package com.jensdriller.libs.undobar; import; import; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.Window; @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration", "WeakerAccess"}) public class UndoBar { public enum Style { /** * The default style of the device's current API level. */ DEFAULT(R.layout.undo_bar), /** * The default style for API Level <= 18. * <p/> * Example:<br> * <img src="" /> * <br> * <img src="" /> */ HOLO(R.layout.undo_bar_holo), /** * The default style for API Level 19 + 20. * <p/> * Example:<br> * <img src="" /> * <br> * <img src="" /> */ KITKAT(R.layout.undo_bar_kitkat), /** * The default style for API Level >= 21. * <p/> * Example:<br> * <img src="" /> * <br> * <img src="" /> */ LOLLIPOP(R.layout.undo_bar_lollipop); private final int mLayoutResId; private Style(int layoutResId) { mLayoutResId = layoutResId; } int getLayoutResId() { return mLayoutResId; } } /** * Listener for actions of the undo bar. */ public interface Listener { /** * Will be fired when the undo bar disappears without being actioned. */ void onHide(); /** * Will be fired when the undo button is pressed. */ void onUndo(Parcelable token); } /** * Default duration in milliseconds the undo bar will be displayed. */ public static final int DEFAULT_DURATION = 5000; /** * Default duration in milliseconds of the undo bar show and hide animation. */ public static final int DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION = 300; protected final Context mContext; protected final UndoBarView mView; protected final ViewCompat mViewCompat; protected final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private final Runnable mHideRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onHide(); } }; @SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal") private final OnClickListener mOnUndoClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onUndo(); } }; protected Listener mUndoListener; protected Parcelable mUndoToken; protected CharSequence mUndoMessage; protected int mDuration = DEFAULT_DURATION; protected int mAnimationDuration = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION; protected boolean mUseEnglishLocale; protected Style mStyle = Style.DEFAULT; protected int mUndoColor = Color.WHITE; protected boolean mAlignParentBottom; /** * Creates a new undo bar instance to be displayed in the given {@link Activity}. */ public UndoBar(Activity activity) { this(activity.getWindow()); } /** * Creates a new undo bar instance to be displayed in the given {@link Activity}. * <p/> * The style forces the the undo bar to match the look and feel of a certain API level.<br> * By default, it uses the style of the device's current API level. * <p/> * This is useful, for example, if you want to show a consistent * Lollipop style across all API levels. */ public UndoBar(Activity activity, Style style) { this(activity.getWindow(), style); } /** * Creates a new undo bar instance to be displayed in the given {@link Dialog}. */ public UndoBar(Dialog dialog) { this(dialog.getWindow()); } /** * Creates a new undo bar instance to be displayed in the given {@link Dialog}. * <p/> * The style forces the the undo bar to match the look and feel of a certain API level.<br> * By default, it uses the style of the device's current API level. * <p/> * This is useful, for example, if you want to show a consistent * Lollipop style across all API levels. */ public UndoBar(Dialog dialog, Style style) { this(dialog.getWindow(), style); } /** * Creates a new undo bar instance to be displayed in the given {@link Window}. */ public UndoBar(Window window) { this(window, null); } /** * Creates a new undo bar instance to be displayed in the given {@link Window}. * <p/> * The style forces the the undo bar to match the look and feel of a certain API level.<br> * By default, it uses the style of the device's current API level. * <p/> * This is useful, for example, if you want to show a consistent * Lollipop style across all API levels. */ public UndoBar(Window window, Style style) { if (style == null) { style = Style.DEFAULT; } mContext = window.getContext(); mStyle = style; mView = getView(window); mView.setOnUndoClickListener(mOnUndoClickListener); mViewCompat = new ViewCompatImpl(mView); hide(false); } /** * Sets the message to be displayed on the left of the undo bar. */ public void setMessage(CharSequence message) { mUndoMessage = message; } /** * Sets the message to be displayed on the left of the undo bar. */ public void setMessage(int messageResId) { mUndoMessage = mContext.getString(messageResId); } /** * Sets the {@link Listener UndoBar.Listener}. */ public void setListener(Listener undoListener) { mUndoListener = undoListener; } /** * Sets a {@link Parcelable} token to the undo bar which will be returned in * the {@link Listener UndoBar.Listener}. */ public void setUndoToken(Parcelable undoToken) { mUndoToken = undoToken; } /** * Sets the duration the undo bar will be shown.<br> * Default is {@link #DEFAULT_DURATION}. * * @param duration in milliseconds */ public void setDuration(int duration) { mDuration = duration; } /** * Sets the duration of the animation for showing and hiding the undo bar.<br> * Default is {@link #DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION}. * * @param animationDuration in milliseconds */ public void setAnimationDuration(int animationDuration) { mAnimationDuration = animationDuration; } /** * Forces the English {@link java.util.Locale Locale} to be used explicitly.<br> * This means that the undo bar label will always show <b>UNDO</b> * regardless of the device's current {@link java.util.Locale Locale}. */ public void setUseEnglishLocale(boolean useEnglishLocale) { mUseEnglishLocale = useEnglishLocale; } /** * Sets the text color of the undo button.<br> * The default color is white.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This is only applied to the {@link UndoBar.Style#LOLLIPOP} * style and ignored otherwise. */ public void setUndoColor(int color) { mUndoColor = color; } /** * Sets the text color resource id of the undo button.<br> * The default color is white.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This is only applied to the {@link UndoBar.Style#LOLLIPOP} * style and ignored otherwise. */ public void setUndoColorResId(int colorResId) { mUndoColor = mContext.getResources().getColor(colorResId); } /** * If set to {@code true}, the undo bar will appear stuck at the bottom without any margins.<br> * The default is {@code false}.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This is only applied to the {@link UndoBar.Style#LOLLIPOP} * style on devices with a smallest width of less than 600dp and ignored otherwise. */ public void setAlignParentBottom(boolean alignParentBottom) { mAlignParentBottom = alignParentBottom; } /** * Calls {@link #show(boolean)} with {@code shouldAnimate = true}. */ public void show() { show(true); } /** * Shows the {@link UndoBar}. * * @param shouldAnimate whether the {@link UndoBar} should animate in */ public void show(boolean shouldAnimate) { mView.setMessage(mUndoMessage); mView.setButtonLabel(mUseEnglishLocale ? R.string.undo_english : R.string.undo); if (isLollipopStyle(mStyle)) { mView.setUndoColor(mUndoColor); if (mAlignParentBottom && isAlignBottomPossible()) { removeMargins(mView); } } mHandler.removeCallbacks(mHideRunnable); mHandler.postDelayed(mHideRunnable, mDuration); mView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (shouldAnimate) { animateIn(); } else { mViewCompat.setAlpha(1); } } /** * Checks whether the given style is {@link Style#LOLLIPOP}. * Either explicitly set or the system default. */ private boolean isLollipopStyle(Style style) { return style == Style.LOLLIPOP || (style == Style.DEFAULT && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP); } /** * Checks whether aligning the undo bar at the bottom is possible * for the current device configuration. */ private boolean isAlignBottomPossible() { return mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.is_align_bottom_possible); } /** * Removes any margins from the given view. */ private static void removeMargins(View view) { ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams layoutParams = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.leftMargin = layoutParams.topMargin = layoutParams.rightMargin = layoutParams.bottomMargin = 0; view.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } /** * Calls {@link #hide(boolean)} with {@code shouldAnimate = true}. */ public void hide() { hide(true); } /** * Hides the {@link UndoBar}. * * @param shouldAnimate whether the {@link UndoBar} should animate out */ public void hide(boolean shouldAnimate) { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mHideRunnable); if (shouldAnimate) { animateOut(); } else { mViewCompat.setAlpha(0); mView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mUndoMessage = null; mUndoToken = null; } } /** * Checks if the undo bar is currently visible. * * @return {@code true} if visible, {@code false} otherwise */ public boolean isVisible() { return mView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; } /** * Performs the actual show animation. */ protected void animateIn() { mViewCompat.animateIn(mAnimationDuration); } /** * Performs the actual hide animation. */ protected void animateOut() { mViewCompat.animateOut(mAnimationDuration, new ViewCompat.AnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd() { mView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mUndoMessage = null; mUndoToken = null; } }); } /** * Called when the undo bar disappears without being actioned.<br> * Hides the undo bar and notifies potential listener. */ protected void onHide() { hide(true); safelyNotifyOnHide(); mUndoListener = null; } /** * Called when the undo button is pressed.<br> * Hides the undo bar and notifies potential listener. */ protected void onUndo() { hide(true); safelyNotifyOnUndo(); } /** * Notifies listener if available. */ protected void safelyNotifyOnHide() { if (mUndoListener != null) { mUndoListener.onHide(); } } /** * Notifies listener if available. */ protected void safelyNotifyOnUndo() { if (mUndoListener != null) { mUndoListener.onUndo(mUndoToken); } } /** * Checks if there is already an {@link UndoBarView} instance added to the * given {@link Window}.<br> * If {@code true}, returns that instance.<br> * If {@code false}, inflates a new {@link UndoBarView} and returns it. */ protected UndoBarView getView(Window window) { ViewGroup decorView = (ViewGroup) window.getDecorView(); // if we're operating within an Activity, limit ourselves to the content view. ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup) decorView.findViewById(; if (rootView == null) { rootView = decorView; } // if it's the first undo bar in this window or a different style, inflate a new instance UndoBarView undoBarView = (UndoBarView) rootView.findViewById(; if (undoBarView == null || undoBarView.getTag() != mStyle) { rootView.removeView(undoBarView); // remove potential undo bar w/ different style undoBarView = (UndoBarView) LayoutInflater.from(rootView.getContext()) .inflate(mStyle.getLayoutResId(), rootView, false); undoBarView.setTag(mStyle); rootView.addView(undoBarView); } return undoBarView; } public static class Builder { private final Window mWindow; private CharSequence mUndoMessage; private Listener mUndoListener; private Parcelable mUndoToken; private int mDuration = DEFAULT_DURATION; private int mAnimationDuration = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION; private boolean mUseEnglishLocale; private Style mStyle; private int mUndoColor = Color.WHITE; private boolean mAlignParentBottom; /** * Constructor using the {@link} in which the undo bar will be * displayed */ public Builder(Activity activity) { mWindow = activity.getWindow(); } /** * Constructor using the {@link} in which the undo bar will be * displayed */ public Builder(Dialog dialog) { mWindow = dialog.getWindow(); } /** * Constructor using the {@link Window} in which the undo bar will be * displayed */ public Builder(Window window) { mWindow = window; } /** * Sets the message to be displayed on the left of the undo bar. */ public Builder setMessage(int messageResId) { mUndoMessage = mWindow.getContext().getString(messageResId); return this; } /** * Sets the message to be displayed on the left of the undo bar. */ public Builder setMessage(CharSequence message) { mUndoMessage = message; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link Listener UndoBar.Listener}. */ public Builder setListener(Listener undoListener) { mUndoListener = undoListener; return this; } /** * Sets a {@link Parcelable} token to the undo bar which will be * returned in the {@link Listener UndoBar.Listener}. */ public Builder setUndoToken(Parcelable undoToken) { mUndoToken = undoToken; return this; } /** * Sets the duration the undo bar will be shown.<br> * Default is {@link #DEFAULT_DURATION}. * * @param duration in milliseconds */ public Builder setDuration(int duration) { mDuration = duration; return this; } /** * Sets the duration of the animation for showing and hiding the undo * bar.<br> * Default is {@link #DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION}. * * @param animationDuration in milliseconds */ public Builder setAnimationDuration(int animationDuration) { mAnimationDuration = animationDuration; return this; } /** * Forces the English {@link java.util.Locale Locale} to be used explicitly.<br> * This means that the undo bar label will always show <b>UNDO</b> * regardless of the device's current {@link java.util.Locale Locale}. */ public Builder setUseEnglishLocale(boolean useEnglishLocale) { mUseEnglishLocale = useEnglishLocale; return this; } /** * Forces the style of the undo bar to match a certain API level.<br> * By default, it uses the style of the device's current API level. * <p/> * This is useful, for example, if you want to show a consistent * Lollipop style across all API levels. */ public Builder setStyle(Style style) { mStyle = style; return this; } /** * Sets the text color of the undo button.<br> * The default color is white.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This is only applied to the {@link UndoBar.Style#LOLLIPOP} * style and ignored otherwise. */ public Builder setUndoColor(int undoColor) { mUndoColor = undoColor; return this; } /** * Sets the text color resource id of the undo button.<br> * The default color is white.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This is only applied to the {@link UndoBar.Style#LOLLIPOP} * style and ignored otherwise. */ public Builder setUndoColorResId(int undoColorResId) { mUndoColor = mWindow.getContext().getResources().getColor(undoColorResId); return this; } /** * If set to {@code true}, the undo bar will appear stuck at the bottom without any margins.<br> * The default is {@code false}.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This is only applied to the {@link UndoBar.Style#LOLLIPOP} * style on devices with a smallest width of less than 600dp and ignored otherwise. */ public Builder setAlignParentBottom(boolean alignParentBottom) { mAlignParentBottom = alignParentBottom; return this; } /** * Creates an {@link UndoBar} instance with this Builder's * configuration. */ public UndoBar create() { UndoBar undoBarController = new UndoBar(mWindow, mStyle); undoBarController.setListener(mUndoListener); undoBarController.setUndoToken(mUndoToken); undoBarController.setMessage(mUndoMessage); undoBarController.setDuration(mDuration); undoBarController.setAnimationDuration(mAnimationDuration); undoBarController.setUseEnglishLocale(mUseEnglishLocale); undoBarController.setUndoColor(mUndoColor); undoBarController.setAlignParentBottom(mAlignParentBottom); return undoBarController; } /** * Calls {@link #show(boolean)} with {@code shouldAnimate = true}. */ public void show() { show(true); } /** * Shows the {@link UndoBar} with this Builder's configuration. * * @param shouldAnimate whether the {@link UndoBar} should animate in and out. */ @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") public void show(boolean shouldAnimate) { create().show(shouldAnimate); } } }