package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentProviderResult; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.OperationApplicationException; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import; import fr.eyal.lib.util.Out; import; public class TopGenreBase extends ResponseBusinessObjectDAO { private static final String TAG = TopGenreBase.class.getSimpleName(); /** * List of request parameters that will define the fingerprint composition of the object */ public static final String[] FINGERPRINT_KEYS = { "gid", }; //list of attributes public String attrVersion; //list of content public String title; public int ttl; public String link; public String description; public String language; //list of childs public ArrayList<ItemTopGenre> itemTopGenre; public TopGenreBase() { super(); } public TopGenreBase(final long id) { super(id); } public TopGenreBase(final String url) { super(url); } @Override protected void initialize() { attrVersion = ""; super.initialize(); } /** * DATABASE MANAGEMENT */ /** * Constants used with a ContentProvider's access */ public static final String CONTENT_PATH = "topgenre"; public static final String CONTENT_URL = NetflixProvider.PROVIDER_PREFIX + NetflixProvider.AUTHORITY + "/" + CONTENT_PATH; public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(CONTENT_URL); /** * SQL databases table's name */ public static String DATABASE_TABLE_NAME = "topgenre"; /** * SQL database table's fields names */ public static final String FIELD__ID = BusinessObjectDAO.FIELD_ID; public static final String FIELD__URL = "_url"; public static final String FIELD__TTL = "_ttl"; public static final String FIELD__UPDATED_AT = BusinessObjectDAO.FIELD_UPDATED_AT; //list of attributes public static final String FIELD_ATTR_VERSION = "ATTR_version"; //list of content public static final String FIELD_TITLE = "title"; public static final String FIELD_TTL = "ttl"; public static final String FIELD_LINK = "link"; public static final String FIELD_DESCRIPTION = "description"; public static final String FIELD_LANGUAGE = "language"; /** * List of SQL database fields' names */ public static String[] DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES = { // header FIELD__ID, // _id FIELD__URL, // url FIELD__TTL, // ttl FIELD__UPDATED_AT, // updated_at //list of attributes FIELD_ATTR_VERSION, //version"; //list of content FIELD_TITLE, //title"; FIELD_TTL, //ttl"; FIELD_LINK, //link"; FIELD_DESCRIPTION, //description"; FIELD_LANGUAGE, //language"; }; /** * SQL fields' types in the table */ static String[] DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES = { // prevision_meteo_meteo_weather // header "integer", "text", "integrer", "integrer", //list of attributes "text", //list of content "text", "integer", "text", "text", "text", }; /** * SQLite scripts to create the table */ public static String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE " + DATABASE_TABLE_NAME + " (" + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[0] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[0] + " PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" + ", " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[1] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[1] + ", " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[2] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[2] + ", " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[3] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[3] + ", " //list of attributes + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[4] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[4] + ", " //list of content + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[5] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[5] + ", " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[6] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[6] + ", " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[7] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[7] + ", " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[8] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[8] + ", " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[9] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_TYPES[9] + "); " + "CREATE INDEX " + DATABASE_TABLE_NAME + "_" + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[0] + " " + DATABASE_TABLE_NAME + " (" + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[0] + ");" + "CREATE INDEX " + DATABASE_TABLE_NAME + "_" + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[1] + " ON " + DATABASE_TABLE_NAME + " (" + DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[1] + ");"; @Override protected ContentResolver getContentResolver() { try { return NetflixProvider.getContentResolver(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override public ContentValues getContentValues() { // we create the values to add final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); if (_id != ID_INVALID) values.put(FIELD__ID, _id); values.put(FIELD__URL, _url); values.put(FIELD__TTL, _ttl); if (_updatedAt != null) { values.put(FIELD__UPDATED_AT, _updatedAt.getTimeInMillis() / 1000); } //list of attributes values.put(FIELD_ATTR_VERSION, attrVersion); //list of content values.put(FIELD_TITLE, title); values.put(FIELD_TTL, ttl); values.put(FIELD_LINK, link); values.put(FIELD_DESCRIPTION, description); values.put(FIELD_LANGUAGE, language); return values; } @Override protected void fillFromDatabaseByUrl(final String url) { // on defini les conditions d'acces a l'objet final String[] columns = new String[DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES.length; i++) { columns[i] = DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[i]; } final String where = FIELD__URL + " LIKE ?"; final String[] args = { url + "" }; // we check the entry's existence final Cursor cursor = mResolver.query(CONTENT_URI, columns, // all the table's columns where, // _url LIKE ? args, // url FIELD__UPDATED_AT + " DESC"); // ORDER BY updated_at DESC // we fill the object with the cursor content if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { fillObjectFromCursor(cursor); } if (!cursor.isClosed()) { cursor.close(); } // we get the child infos fillChildrenFromDatabase(); } @Override protected void fillFromDatabaseById(final long id) { // we define the access condition to the object final String[] columns = new String[DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES.length; i++) { columns[i] = DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[i]; } final String where = FIELD__ID + "=?"; final String[] args = { id + "" }; // we check the existence inside the database final Cursor cursor = mResolver.query(CONTENT_URI, // prevision_meteo columns, // _id where, // id=? args, // id FIELD__UPDATED_AT + " DESC"); // ORDER BY updated_at DESC // we fill the object thanks to the Cursor recieved if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { fillObjectFromCursor(cursor); } if (!cursor.isClosed()) { cursor.close(); } // we get the childs content fillChildrenFromDatabase(); } @Override protected void fillObjectFromCursor(final Cursor cursor) { // we initialize the childs tabs itemTopGenre = new ArrayList<ItemTopGenre>(); // if we have a content if (!cursor.isClosed() && !cursor.isAfterLast()) { int i = 0; // header _id = cursor.getLong(i++); _url = cursor.getString(i++); _ttl = cursor.getInt(i++); _updatedAt = Calendar.getInstance(); _updatedAt.setTimeInMillis(cursor.getLong(i++) * 1000); //list of attributes attrVersion = cursor.getString(i++); //list of content title = cursor.getString(i++); ttl = cursor.getInt(i++); link = cursor.getString(i++); description = cursor.getString(i++); language = cursor.getString(i++); } else { _id = ID_INVALID; } } @Override public void save(final DataLibRequest request) throws RemoteException, OperationApplicationException { _url = request.getFingerprint(FINGERPRINT_KEYS); save(); } @Override public ContentProviderResult[] save() throws OperationApplicationException, RemoteException { // on defini les conditions d'acces a l'objet final String[] columns = { FIELD__ID }; final String where = FIELD__URL + " LIKE ?"; // id LIKE {} final String[] args = { _url + "" }; return save(columns, where, args, CONTENT_URI, NetflixProvider.AUTHORITY); } @Override protected int updateChildrenId(long[] ids, int index, int parentIndex) { for (final ItemTopGenre itemTopGenreElement : itemTopGenre) { index = itemTopGenreElement.updateId(ids, index, parentIndex); } return index; } @Override public int updateId(long[] ids, int index, int parentIndex) { return updateId(ids, index); } @Override public ContentProviderResult[] delete() throws OperationApplicationException, RemoteException { // we define the access conditions to the object final String[] columns = { FIELD__ID }; final String where = FIELD__URL + "=?"; // _url LIKE {this.url} final String[] args = { _url + "" }; return delete(columns, where, args, CONTENT_URI, NetflixProvider.AUTHORITY); } @Override protected void updateIntoTheDatabase(final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch) { updateIntoTheDatabase(batch, CONTENT_URI); } @Override public boolean deleteFromDatabase(final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch) { return deleteFromDatabase(batch, CONTENT_URI); } @Override public void addChildsIntoDatabase(final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch, final int previousResult) { for (final ItemTopGenre itemTopGenreElement : itemTopGenre) { itemTopGenreElement.addIntoDatabase(batch, ItemTopGenre.CONTENT_URI, ItemTopGenre.FIELD__PARENT_ID, previousResult); } } @Override public void addChildsIntoDatabase(final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch) { for (final ItemTopGenre itemTopGenreElement : itemTopGenre) { itemTopGenreElement._parentId = _id; itemTopGenreElement.addIntoDatabase(batch, ItemTopGenre.CONTENT_URI); } } @Override public void deleteChildsFromDatabase(final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch) { Out.d(TAG, "deleting childs of " + _id); // we first remove all the childs of the childs of the object for (final ItemTopGenre itemTopGenreElement : itemTopGenre) { itemTopGenreElement.deleteChildsFromDatabase(batch); } String whereClause = ""; final String[] argsClause = { _id + "" }; // we delete all the child entries whereClause = ItemTopGenre.FIELD__PARENT_ID + "=?"; // itemtopgenre_id=? batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(ItemTopGenre.CONTENT_URI) .withSelection(whereClause, argsClause) .build()); } @Override protected void fillChildrenFromDatabase() { String[] columns; String where; String[] args; Cursor cursor; // we define the access conditions to the objects columns = new String[ItemTopGenre.DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ItemTopGenre.DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES.length; i++) { columns[i] = ItemTopGenre.DATABASE_TABLE_FIELDS_NAMES[i]; } where = ItemTopGenre.FIELD__PARENT_ID + "=?"; args = new String[1]; args[0] = _id + ""; // we check the existence of the entry inside the database cursor = mResolver.query(ItemTopGenre.CONTENT_URI, columns, // all the columns of the object where, // itemtopgenre_id=? args, // id of the object null); Out.d(TAG, "Adding " + cursor.getCount() + " childs into " + TAG); // if we get a result if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { // we create and then fill the item with the Cursor final ItemTopGenre itemItemTopGenre = new ItemTopGenre(); itemItemTopGenre.fillObjectFromCursor(cursor); itemTopGenre.add(itemItemTopGenre); // we add a new object to the list } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } /** * This function build an array of {@link TopGenreBase} thanks to a Cursor * object received from the database. * * @param c The cursor object. * @param join Tells if the child of the objects have to be recursively * filled from the database. * @return Returns an {@link ArrayList} of the result fill with the content * of the Cursor. If the Cursor is empty, it returns an empty array. * <b>The result of this function is return as ArrayList<?>. It has * to be casted into the expected class to be useful.</b> * Ex: Cast to ArrayList<{@link TopGenre}> if you want it as {@link TopGenre} */ public static ArrayList<?> buildArrayFromCursor(final Cursor c, final boolean join) { final ArrayList<TopGenreBase> result = new ArrayList<TopGenreBase>(); if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { // we create and fill the item final TopGenreBase newObject = new TopGenreBase(); newObject.fillObjectFromCursor(c); // if it's asked we fill the childs of the item if (join) { newObject.fillChildrenFromDatabase(); } // we add the element to the result result.add(newObject); } while (c.moveToNext()); } return result; } /** * PARCELABLE MANAGMENT */ public static final Parcelable.Creator<TopGenreBase> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<TopGenreBase>() { @Override public TopGenreBase createFromParcel(final Parcel in) { return new TopGenreBase(in); } @Override public TopGenreBase[] newArray(final int size) { return new TopGenreBase[size]; } }; @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags) { // ResponseBusinessObject DAO dest.writeLong(_ttl); dest.writeString(_url); // Business Object DAO dest.writeLong(_id); dest.writeLong(_updatedAt.getTimeInMillis()); //list of attributes dest.writeString(attrVersion); //list of content dest.writeString(title); dest.writeInt(ttl); dest.writeString(link); dest.writeString(description); dest.writeString(language); //list of childs dest.writeParcelableArray(itemTopGenre.toArray(new ItemTopGenre[itemTopGenre.size()]), 0); } public TopGenreBase(final Parcel in) { // ResponseBusinessObject DAO _ttl = in.readLong(); _url = in.readString(); // Business Object DAO _id = in.readLong(); _updatedAt = Calendar.getInstance(); _updatedAt.setTimeInMillis(in.readLong()); //list of attributes attrVersion = in.readString(); //list of content title = in.readString(); ttl = in.readInt(); link = in.readString(); description = in.readString(); language = in.readString(); //list of children Parcelable[] items; items = in.readParcelableArray(ItemTopGenre.class.getClassLoader()); itemTopGenre = new ArrayList<ItemTopGenre>(); for (final Parcelable parcelable : items) { itemTopGenre.add((ItemTopGenre) parcelable); } } }