package tw.jwzhuang.ipcam.h264; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; public class H264Protocol extends H264Header { public static int findMdatIndex(DataInputStream in, int MAXFRAMEBUFFER) throws IOException { int seqIndex = 0; byte c; for (int i = 0; i < MAXFRAMEBUFFER; i++) { c = (byte) in.readUnsignedByte(); if (c == mMdat[seqIndex]) { seqIndex++; if (seqIndex == mMdat.length) return (i + 1) - mMdat.length; } else seqIndex = 0; } return -1; } public static byte[] readH264Bytes(DataInputStream in, int MAXFRAMEBUFFER) throws IOException{ //重新定位在frame 長度 00 00 xx xx in.mark(MAXFRAMEBUFFER); in.reset(); //取得frame length byte [] len = new byte[4]; in.readFully(len); in.reset(); in.skip(len.length); in.mark(MAXFRAMEBUFFER); int DataLength = ((len[2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (len[3] & 0xFF); //取得frame Data byte [] content = new byte[DataLength]; in.readFully(content); in.reset(); in.skip(content.length); return content; } public static H264Header findSPSAndPPS(String samplefile, int videoWidth, int videoHeight) throws Exception{ H264Header h264Header = null; final String TAG = "H264Protocol"; int startMdatIndex = 0; byte[] SPS; byte[] PPS; byte[] ftyp = new byte[28]; File file = new File(samplefile); FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(file); int length = (int)file.length(); byte[] data = new byte[length];; fileInput.close(); final byte[] mdat = new byte[]{0x6D,0x64,0x61,0x74}; final byte[] avcc = new byte[]{0x61,0x76,0x63,0x43}; for(int i=0 ; i<length; i++){ if(data[i] == mdat[0] && data[i+1] == mdat[1] && data[i+2] == mdat[2] && data[i+3] == mdat[3]){ startMdatIndex = i+4;//find mdat break; } } for(int i=0 ; i<length; i++){ if(data[i] == avcc[0] && data[i+1] == avcc[1] && data[i+2] == avcc[2] && data[i+3] == avcc[3]){ h264Header = new H264Header(); System.arraycopy(data, 0, ftyp, 0, 28); h264Header.setFTYP(ftyp); h264Header.setStartMdatIndex(startMdatIndex); Log.e(TAG, "StartMdatPlace:" + startMdatIndex); int sps_start = i+3+7;//其中i+3指到avcc的c,再加7跳过6位AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord参数 //sps length and sps data byte[] sps_3gp = new byte[2];//sps length sps_3gp[1] = data[sps_start]; sps_3gp[0] = data[sps_start + 1]; int sps_length = bytes2short(sps_3gp); Log.e(TAG, "sps_length :" + sps_length); sps_start += 2;//skip length SPS = new byte[sps_length]; System.arraycopy(data, sps_start, SPS, 0, sps_length); for(int si=0;si<sps_length;si++) Log.e(TAG, "==========SPS :" + si + SPS[si]); h264Header.setSPS(SPS); //pps length and pps data int pps_start = sps_start + sps_length + 1; byte[] pps_3gp =new byte[2]; pps_3gp[1] = data[pps_start]; pps_3gp[0] =data[pps_start+1]; int pps_length = bytes2short(pps_3gp); Log.e(TAG, "PPS LENGTH:"+pps_length); pps_start+=2; PPS = new byte[pps_length]; System.arraycopy(data, pps_start, PPS,0,pps_length); for (int pi =0;pi<pps_length;pi++) Log.e(TAG, "==========PPS :" +pi + PPS[pi]); //Save PPS h264Header.setPPS(PPS); // Log.e(TAG, "==========SPS :" + SPS+ ", PPS :" +PPS); return h264Header; } } return h264Header; } private static short bytes2short(byte[] b) { short mask = 0xff; short temp = 0; short res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { res <<= 8; temp = (short) (b[1 - i] & mask); res |= temp; } return res; } }