package org.openintents.filemanager; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.linnaeus.activity.R; import org.openintents.filemanager.util.FileUtils; import org.openintents.filemanager.util.MimeTypes; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; public class DirectoryScanner extends Thread { private static final String TAG = "OIFM_DirScanner"; private File currentDirectory; boolean cancel; private String mSdCardPath; private Context context; private MimeTypes mMimeTypes; private Handler handler; private long operationStartTime; // TODO: MX: add as input parameter. private boolean skipHidden = true; // Update progress bar every n files static final private int PROGRESS_STEPS = 50; // Cupcake-specific methods static Method formatter_formatFileSize; static { initializeCupcakeInterface(); } DirectoryScanner(File directory, Context context, Handler handler, MimeTypes mimeTypes, String sdCardPath) { super("Directory Scanner"); currentDirectory = directory; this.context = context; this.handler = handler; this.mMimeTypes = mimeTypes; this.mSdCardPath = sdCardPath; } private void clearData() { // Remove all references so we don't delay the garbage collection. context = null; mMimeTypes = null; handler = null; } public void run() { Log.v(TAG, "Scanning directory " + currentDirectory); File[] files = currentDirectory.listFiles(); int fileCount = 0; int dirCount = 0; int sdCount = 0; int totalCount = 0; if (cancel) { Log.v(TAG, "Scan aborted"); clearData(); return; } if (files == null) { Log.v(TAG, "Returned null - inaccessible directory?"); totalCount = 0; } else { totalCount = files.length; } operationStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); Log.v(TAG, "Counting files... (total count=" + totalCount + ")"); int progress = 0; /** Dir separate for sorting */ List<IconifiedText> listDir = new ArrayList<IconifiedText>(totalCount); /** Files separate for sorting */ List<IconifiedText> listFile = new ArrayList<IconifiedText>(totalCount); /** SD card separate for sorting */ List<IconifiedText> listSdCard = new ArrayList<IconifiedText>(3); // Cache some commonly used icons. Drawable sdIcon = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.icon_sdcard); Drawable folderIcon = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_launcher_folder); Drawable genericFileIcon = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.icon_file); Drawable currentIcon = null; if (files != null) { for (File currentFile : files){ if(currentFile.isHidden() && skipHidden){ continue; } if (cancel) { // Abort! Log.v(TAG, "Scan aborted while checking files"); clearData(); return; } progress++; updateProgress(progress, totalCount); /* if (currentFile.isHidden()) { continue; } */ if (currentFile.isDirectory()) { if (currentFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(mSdCardPath)) { currentIcon = sdIcon; listSdCard.add(new IconifiedText( currentFile.getName(), "", currentIcon)); } else { currentIcon = folderIcon; listDir.add(new IconifiedText( currentFile.getName(), "", currentIcon)); } }else{ String fileName = currentFile.getName(); String mimetype = mMimeTypes.getMimeType(fileName); currentIcon = getDrawableForMimetype(currentFile, mimetype); if (currentIcon == null) { currentIcon = genericFileIcon; } String size = ""; try { size = (String) formatter_formatFileSize.invoke(null, context, currentFile.length()); } catch (Exception e) { // The file size method is probably null (this is most // likely not a Cupcake phone), or something else went wrong. // Let's fall back to something primitive, like just the number // of KB. size = Long.toString(currentFile.length() / 1024); size +=" KB"; // Technically "KB" should come from a string resource, // but this is just a Cupcake 1.1 fallback, and KB is universal // enough. } listFile.add(new IconifiedText( currentFile.getName(), size, currentIcon)); } } } Log.v(TAG, "Sorting results..."); //Collections.sort(mListSdCard); Collections.sort(listDir); Collections.sort(listFile); if (!cancel) { Log.v(TAG, "Sending data back to main thread"); DirectoryContents contents = new DirectoryContents(); contents.listDir = listDir; contents.listFile = listFile; contents.listSdCard = listSdCard; Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(FileManagerActivity.MESSAGE_SHOW_DIRECTORY_CONTENTS); msg.obj = contents; msg.sendToTarget(); } clearData(); } private void updateProgress(int progress, int maxProgress) { // Only update the progress bar every n steps... if ((progress % PROGRESS_STEPS) == 0) { // Also don't update for the first second. long curTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (curTime - operationStartTime < 1000L) { return; } // Okay, send an update. Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(FileManagerActivity.MESSAGE_SET_PROGRESS); msg.arg1 = progress; msg.arg2 = maxProgress; msg.sendToTarget(); } } /** * Return the Drawable that is associated with a specific mime type * for the VIEW action. * * @param mimetype * @return */ Drawable getDrawableForMimetype(File file, String mimetype) { if (mimetype == null) { return null; } PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); Uri data = FileUtils.getUri(file); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); //intent.setType(mimetype); // Let's probe the intent exactly in the same way as the VIEW action // is performed in FileManagerActivity.openFile(..) intent.setDataAndType(data, mimetype); final List<ResolveInfo> lri = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); if (lri != null && lri.size() > 0) { //Log.i(TAG, "lri.size()" + lri.size()); // return first element int index = 0; // Actually first element should be "best match", // but it seems that more recently installed applications // could be even better match. index = lri.size()-1; final ResolveInfo ri = lri.get(index); return ri.loadIcon(pm); } return null; } private static void initializeCupcakeInterface() { try { formatter_formatFileSize = Class.forName("android.text.format.Formatter").getMethod("formatFileSize", Context.class, long.class); } catch (Exception ex) { // This is not cupcake. return; } } }