesc> eventTypeWrittenProps = new HashMap<EventTypeSPI, CopyMethodDesc>(); int count = 0; for (OnTriggerSetAssignment assignment : assignments) { String fullVariableName = assignment.getVariableName(); String variableName = assignment.getVariableName(); String subPropertyName = null; int indexOfDot = variableName.indexOf('.'); if (indexOfDot != -1) { subPropertyName = variableName.substring(indexOfDot + 1, variableName.length()); variableName = variableName.substring(0, indexOfDot); } VariableReader variableReader = variableService.getReader(variableName); readers[count] = variableReader; if (variableReader == null) { throw new ExprValidationException("Variable by name '" + variableName + "' has not been created or configured"); } if (variableReader.isConstant()) { throw new ExprValidationException("Variable by name '" + variableName + "' is declared constant and may not be set"); } if (subPropertyName != null) { if (variableReader.getEventType() == null) { throw new ExprValidationException("Variable by name '" + variableName + "' does not have a property named '" + subPropertyName + "'"); } EventType type = variableReader.getEventType(); if (!(type instanceof EventTypeSPI)) { throw new ExprValidationException("Variable by name '" + variableName + "' event type '" + type.getName() + "' not writable"); } EventTypeSPI spi = (EventTypeSPI) type; EventPropertyWriter writer = spi.getWriter(subPropertyName); EventPropertyGetter getter = spi.getGetter(subPropertyName); if (writer == null) { throw new ExprValidationException("Variable by name '" + variableName + "' the property '" + subPropertyName + "' is not writable"); } variableTypes.put(fullVariableName, spi.getPropertyType(subPropertyName)); CopyMethodDesc writtenProps = eventTypeWrittenProps.get(spi); if (writtenProps == null) { writtenProps = new CopyMethodDesc(variableName, new ArrayList<String>()); eventTypeWrittenProps.put(spi, writtenProps); } writtenProps.getPropertiesCopied().add(subPropertyName); writers[count] = new WriteDesc(spi, variableName, writer, getter); } else { // determine types Class expressionType = assignment.getExpression().getExprEvaluator().getType(); if (variableReader.getEventType() != null) { if ((expressionType != null) && (!JavaClassHelper.isSubclassOrImplementsInterface(expressionType, variableReader.getEventType().getUnderlyingType()))) { throw new VariableValueException("Variable '" + variableName + "' of declared event type '" + variableReader.getEventType().getName() + "' underlying type '" + variableReader.getEventType().getUnderlyingType().getName() + "' cannot be assigned a value of type '" + expressionType.getName() + "'"); } variableTypes.put(variableName, variableReader.getEventType().getUnderlyingType()); } else { Class variableType = variableReader.getType(); variableTypes.put(variableName, variableType); // determine if the expression type can be assigned if (variableType != java.lang.Object.class) { if ((JavaClassHelper.getBoxedType(expressionType) != variableType) && (expressionType != null)) { if ((!JavaClassHelper.isNumeric(variableType)) || (!JavaClassHelper.isNumeric(expressionType))) { throw new ExprValidationException(VariableServiceImpl.getAssigmentExMessage(variableName, variableType, expressionType)); } if (!(JavaClassHelper.canCoerce(expressionType, variableType))) { throw new ExprValidationException(VariableServiceImpl.getAssigmentExMessage(variableName, variableType, expressionType)); } mustCoerce[count] = true; } } } } count++; } if (eventTypeWrittenProps.isEmpty()) { copyMethods = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; return; } copyMethods = new HashMap<EventTypeSPI, EventBeanCopyMethod>(); for (Map.Entry<EventTypeSPI, CopyMethodDesc> entry : eventTypeWrittenProps.entrySet()) { List<String> propsWritten = entry.getValue().getPropertiesCopied(); String[] props = propsWritten.toArray(new String[propsWritten.size()]); EventBeanCopyMethod copyMethod = entry.getKey().getCopyMethod(props); if (copyMethod == null){ throw new ExprValidationException("Variable '" + entry.getValue().getVariableName() + "' of declared type " + JavaClassHelper.getClassNameFullyQualPretty(entry.getKey().getUnderlyingType()) + "' cannot be assigned to"); } copyMethods.put(entry.getKey(), copyMethod); } } /** * Write new variable values and commit, evaluating assignment expressions using the given * events per stream. * <p> * Populates an optional map of new values if a non-null map is passed. * @param variableService variable service * @param eventsPerStream events per stream * @param valuesWritten null or an empty map to populate with written values * @param exprEvaluatorContext expression evaluation context */ public void writeVariables(VariableService variableService, EventBean[] eventsPerStream, Map<String, Object> valuesWritten, ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext) { Set<String> variablesBeansCopied = null; if (!copyMethods.isEmpty()) { variablesBeansCopied = new HashSet<String>(); } // We obtain a write lock global to the variable space // Since expressions can contain variables themselves, these need to be unchangeable for the duration // as there could be multiple statements that do "var1 = var1 + 1". variableService.getReadWriteLock().writeLock().lock(); try { variableService.setLocalVersion(); int count = 0; for (VariableTriggerSetDesc assignment : assignments) { VariableReader reader = readers[count]; Object value = assignment.evaluator.evaluate(eventsPerStream, true, exprEvaluatorContext); if (writers[count] != null) { EventBean current = (EventBean) reader.getValue(); if (current == null) { value = null; } else { WriteDesc writeDesc = writers[count]; boolean copy = variablesBeansCopied.add(writeDesc.getVariableName()); if (copy) { EventBean copied = copyMethods.get(writeDesc.getType()).copy(current); current = copied; } variableService.write(reader.getVariableNumber(), current); writeDesc.getWriter().write(value, current); } } else if (reader.getEventType() != null) { EventBean eventBean = eventAdapterService.adapterForType(value, reader.getEventType()); variableService.write(reader.getVariableNumber(), eventBean); } else { if ((value != null) && (mustCoerce[count])) { value = JavaClassHelper.coerceBoxed((Number) value, reader.getType()); } variableService.write(reader.getVariableNumber(), value); } count++; if (valuesWritten != null) { valuesWritten.put(assignment.variableName, value); } } variableService.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { log.error("Error evaluating on-set variable expressions: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); variableService.rollback(); } finally { variableService.getReadWriteLock().writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Returns the readers to all variables. * @return readers */ public VariableReader[] getReaders() { return readers; } /** * Returns a map of variable names and type of variable. * @return variables */ public Map<String, Object> getVariableTypes() { return variableTypes; } /** * Iterate returning all values. * @return map of values */ public Map<String, Object> iterate() { Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int count = 0; for (VariableTriggerSetDesc assignment : assignments) { VariableReader reader = readers[count]; Object value = reader.getValue(); if (value == null) { values.put(assignment.variableName, null); } else if (writers[count] != null) { EventBean current = (EventBean) reader.getValue(); values.put(assignment.variableName, writers[count].getGetter().get(current)); } else if (value instanceof EventBean) { values.put(assignment.variableName, ((EventBean) value).getUnderlying()); } else { values.put(assignment.variableName, value); } count++; } return values; } private VariableTriggerSetDesc[] toAssignments(List<OnTriggerSetAssignment> assignments) { VariableTriggerSetDesc sets[] = new VariableTriggerSetDesc[assignments.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < assignments.size(); i++) { sets[i] = new VariableTriggerSetDesc(assignments.get(i).getVariableName(), assignments.get(i).getExpression().getExprEvaluator()); } return sets; } private static class CopyMethodDesc { private final String variableName; private final List<String> propertiesCopied; public CopyMethodDesc(String variableName, List<String> propertiesCopied) { this.variableName = variableName; this.propertiesCopied = propertiesCopied; } public String getVariableName() { return variableName; } public List<String> getPropertiesCopied() { return propertiesCopied; } } private static class WriteDesc { private final EventTypeSPI type; private final String variableName; private final EventPropertyWriter writer; private final EventPropertyGetter getter; public WriteDesc(EventTypeSPI type, String variableName, EventPropertyWriter writer, EventPropertyGetter getter) { this.type = type; this.variableName = variableName; this.writer = writer; this.getter = getter; } public String getVariableName() { return variableName; } public EventPropertyWriter getWriter() { return writer; } public EventTypeSPI getType() { return type; } public EventPropertyGetter getGetter() { return getter; } } private static class VariableTriggerSetDesc { private String variableName; private ExprEvaluator evaluator; public VariableTriggerSetDesc(String variableName, ExprEvaluator evaluator) { this.variableName = variableName; this.evaluator = evaluator; } } }