package; import com.zhan_dui.utils.m3u8.Element; import com.zhan_dui.utils.m3u8.Playlist; import; import; import; import; /** * Created by daimajia on 14-2-28. */ public class M3U8Mission extends Mission{ protected int mVideoSegmentCount = -1; protected int mDownloadedSgementCount = 0; protected int mTotalVideoDuration; protected int mDownloadedVideoDuration; protected int mCurrentPartDownloaded = 0; private int mReopenCount = 30; private final int MAX_REOPEN_COUNT = 0; protected Playlist mM3U8Playlist; public M3U8Mission(String uri,String saveDirectory,String saveName){ super(uri,saveDirectory,saveName); } public M3U8Mission(String uri,String saveDirectory,String saveName,String showName){ super(uri,saveDirectory,saveName,showName); } @Override public void run() { notifyStart(); BufferedInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection; try{ httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(getUri()).openConnection(); in = new BufferedInputStream(httpURLConnection.getInputStream()); out = getSafeOutputStream(getSaveDir(),getSaveName()); mM3U8Playlist = Playlist.parse(in); for(Element el:mM3U8Playlist){ mTotalVideoDuration += el.getDuration(); } mVideoSegmentCount = mM3U8Playlist.getElements().size(); notifyMetaDataReady(); byte data[] = new byte[1024]; int count; int c = 0; for(Element el :mM3U8Playlist){ HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(el.getURI().toString()).openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(5000); in = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); while (isCanceled() == false){ try{ count =,0,1024); if(count == -1){ break; } out.write(data,0,count); mCurrentPartDownloaded += count; mDownloaded+=count; notifySpeedChange(); checkPaused(); }catch (Exception e){ //if pause download, it will makes the socket close,and stop the download. //so we need to reopen it. //well, maybe a big bug here, maybe cause dead cycle :( so I set a //max open count to prevent this situation. mReopenCount++; if(mReopenCount > MAX_REOPEN_COUNT){ throw new Exception("There is too much open exception."); } connection = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(el.getURI().toString()).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Range","bytes=" + mCurrentPartDownloaded + "-"); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setDoInput(true); in = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); } } mCurrentPartDownloaded = 0; mDownloadedSgementCount++; mDownloadedVideoDuration+=el.getDuration(); notifyPercentageChange(); if(isCanceled()){ notifyCancel(); break; } } if(!isCanceled()){ notifyPercentageChange(); notifySuccess(); } }catch (Exception e){ notifyError(e); }finally { try{ if(in!=null) in.close(); if(out!=null) out.close(); }catch (Exception e){ notifyError(e); } notifyFinish(); } } @Override public int getPercentage() { return (int)(mDownloadedVideoDuration * 100.0f/mTotalVideoDuration); } public int getSegmentsCount(){ return mVideoSegmentCount; } /** * get m3u8 video duration * @return the video duration(seconds) */ public int getVideoDuration(){ return mTotalVideoDuration; } /** * get m3u8 video downloaded duration(seconds) * @return */ public int getDownloadedDuration(){ return mDownloadedVideoDuration; } public int getDownloadedSegmentCount(){ return mDownloadedSgementCount; } public int getCurrentSegmentDownloaded(){ return mCurrentPartDownloaded; } }