package com.koushikdutta.async; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Looper; import com.koushikdutta.async.util.Charsets; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.PriorityQueue; @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) public class ByteBufferList { ArrayDeque<ByteBuffer> mBuffers = new ArrayDeque<ByteBuffer>(); ByteOrder order = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; public ByteOrder order() { return order; } public ByteBufferList order(ByteOrder order) { this.order = order; return this; } public ByteBufferList() { } public ByteBufferList(ByteBuffer... b) { addAll(b); } public ByteBufferList(byte[] buf) { super(); ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); add(b); } public ByteBufferList addAll(ByteBuffer... bb) { for (ByteBuffer b: bb) add(b); return this; } public ByteBufferList addAll(ByteBufferList... bb) { for (ByteBufferList b: bb) b.get(this); return this; } public byte[] getBytes(int length) { byte[] ret = new byte[length]; get(ret); return ret; } public byte[] getAllByteArray() { // fast path to return the contents of the first and only byte buffer, // if that's what we're looking for. avoids allocation. if (mBuffers.size() == 1) { ByteBuffer peek = mBuffers.peek(); if (peek.capacity() == remaining() && peek.isDirect()) { remaining = 0; return mBuffers.remove().array(); } } byte[] ret = new byte[remaining()]; get(ret); return ret; } public ByteBuffer[] getAllArray() { ByteBuffer[] ret = new ByteBuffer[mBuffers.size()]; ret = mBuffers.toArray(ret); mBuffers.clear(); remaining = 0; return ret; } public boolean isEmpty() { return remaining == 0; } private int remaining = 0; public int remaining() { return remaining; } public boolean hasRemaining() { return remaining() > 0; } public short peekShort() { return read(2).duplicate().getShort(); } public int peekInt() { return read(4).duplicate().getInt(); } public long peekLong() { return read(8).duplicate().getLong(); } public byte[] peekBytes(int size) { byte[] ret = new byte[size]; read(size).duplicate().get(ret); return ret; } public ByteBufferList skip(int length) { get(null, 0, length); return this; } public int getInt() { int ret = read(4).getInt(); remaining -= 4; return ret; } public char getByteChar() { char ret = (char)read(1).get(); remaining--; return ret; } public short getShort() { short ret = read(2).getShort(); remaining -= 2; return ret; } public byte get() { byte ret = read(1).get(); remaining--; return ret; } public long getLong() { long ret = read(8).getLong(); remaining -= 8; return ret; } public void get(byte[] bytes) { get(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public void get(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) { if (remaining() < length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("length"); int need = length; while (need > 0) { ByteBuffer b = mBuffers.peek(); int read = Math.min(b.remaining(), need); if (bytes != null){ b.get(bytes, offset, read); } else { //when bytes is null, just skip data. b.position(b.position() + read); } need -= read; offset += read; if (b.remaining() == 0) { ByteBuffer removed = mBuffers.remove(); assert b == removed; reclaim(b); } } remaining -= length; } public void get(ByteBufferList into, int length) { if (remaining() < length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("length"); int offset = 0; while (offset < length) { ByteBuffer b = mBuffers.remove(); int remaining = b.remaining(); if (remaining == 0) { reclaim(b); continue; } if (offset + remaining > length) { int need = length - offset; // this is shared between both ByteBuffer subset = obtain(need); subset.limit(need); b.get(subset.array(), 0, need); into.add(subset); mBuffers.addFirst(b); assert subset.capacity() >= need; assert subset.position() == 0; break; } else { // this belongs to the new list into.add(b); } offset += remaining; } remaining -= length; } public void get(ByteBufferList into) { get(into, remaining()); } public ByteBufferList get(int length) { ByteBufferList ret = new ByteBufferList(); get(ret, length); return ret.order(order); } public ByteBuffer getAll() { if (remaining() == 0) return EMPTY_BYTEBUFFER; read(remaining()); return remove(); } private ByteBuffer read(int count) { if (remaining() < count) throw new IllegalArgumentException("count : " + remaining() + "/" + count); ByteBuffer first = mBuffers.peek(); while (first != null && !first.hasRemaining()) { reclaim(mBuffers.remove()); first = mBuffers.peek(); } if (first == null) { return EMPTY_BYTEBUFFER; } if (first.remaining() >= count) { return first.order(order); } ByteBuffer ret = obtain(count); ret.limit(count); byte[] bytes = ret.array(); int offset = 0; ByteBuffer bb = null; while (offset < count) { bb = mBuffers.remove(); int toRead = Math.min(count - offset, bb.remaining()); bb.get(bytes, offset, toRead); offset += toRead; if (bb.remaining() == 0) { reclaim(bb); bb = null; } } // if there was still data left in the last buffer we popped // toss it back into the head if (bb != null && bb.remaining() > 0) mBuffers.addFirst(bb); mBuffers.addFirst(ret); return ret.order(order); } public void trim() { // this clears out buffers that are empty in the beginning of the list read(0); } public ByteBufferList add(ByteBufferList b) { b.get(this); return this; } public ByteBufferList add(ByteBuffer b) { if (b.remaining() <= 0) { // System.out.println("reclaiming remaining: " + b.remaining()); reclaim(b); return this; } addRemaining(b.remaining()); // see if we can fit the entirety of the buffer into the end // of the current last buffer if (mBuffers.size() > 0) { ByteBuffer last = mBuffers.getLast(); if (last.capacity() - last.limit() >= b.remaining()) { last.mark(); last.position(last.limit()); last.limit(last.capacity()); last.put(b); last.limit(last.position()); last.reset(); reclaim(b); trim(); return this; } } mBuffers.add(b); trim(); return this; } public void addFirst(ByteBuffer b) { if (b.remaining() <= 0) { reclaim(b); return; } addRemaining(b.remaining()); // see if we can fit the entirety of the buffer into the beginning // of the current first buffer if (mBuffers.size() > 0) { ByteBuffer first = mBuffers.getFirst(); if (first.position() >= b.remaining()) { first.position(first.position() - b.remaining()); first.mark(); first.put(b); first.reset(); reclaim(b); return; } } mBuffers.addFirst(b); } private void addRemaining(int remaining) { if (this.remaining() >= 0) this.remaining += remaining; } public void recycle() { while (mBuffers.size() > 0) { reclaim(mBuffers.remove()); } assert mBuffers.size() == 0; remaining = 0; } public ByteBuffer remove() { ByteBuffer ret = mBuffers.remove(); remaining -= ret.remaining(); return ret; } public int size() { return mBuffers.size(); } public void spewString() { System.out.println(peekString()); } public String peekString() { return peekString(null); } // not doing toString as this is really nasty in the debugger... public String peekString(Charset charset) { if (charset == null) charset = Charsets.US_ASCII; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (ByteBuffer bb: mBuffers) { byte[] bytes; int offset; int length; if (bb.isDirect()) { bytes = new byte[bb.remaining()]; offset = 0; length = bb.remaining(); bb.get(bytes); } else { bytes = bb.array(); offset = bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(); length = bb.remaining(); } builder.append(new String(bytes, offset, length, charset)); } return builder.toString(); } public String readString() { return readString(null); } public String readString(Charset charset) { String ret = peekString(charset); recycle(); return ret; } static class Reclaimer implements Comparator<ByteBuffer> { @Override public int compare(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, ByteBuffer byteBuffer2) { // keep the smaller ones at the head, so they get tossed out quicker if (byteBuffer.capacity() == byteBuffer2.capacity()) return 0; if (byteBuffer.capacity() > byteBuffer2.capacity()) return 1; return -1; } } static PriorityQueue<ByteBuffer> reclaimed = new PriorityQueue<ByteBuffer>(8, new Reclaimer()); private static PriorityQueue<ByteBuffer> getReclaimed() { Looper mainLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); if (mainLooper != null) { if (Thread.currentThread() == mainLooper.getThread()) return null; } return reclaimed; } private static int MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; public static int MAX_ITEM_SIZE = 1024 * 256; static int currentSize = 0; static int maxItem = 0; public static void setMaxPoolSize(int size) { MAX_SIZE = size; } public static void setMaxItemSize(int size) { MAX_ITEM_SIZE = size; } private static boolean reclaimedContains(ByteBuffer b) { for (ByteBuffer other: reclaimed) { if (other == b) return true; } return false; } public static void reclaim(ByteBuffer b) { if (b == null || b.isDirect()) return; if (b.arrayOffset() != 0 || b.array().length != b.capacity()) return; if (b.capacity() < 8192) return; if (b.capacity() > MAX_ITEM_SIZE) return; PriorityQueue<ByteBuffer> r = getReclaimed(); if (r == null) return; synchronized (LOCK) { while (currentSize > MAX_SIZE && r.size() > 0 && r.peek().capacity() < b.capacity()) { // System.out.println("removing for better: " + b.capacity()); ByteBuffer head = r.remove(); currentSize -= head.capacity(); } if (currentSize > MAX_SIZE) { // System.out.println("too full: " + b.capacity()); return; } assert !reclaimedContains(b); b.position(0); b.limit(b.capacity()); currentSize += b.capacity(); r.add(b); assert r.size() != 0 ^ currentSize == 0; maxItem = Math.max(maxItem, b.capacity()); } } private static final Object LOCK = new Object(); public static ByteBuffer obtain(int size) { if (size <= maxItem) { PriorityQueue<ByteBuffer> r = getReclaimed(); if (r != null) { synchronized (LOCK) { while (r.size() > 0) { ByteBuffer ret = r.remove(); if (r.size() == 0) maxItem = 0; currentSize -= ret.capacity(); assert r.size() != 0 ^ currentSize == 0; if (ret.capacity() >= size) { // System.out.println("using " + ret.capacity()); return ret; } // System.out.println("dumping " + ret.capacity()); } } } } // System.out.println("alloc for " + size); ByteBuffer ret = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.max(8192, size)); return ret; } public static void obtainArray(ByteBuffer[] arr, int size) { PriorityQueue<ByteBuffer> r = getReclaimed(); int index = 0; int total = 0; if (r != null) { synchronized (LOCK) { while (r.size() > 0 && total < size && index < arr.length - 1) { ByteBuffer b = r.remove(); currentSize -= b.capacity(); assert r.size() != 0 ^ currentSize == 0; int needed = Math.min(size - total, b.capacity()); total += needed; arr[index++] = b; } } } if (total < size) { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.max(8192, size - total)); arr[index++] = b; } for (int i = index; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = EMPTY_BYTEBUFFER; } } public static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_BYTEBUFFER = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); public static void writeOutputStream(OutputStream out, ByteBuffer b) throws IOException { byte[] bytes; int offset; int length; if (b.isDirect()) { bytes = new byte[b.remaining()]; offset = 0; length = b.remaining(); b.get(bytes); } else { bytes = b.array(); offset = b.arrayOffset() + b.position(); length = b.remaining(); } out.write(bytes, offset, length); } }