package; class Tools { public static int returnEvenNumber(int temp){ if((temp)%2==1){ return temp+1; } return temp; } // public static void main(String args[]) { //-sin函数角度对照表,一度一度的加 0到90度的 /* for (int i = 0;i<=90;i++) { System.out.println(i+" : "+Math.sin(Math.toRadians(i))); } */ // for (int i = 0;i<=90;i++) // { // System.out.println(i+" : "+Math.cos(Math.toRadians(i))); // } // } static float sinangleTable [] = { 0.01745240643728351f, 0.03489949670250097f, 0.05233595624294383f, 0.0697564737441253f, 0.08715574274765817f, 0.10452846326765346f, 0.12186934340514748f, 0.13917310096006544f, 0.15643446504023087f, 0.17364817766693033f, 0.1908089953765448f, 0.20791169081775931f, 0.22495105434386498f, 0.24192189559966773f, 0.25881904510252074f, 0.27563735581699916f, 0.2923717047227367f, 0.3090169943749474f, 0.3255681544571567f, 0.3420201433256687f, 0.35836794954530027f, 0.374606593415912f, 0.3907311284892737f, 0.40673664307580015f, 0.42261826174069944f, 0.4383711467890774f, 0.45399049973954675f, 0.4694715627858908f, 0.48480962024633706f, 0.49999999999999994f, 0.5150380749100542f, 0.5299192642332049f, 0.544639035015027f, 0.5591929034707468f, 0.573576436351046f, 0.5877852522924731f, 0.6018150231520483f, 0.6156614753256583f, 0.6293203910498375f, 0.6427876096865393f, 0.6560590289905073f, 0.6691306063588582f, 0.6819983600624985f, 0.6946583704589973f, 0.7071067811865475f, 0.7193398003386511f, 0.7313537016191705f, 0.7431448254773942f, 0.7547095802227719f, 0.766044443118978f, 0.7771459614569708f, 0.7880107536067219f, 0.7986355100472928f, 0.8090169943749475f, 0.8191520442889918f, 0.8290375725550417f, 0.8386705679454239f, 0.8480480961564261f, 0.8571673007021122f, 0.8660254037844386f, 0.8746197071393957f, 0.8829475928589269f, 0.8910065241883678f, 0.898794046299167f, 0.9063077870366499f, 0.9135454576426009f, 0.9205048534524404f, 0.9271838545667873f, 0.9335804264972017f, 0.9396926207859083f, 0.9455185755993167f, 0.9510565162951535f, 0.9563047559630354f, 0.9612616959383189f, 0.9659258262890683f, 0.9702957262759965f, 0.9743700647852352f, 0.9781476007338057f, 0.981627183447664f, 0.984807753012208f, 0.9876883405951378f, 0.9902680687415704f, 0.992546151641322f, 0.9945218953682733f, 0.9961946980917455f, 0.9975640502598242f, 0.9986295347545738f, 0.9993908270190958f, 0.9998476951563913f, 1.0f, }; static float cosangleTable []={ 1.0f, 0.9998476951563913f, 0.9993908270190958f, 0.9986295347545738f, 0.9975640502598242f, 0.9961946980917455f, 0.9945218953682733f, 0.992546151641322f, 0.9902680687415704f, 0.9876883405951378f, 0.984807753012208f, 0.981627183447664f, 0.9781476007338057f, 0.9743700647852352f, 0.9702957262759965f, 0.9659258262890683f, 0.9612616959383189f, 0.9563047559630355f, 0.9510565162951535f, 0.9455185755993168f, 0.9396926207859084f, 0.9335804264972017f, 0.9271838545667874f, 0.9205048534524404f, 0.9135454576426009f, 0.9063077870366499f, 0.898794046299167f, 0.8910065241883679f, 0.882947592858927f, 0.8746197071393957f, 0.8660254037844387f, 0.8571673007021123f, 0.848048096156426f, 0.838670567945424f, 0.8290375725550417f, 0.8191520442889918f, 0.8090169943749475f, 0.7986355100472928f, 0.7880107536067219f, 0.7771459614569709f, 0.766044443118978f, 0.754709580222772f, 0.7431448254773942f, 0.7313537016191705f, 0.7193398003386512f, 0.7071067811865476f, 0.6946583704589974f, 0.6819983600624985f, 0.6691306063588582f, 0.6560590289905074f, 0.6427876096865394f, 0.6293203910498375f, 0.6156614753256583f, 0.6018150231520483f, 0.5877852522924731f, 0.573576436351046f, 0.5591929034707468f, 0.5446390350150272f, 0.5299192642332049f, 0.5150380749100544f, 0.5000000000000001f, 0.4848096202463371f, 0.46947156278589086f, 0.45399049973954686f, 0.43837114678907746f, 0.42261826174069944f, 0.4067366430758004f, 0.3907311284892737f, 0.3746065934159122f, 0.35836794954530016f, 0.3420201433256688f, 0.32556815445715676f, 0.30901699437494745f, 0.29237170472273677f, 0.27563735581699916f, 0.25881904510252074f, 0.24192189559966767f, 0.22495105434386514f, 0.20791169081775923f, 0.19080899537654492f, 0.17364817766693041f, 0.15643446504023092f, 0.13917310096006547f, 0.12186934340514749f, 0.10452846326765346f, 0.08715574274765836f, 0.06975647374412523f, 0.052335956242943966f, 0.03489949670250108f, 0.0174524064372836f, }; //留两位小数 public static float myround(float f) { return ((float)((int)(f*100)))/100f; } public static float myabs(float f)//使用自己的abs优化算法 { if (f<0f) f=-f; return f; } public static float myMin(float n1,float n2) { return n1<n2?n1:n2; } public static float myMax(float n1,float n2) { return n1>n2?n1:n2; } //跟据传进来的X,Y值确定返回此方向的角度. public static int getXYdir(float x,float y) { float ll = (float)Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); if (ll==0) return 0;//传进来的值为0时返回0 float sina = Tools.myabs(y/ll); int m,low,high,find; m=0;low=0;high=Tools.sinangleTable.length-1;find=0; //System.out.println("lllllll is"+Tools.sinangleTable.length); while((find==0)&&(low<=high))//二分查找法查表 { m=(low+high)/2; if (sina>=Tools.sinangleTable[m]) { if (m == Tools.sinangleTable.length-1) break; else if (sina<Tools.sinangleTable[m+1]) break; } if (sina<Tools.sinangleTable[m]) { high = m-1; } else { low = m+1; } } m++; if (y>0)//0 1区 { if (x<0) { m=180-m; } } else if (y<0)//2 3区 { if (x<0) { m+=180; } else if (x>0) { m=360-m; } else m+=180; } //System.out.println("direction is"+m); if (m>=360) m-=360; else if (m<0) m+=360; return m; } /* bool online(LINESEG l,POINT p) { return( (multiply(l.e,p,l.s)==0) &&( ( (p.x-l.s.x)*(p.x-l.e.x)<=0 )&&( (p.y-l.s.y)*(p.y-l.e.y)<=0 ) ) ); } */ //返回两线段是否相交...正确的!!! public static boolean checklinecut(float l1[],float l2[]) { //两条线段是否相交X0X1 AND X1X2 float x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4; x1=l1[0];y1=l1[1];x2=l1[2];y2=l1[3]; x3=l2[0];y3=l2[1];x4=l2[2];y4=l2[3]; //x0=-17.065434f; y0=17.769289f; x1=-16.874624f; y1=18.750916f; /*if (Map.isdebug && l2[0]==Map.tableline[3][0] && l2[1]==Map.tableline[3][1] && l2[2]==Map.tableline[3][2] && l2[3]==Map.tableline[3][3]) { System.out.println("x0:"+x0+" y0:"+y0+" x1:"+x1+" y1:"+y1); System.out.println("x2:"+x2+" y2:"+y2+" x3:"+x3+" y3:"+y3); }*/ //方法1快速判断.. return ((myMax(x1,x2)>=myMin(x3,x4))&& (myMax(x3,x4)>=myMin(x1,x2))&& (myMax(y1,y2)>=myMin(y3,y4))&& (myMax(y3,y4)>=myMin(y1,y2))&& (multiply(x3,y3,x2,y2,x1,y1)*multiply(x2,y2,x4,y4,x1,y1)>=0)&& (multiply(x1,y1,x4,y4,x3,y3)*multiply(x4,y4,x2,y2,x3,y3)>=0)); //方法2 // 若d=0,则直线AB与CD平行或重合, // 若d!=0,则直线AB与CD有交点,且交点(x0,y0)为: /*float d = (y2-y1)*(x4-x3)-(y4-y3)*(x2-x1); float lx0=0,ly0=0; if (d==0) return false;//平行或重合 else if (d!=0) { //求交点 lx0 = ((x2-x1)*(x4-x3)*(y3-y1)+(y2-y1)*(x4-x3)*x1-(y4-y3)*(x2-x1)*x3)/d; ly0 = ((y2-y1)*(y4-y3)*(x3-x1)+(x2-x1)*(y4-y3)*y1-(x4-x3)*(y2-y1)*y3)/(-d); } //求出交点后在判断交点是否在线段上,即判断以下的式子: //只有下面的四个式子都成立才可判定(x0,y0)是线段AB与CD的交点,否则两线段无交点 return ((lx0-x1)*(lx0-x2)<=0 && (lx0-x3)*(lx0-x4)<=0 && (ly0-y1)*(ly0-y2)<=0 && (ly0-y3)*(ly0-y4)<=0);*/ } /* 返回(P1-P0)*(P2-P0)的叉积。 若结果为正,则<P0,P1>在<P0,P2>的顺时针方向; 若为0则<P0,P1><P0,P2>共线; 若为负则<P0,P1>在<P0,P2>的在逆时针方向; 可以根据这个函数确定两条线段在交点处的转向, 比如确定p0p1和p1p2在p1处是左转还是右转,只要求 (p2-p0)*(p1-p0),若<0则左转,>0则右转,=0则共线 */ public static float multiply(float p1x,float p1y,float p2x,float p2y,float p0x,float p0y) { return((p1x-p0x)*(p2y-p0y)-(p2x-p0x)*(p1y-p0y)); } //判断两点距离 public static float twoPointlength(float a[],float b[]) { float xx = (b[0])-(a[0]); float yy = (b[1])-(a[1]); return (float)Math.sqrt(xx*xx+yy*yy); } // a和b是线段的两个端点, c是检测点 // 查出点到线段的最小距离. // 需要额外的判断,点在线段上的投影点是否位于线段内部,是才可以采用点到直线的公式,否则就不能 //--测试OK,如果点在线段的映射范围内的话,则会返回点到线段的最短距离,在外边则返回近点距离!~~ public static float[] distancePointLine(float l[],float c[]) { float re[]=new float[2]; float a[] = {l[0],l[1]}; float b[] = {l[2],l[3]}; float abx,aby,acx,acy; abx = b[0]-a[0];aby = b[1]-a[1]; acx = c[0]-a[0];acy = c[1]-a[1]; float f = abx * acx + aby * acy; if (f<0) { re[0] = -1; re[1] = twoPointlength(a, c);//有判断了是否在线段外部了a点左边 return -9999;// return re; } float d = abx * abx + aby * aby; if ( f>d) { re[0] = 1; re[1] = twoPointlength(a, c);//判断是否在线段外部的b点右边return 9999;// return re; } f = f/d; float D[] = new float[2]; D[0] = a[0] + f *abx; // c在ab线段上的投影点 D[1] = a[1] + f *aby; // c在ab线段上的投影点 re[0] = 0; re[1] = twoPointlength(c, D);//返回内点到线段的距离 return re; } //计算速度向量碰撞线段后的速度向量的方向,然后返回 public static float[] computerF(Ball3D balls,float L[]) { float of[] = new float[2]; float length,s,t,s1x,s1y,s2x,s2y,p0x,p0y,p1x,p1y,p2x,p2y,p3x,p3y,xi,yi,npx,npy,Nx,Ny,Fx,Fy; //first move ball //balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV]; //balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV]; // now project velocity vector forward and test for intersection with all lines of polygon shape // build up vector in direction of trajectory p0x=balls.position[0]-balls.velocity[0];//起点位置 p0y=balls.position[1]-balls.velocity[1]; //#if 1 // this is the velocity vector used as segment 1 p1x=balls.position[0];//终点位置 p1y=balls.position[1]; s1x=p1x-p0x; s1y=p1y-p0y; // normalize and scale to 1.25*radius length = (float)Math.sqrt(s1x*s1x+s1y*s1y); s1x = 1.25f*Ball3D.RADIUS*s1x/length; s1y = 1.25f*Ball3D.RADIUS*s1y/length; p1x = p0x + s1x; p1y = p0y + s1y; //#endif // for each line try and intersect //for (int line=0; line < shape.num_verts; line++) //{ // now build up vector based on line p2x=L[0]; p2y=L[1]; p3x=L[2]; p3y=L[3]; s2x=p3x-p2x; s2y=p3y-p2y; //#if 0 // this is the perp vector used as segment 1 // normalize s2x, s2y to create a perpendicular collision vector from the ball center length = (float)Math.sqrt(s2x*s2x+s2y*s2y); s1x = Ball3D.RADIUS*s2y/length; s1y = -Ball3D.RADIUS*s2x/length; p1x = p0x+s1x; p1y = p0y+s1y; //#endif // compute s and t, the parameters s = (-s1y*(p0x-p2x) + s1x*(p0y-p2y))/(-s2x*s1y + s1x*s2y); t = (s2x*(p0y-p2y) - s2y*(p0x-p2x))/(-s2x*s1y + s1x*s2y); // test for valid range (0..1) //if (s >= 0 && s <=1 && t >= 0 && t <=1)//---线的碰撞检测不用这里做 //{ // find collision point based on s xi = p0x+s*s1x; yi = p0y+s*s1y; // now we know point of intersection, reflect ball at current location // N = (-I . N')*N' // F = 2*N + I npx = -s2y; npy = s2x; // normalize p length = (float)Math.sqrt(npx*npx+npy*npy); npx/=length; npy/=length; // compute N = (-I . N')*N' Nx = -(balls.velocity[0]*npx + balls.velocity[1]*npy)*npx; Ny = -(balls.velocity[0]*npx + balls.velocity[1]*npy)*npy; // compute F = 2*N + I Fx = 2*Nx + balls.velocity[0]; Fy = 2*Ny + balls.velocity[1]; // update velocity with results of[0] = Fx; of[1] = Fy; //System.out.println("dfsdfas"); //balls.velocity[0] = Fx; //balls.velocity[1] = Fy; //balls.position[0]+=balls.velocity[0]; //balls.position[1]+=balls.velocity[1]; //} //} return of; } /* * 判断传入的两个点与点的速度来比较以该点为圆心圆碰撞后各自的速度 * 注:(条件是这两个圆已经是相切的.) * * 方法二 * 碰撞检测每次只比较传来的高速的主动移动球与被动球之间的碰撞, * 因为是高速球,他的速度比被动球快,所以此处转来的球的位置则是已经将高速球的位置加上了速度分量 * 来比较此时的两球有冇有碰撞,有的话就交换力 * * 对旋转球与非旋转球之间的碰撞,旋转值是几乎不传递的,所以不处理传递旋转值. * 保留原来有旋转球的旋转值. * * 试过有bug的情况: 1.4,0.7 0.5,0.9 碰后1.4,0.9 0.5,0.7 * 就是刚好X为T轴,Y为N轴,速度大小就没改,主动球就会在该贞不断碰被动球 */ public static float[] twocirPasspower(float ap[],float av[],float bp[],float bv[]) { //--方法2用------- //两次坐标轴转换公式 //nabx,naby为相对坐标差 就是a球心到b球心的矢量 //此时的球已经放置到最接近两球相切的位置的了,可以开始公式计算 float nabx = (bp[0])-(ap[0]); // float naby = (bp[1])-(ap[1]); // //length为两球心连线的距离 float length = (float)Math.sqrt(nabx*nabx+naby*naby); //开根号 if (length==0)//基本上不可能了,就是两球重合的情况 { //使得length不为0,下边的除法才能正确运行 //之前已经将球的速度返回一小贞了 ap[0]-=av[0]; ap[1]-=av[1]; nabx = (bp[0])-(ap[0]); // naby = (bp[1])-(ap[1]); // //length为两球心连线的距离 length = (float)Math.sqrt(nabx*nabx+naby*naby); //开根号 System.out.println("ballcollision error!!!! balllength = 0!! change position"); //float r[]={0,0,0,0}; //return r; } //length = 2.501f;//相切时为2.5f //标准化(单位)矢量坐标,求出了碰撞线(n轴)的单位矢量 P749~750 nabx /= length; //标准化是将两点间距离的值除长度,才是标准的矢量值 naby /= length; //t轴,求出碰撞线的切线的矢量,垂直于n轴的. float tabx = -naby;//--算出垂线矢量 float taby = nabx; //a球n,t轴速度转换 ,就是求出速度矢量在n轴和t轴的速度分矢量,这只是标量,不是实际值,要转回成XY轴 //没有外力的作用下,在碰撞前后t轴的矢量不变,但n轴的矢量会发生变化 float vain = av[0]*nabx+av[1]*naby;//a.xvi*nabx+a.yvi*naby; float vait = av[0]*tabx+av[1]*taby;//a.xvi*tabx+a.yvi*taby; //表示为非正常碰撞 /*float vIgnore = Ball.stopvi;//-----自己定的 if (vain<0)//-- { if (Tools.myabs(vain)>vIgnore) { System.out.println("ignore "); a.position[0] -= a.velocity[0]/_collDefinition; a.position[1] -= a.velocity[1]/_collDefinition; b.position[0] -= b.velocity[0]/_collDefinition; b.position[1] -= b.velocity[1]/_collDefinition; nabx = b.position[0]-a.position[0]; naby = b.position[1]-a.position[1]; //length为两球的距离 length = (float)Math.sqrt(nabx*nabx+naby*naby); //正规化矢量坐标,n轴 nabx /= length; naby /= length; //t轴 tabx = -naby; taby = nabx; //a球的n,t轴速度转换 vain = a.velocity[0]*nabx+a.velocity[1]*naby; vait = a.velocity[0]*tabx+a.velocity[1]*taby; } else { vain = 0; } }*/ //trace(vain); //b球的n,t轴速度转换 float vbin = bv[0]*nabx+bv[1]*naby; float vbit = bv[0]*tabx+bv[1]*taby; /*if (Tools.myabs(vbin)<vIgnore) { vbin = 0; }*/ //对力量交换球体的m float m = 1f;//Ball.WEIGHT; //a球碰撞后的n,t轴速度 float e = 0.96f; //-----自己定的,完全弹性碰撞 float vafn = ((e+1)*m*vbin+vain*(1*m-e*m))/(m+m);//默认球的m质量为1时的速度公式 float vaft = vait; //b球碰撞后的n,t速度 float vbfn = ((e+1)*m*vain-vbin*(1*m-e*m))/(m+m); float vbft = vbit; //转换成XY坐标系的速度值 float vafx,vafy,vbfx,vbfy; //a球的x,y轴速度转换 vafx = nabx*vafn+tabx*vaft; vafy = naby*vafn+taby*vaft; /*if (Tools.myabs(vafx)<vIgnore) { vafx = 0; } if (Tools.myabs(vafy)<vIgnore) { vafy = 0; }*/ //b球的n,t轴速度转换 vbfx = nabx*vbfn+tabx*vbft; vbfy = naby*vbfn+taby*vbft; /*if (Tools.myabs(vbfx)<vIgnore) { vbfx = 0; } if (Tools.myabs(vbfy)<vIgnore) { vbfy = 0; }*/ av[0] = vafx; av[1] = vafy; bv[0] = vbfx; bv[1] = vbfy; float re[] = {av[0],av[1],bv[0],bv[1]}; return re; } }