package com.tngtech.archunit.base; import com.tngtech.archunit.base.PackageMatcher.Result; import; import; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import static com.tngtech.archunit.base.PackageMatcher.TO_GROUPS; import static com.tngtech.archunit.testutil.Assertions.assertThat; @RunWith(DataProviderRunner.class) public class PackageMatcherTest { @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test @DataProvider(value = { "some.arbitrary.pkg | some.arbitrary.pkg | true", "some.arbitrary.pkg | some.thing.different | false", "some..pkg | some.arbitrary.pkg | true", "some..middle..pkg | some.arbitrary.middle.more.pkg | true", "*..pkg | some.arbitrary.pkg | true", "some..* | some.arbitrary.pkg | true", "*..pkg | some.arbitrary.pkg.toomuch | false", "toomuch.some..* | some.arbitrary.pkg | false", "*..wrong | some.arbitrary.pkg | false", "some..* | wrong.arbitrary.pkg | false", "..some | some | true", "some.. | some | true", "*..some | some | false", "some..* | some | false", "..some | asome | false", "some.. | somea | false", "*.*.* | wrong.arbitrary.pkg | true", "*.*.* | wrong.arbitrary.pkg.toomuch | false", "some.arbi*.pk*.. | some.arbitrary.pkg.whatever | true", "some.arbi*.. | some.brbitrary.pkg | false", "some.*rary.*kg.. | some.arbitrary.pkg.whatever | true", "some.*rary.. | some.arbitrarz.pkg | false", "some.pkg | someepkg | false", "..pkg.. | some.random.pkg.maybe.anywhere | true", "..p.. | s.r.p.m.a | true", "*..pkg..* | some.random.pkg.maybe.anywhere | true", "*..p..* | s.r.p.m.a | true" }, splitBy = "\\|") public void match(String matcher, String target, boolean matches) { assertThat(PackageMatcher.of(matcher).matches(target)) .as("package matches") .isEqualTo(matches); } @Test @DataProvider(value = { "some.(*).pkg | some.arbitrary.pkg | arbitrary", "some.arb(*)ry.pkg | some.arbitrary.pkg | itra", "some.arb(*)ry.pkg | some.arbit.rary.pkg | null", "some.(*).matches.(*).pkg | some.first.matches.second.pkg | first:second", "(*).matches.(*) | start.matches.end | start:end", "(*).(*).(*).(*) | a.b.c.d | a:b:c:d", "(*) | some | some", "some.(*).pkg | | null", "some.(**).pkg | | in.between", "some.(**).pkg.(*) | | in.between:addon", "some(**)pkg | |", "some.(**).pkg | | null", "some.(**).pkg | | null", "so(*)me.(**)*).more | | inf:in.between.g:d", "so(*)me.(**)*).more | | null", "so(**)me | some | null", "so(*)me | some | null", "(**)so | awe.some.aso | awe.some.a", "so(**) | soan.some.we | an.some.we", }, splitBy = "\\|") public void capture_groups(String matcher, String target, String groupString) { assertThat(PackageMatcher.of(matcher).match(target).isPresent()) .as("'%s' matching '%s'", matcher, target) .isEqualTo(groupString != null); String[] groups = groupString != null ? groupString.split(":") : new String[0]; for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { assertThat(PackageMatcher.of(matcher).match(target).get().getGroup(i + 1)) .as("group number %d matches when matching '%s' against '%s'", i + 1, matcher, target) .isEqualTo(groups[i]); } } @Test public void should_reject_more_than_two_dots_in_a_row() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Package Identifier may not contain more than two '.' in a row"); PackageMatcher.of("some...pkg"); } @Test public void should_reject_more_than_one_star_in_a_row() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Package Identifier may not contain more than one '*' in a row"); PackageMatcher.of("some**package"); } @Test public void should_reject_capturing_with_two_dots() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Package Identifier does not support capturing via (..), use (**) instead"); PackageMatcher.of("some.(..).package"); } @Test public void should_reject_illegal_characters() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Package Identifier may only consist of valid java identifier parts or the symbols '.)(*'"); PackageMatcher.of("some" + PackageMatcher.TWO_STAR_REGEX_MARKER + "package"); } @Test public void transform_match_to_groups() { Optional<Result> result = PackageMatcher.of("com.(*)..service.(**)") .match(""); assertThat(result.transform(TO_GROUPS).get()).contains("mycompany", ""); } @Test public void transform_mismatch_to_absent() { Optional<Result> result = PackageMatcher.of("com.(*)..").match("mycompany"); assertThat(result).isAbsent(); } }