package fr.imag.adele.histMan; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions; import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import fr.imag.adele.apam.ApamManagers; import fr.imag.adele.apam.CST; import fr.imag.adele.apam.Component; import fr.imag.adele.apam.CompositeType; import fr.imag.adele.apam.ContextualManager; import fr.imag.adele.apam.DynamicManager; import fr.imag.adele.apam.Link; import fr.imag.adele.apam.ManagerModel; import fr.imag.adele.apam.PropertyManager; import fr.imag.adele.apam.impl.CompositeTypeImpl; public class HistMan implements ContextualManager, PropertyManager, DynamicManager { public static class HistManData { public String histURL; public String histDBName; public Integer histDBTimeout; public String dropCollections; public String dbName; public String dbHost; public int dbPort; public HistManData(Properties prop) { this.histURL = prop.getProperty(DBURL_KEY); this.histDBName = prop.getProperty(DBNAME_KEY); try { this.histDBTimeout = Integer.parseInt((String)prop.get(DBTIMEOUT_KEY)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this.histDBTimeout = Integer.parseInt(DBTIMEOUT_DEFAULT); } this.dropCollections = prop.getProperty(DBDROP_KEY); this.dbName = prop.getProperty(DBNAME_KEY); try { this.dbPort = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(DBPORT_KEY)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this.histDBTimeout = Integer.parseInt(DBPORT_DEFAULT); } } } private int dbNameCounter=0; // Link compositeType with it instance of obrManager private final Map<String, String> histDbURLs; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HistMan.class); private Map<String, Properties> histModels = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); private MongoClient mongoClient; /* * The collection containing the attributes created, changed and removed. */ private static final String ChangedAttributes = "Attr"; /* * The collection containing the entities (spec, implems, instances) * created, and deleted */ private static final String Entities = "ME"; /* * The collection containing the links (wires) created, and deleted */ private static final String Links = "Links"; private static final String DEFAULT_MODEL = "default"; private static final String DBHOST_KEY = "DBHost"; private static final String DBHOST_DEFAULT = "localhost"; private static final String DBPORT_KEY = "DBPort"; private static final String DBPORT_DEFAULT = "27017"; private static final String DBURL_KEY = "DBUrl"; private static final String DBNAME_KEY = "DBName"; private static final String DBNAME_DEFAULT = "ApamRootHistory"; private static final String DBTIMEOUT_KEY = "DBTimeout"; private static final String DBTIMEOUT_DEFAULT = "3000"; private static final String DBDROP_KEY = "dropCollectionsOnStart"; private static final Object DBDROP_DEFAULT = "true"; private DB db = null; /** * HISTMAN activated, register with APAM */ public HistMan(BundleContext context) { histDbURLs = new HashMap<String, String>(); } @Override public void initializeContext(CompositeType context) { ManagerModel model = context.getModel(this); logger.debug("HISTMAN, newComposite(ManagerModel model = " +(model==null?"null":model.getManagerName()) + "CompositeType compositeType = " +(context==null?"null":context.getName())); if (model == null) { // model is root model = CompositeTypeImpl.getRootCompositeType().getModel(this); } HistManData data =new HistManData(loadProperties(model)); try { Builder options = new MongoClientOptions.Builder(); options.connectTimeout(data.histDBTimeout); if(mongoClient==null) { mongoClient = new MongoClient(data.histURL,; }"trying to connect with database {} in host {}", data.histDBName, data.histURL); // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); db = mongoClient.getDB(data.histDBName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("{} is inactive, it was unable to find the DB in {}", this.getName(), data.histURL); } histDbURLs.put(context.getName(), data.histURL); try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); /* * if attribute dropComection is true, drop all collections */ if (data.dropCollections.equals("true")) { db.getCollection(Entities).drop(); db.getCollection(ChangedAttributes).drop(); db.getCollection(Links).drop(); } } catch (MongoException e) { logger.error("no Mongo Database at URL {} name {}", model.getURL(), data.histDBName); stop(); } } @Override public void addedComponent(Component comp) {"Adding component"); try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); DBCollection ME = db.getCollection(Entities); BasicDBObject created = new BasicDBObject("name", comp.getName()) .append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()).append("op", "created"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : comp.getAllProperties() .entrySet()) { created.append(e.getKey().replace('.', '_'), e.getValue() .toString()); } ME.insert(created); } catch (MongoException e) { stop(); } } @Override public void addedLink(Link wire) { try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); DBCollection ChangedLink = db.getCollection(Links); BasicDBObject newLink = new BasicDBObject("name", wire.getSource() .getName()).append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()) .append("linkType", "Wire") .append("linkId", wire.getName()) .append("added", wire.getDestination().getName()); ChangedLink.insert(newLink); } catch (MongoException e) { stop(); } } @Override public void attributeAdded(Component comp, String attr, String newValue) { try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); DBCollection ChangedAttr = db.getCollection(ChangedAttributes); BasicDBObject newVal = new BasicDBObject("name", comp.getName()) .append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()) .append("op", "added").append("attribute", attr) .append("value", newValue); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : comp.getAllProperties() .entrySet()) { newVal.append(e.getKey(), e.getValue().toString()); } ChangedAttr.insert(newVal); } catch (MongoException e) { stop(); } } @Override public void attributeChanged(Component comp, String attr, String newValue, String oldValue) { try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); DBCollection ChangedAttr = db.getCollection(ChangedAttributes); BasicDBObject newVal = new BasicDBObject("name", comp.getName()) .append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()) .append("op", "changed").append("attribute", attr) .append("value", newValue).append("oldValue", oldValue); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : comp.getAllProperties() .entrySet()) { newVal.append(e.getKey(), e.getValue().toString()); } ChangedAttr.insert(newVal); } catch (MongoException e) { stop(); } } @Override public void attributeRemoved(Component comp, String attr, String oldValue) { try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); DBCollection ChangedAttr = db.getCollection(ChangedAttributes); BasicDBObject newVal = new BasicDBObject("name", comp.getName()) .append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()) .append("op", "removed").append("attribute", attr) .append("oldValue", oldValue); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : comp.getAllProperties() .entrySet()) { newVal.append(e.getKey(), e.getValue().toString()); } ChangedAttr.insert(newVal); } catch (MongoException e) { stop(); } } @Override public String getName() { return "HISTMAN"; } private Properties addDefaultProperties(String modelName, Properties prop_model) { if (prop_model == null) { prop_model = new Properties(); } logger.debug("For model : "+modelName); if (prop_model.get(DBHOST_KEY) == null) prop_model.put(DBHOST_KEY, DBHOST_DEFAULT); logger.debug(" -> loaded DB Host : "+prop_model.get(DBHOST_KEY)); if (prop_model.get(DBPORT_KEY) == null) prop_model.put(DBPORT_KEY, DBPORT_DEFAULT); logger.debug(" -> loaded DB Port : "+prop_model.get(DBPORT_KEY)); if (prop_model.get(DBURL_KEY) == null) prop_model.put(DBURL_KEY, DBHOST_DEFAULT.concat(":"+prop_model.get(DBPORT_KEY))); logger.debug(" -> loaded DB URL : "+prop_model.get(DBURL_KEY)); if (prop_model.get(DBNAME_KEY) == null) prop_model.put(DBNAME_KEY, DBNAME_DEFAULT.concat(String.valueOf(dbNameCounter++))); logger.debug(" -> loaded DB Name : "+prop_model.get(DBNAME_KEY)); if (prop_model.get(DBTIMEOUT_KEY) == null) prop_model.put(DBTIMEOUT_KEY, DBTIMEOUT_DEFAULT); logger.debug(" -> loaded DB Timeout : "+prop_model.get(DBTIMEOUT_KEY)); if (prop_model.get(DBDROP_KEY) == null) prop_model.put(DBDROP_KEY, DBDROP_DEFAULT); logger.debug(" -> loaded DB Dropping Collection : "+prop_model.get(DBDROP_KEY)); histModels.put(modelName, prop_model); return prop_model; } private Properties loadProperties(ManagerModel model) { /* * if no model for the compositeType, set the default values */ if (model == null) { return addDefaultProperties(DEFAULT_MODEL, null); } else { try {// try to load the compositeType model"Loading properties from {}", model.getURL()); Properties prop_model = new Properties(); prop_model.load(model.getURL().openStream()); return addDefaultProperties(model.getManagerName(), prop_model); } catch (IOException e) {// if impossible to load the model for the // compositeType, set the root composite logger.error( "Invalid Model. Cannot be read stream " + model.getURL(), e.getCause()); return addDefaultProperties(model.getManagerName(), null); } } } @Override public void removedComponent(Component comp) { try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames();"removing component"); DBCollection ME = db.getCollection(Entities); BasicDBObject created = new BasicDBObject("name", comp.getName()) .append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()).append("op", "deleted"); ME.insert(created); } catch (MongoException e) { stop(); } } @Override public void removedLink(Link wire) { try { // force connection to be established mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); DBCollection ChangedLink = db.getCollection(Links); BasicDBObject newLink = new BasicDBObject("name", wire.getSource() .getName()).append("time", System.currentTimeMillis()) .append("linkType", "Wire") .append("linkId", wire.getName()) .append("removed", wire.getDestination().getName()); ChangedLink.insert(newLink); } catch (MongoException e) { stop(); } } public void start() throws Exception { ApamManagers.addPropertyManager(this); ApamManagers.addDynamicManager(this); } public void stop() { ApamManagers.removePropertyManager(this); ApamManagers.removeDynamicManager(this); histDbURLs.clear(); } }