package com.qozix.mapview.zoom; import java.util.HashSet; import; public class ZoomManager { private static final double BASE_2 = Math.log( 2 ); private static final double PRECISION = 6; private static final double DECIMAL = Math.pow( 10, PRECISION ); private static final double OFFSET = 1 / DECIMAL; private ZoomLevelSet zoomLevels = new ZoomLevelSet(); private HashSet<ZoomListener> zoomListeners = new HashSet<ZoomListener>(); private HashSet<ZoomSetupListener> zoomSetupListeners = new HashSet<ZoomSetupListener>(); private double scale = 1; private double minScale = 0; private double maxScale = 1; private double historicalScale; private double relativeScale; private double invertedScale; private double computedScale; private int zoom; private int lastZoom = -1; private int numZoomLevels; private ZoomLevel currentZoomLevel; private ZoomLevel highestZoomLevel; private ZoomLevel lowestZoomLevel; private int computedCurrentWidth; private int computedCurrentHeight; private int currentScaledWidth; private int currentScaledHeight; private int baseMapWidth; private int baseMapHeight; private boolean zoomLocked = false; private Rect viewport = new Rect(); private static double getAtPrecision( double s ) { return Math.round( s * DECIMAL ) / DECIMAL; } public static int computeZoom( double scale, int numZoomLevels ){ int zoom = (int) ( numZoomLevels + Math.floor( Math.log( scale - OFFSET ) / BASE_2 ) ); zoom = Math.max( zoom, 0 ); zoom = Math.min( zoom, numZoomLevels - 1); return zoom; } public static double computeRelativeScale( double scale, int numZoomLevels, int zoom ){ double relativeScale = scale * ( 1 << ( ( numZoomLevels - 1 ) - zoom ) ); return getAtPrecision( relativeScale ); } public static double computeInvertedScale( int numZoomLevels, int zoom ){ return 1 << ( ( numZoomLevels - zoom ) - 1 ); } public static double computeOffsetScale( double scale, int numZoomLevels, int zoom ) { return computeInvertedScale( numZoomLevels, zoom ) + computeRelativeScale( scale, numZoomLevels, zoom ) - 1; } public static double computeScaleForZoom( double scale, int zoom ) { double computedScale = ( scale / Math.pow( 2, -zoom ) ) - 1; return getAtPrecision( computedScale ); } public ZoomManager(){ update( true ); } public double getScale() { return scale; } public void setScale( double s ) { // constrain between minimum and maximum allowed values s = Math.min( s, maxScale ); s = Math.max( s, minScale ); // round to PRECISION decimal places s = getAtPrecision( s ); // is it changed? boolean changed = ( scale != s ); // set it scale = s; // update computed values update( changed ); } public void updateViewport( int left, int top, int right, int bottom ) { viewport.set( left, top, right, bottom ); } public Rect getViewport() { return viewport; } private void update( boolean changed ){ // if no levels, fast-fail if(numZoomLevels == 0){ zoom = 0; relativeScale = invertedScale = scale; currentZoomLevel = highestZoomLevel = lowestZoomLevel = null; computedCurrentWidth = computedCurrentHeight = 0; return; } // get references to top and bottom levels highestZoomLevel = zoomLevels.getLast(); lowestZoomLevel = zoomLevels.getFirst(); // update zoom if unlocked if(!zoomLocked){ zoom = computeZoom( scale, numZoomLevels ); } // update current zoom level currentZoomLevel = zoomLevels.get( zoom ); // update computed scales relativeScale = computeRelativeScale( scale, numZoomLevels, zoom ); computedScale = computeOffsetScale( scale, numZoomLevels, zoom ); invertedScale = computeInvertedScale( numZoomLevels, zoom ); // update current dimensions baseMapWidth = currentZoomLevel.getMapWidth(); baseMapHeight = currentZoomLevel.getMapHeight(); computedCurrentWidth = (int) ( baseMapWidth * invertedScale ); computedCurrentHeight = (int) ( baseMapHeight * invertedScale ); currentScaledWidth = (int) ( computedCurrentWidth * scale ); currentScaledHeight = (int) ( computedCurrentHeight * scale ); // broadcast scale change if( changed ) { for ( ZoomListener listener : zoomListeners ) { listener.onZoomScaleChanged( scale ); } } // if there's a change in zoom, update appropriate values if ( zoom != lastZoom ) { // notify all interested parties for ( ZoomListener listener : zoomListeners ) { listener.onZoomLevelChanged( lastZoom, zoom ); } lastZoom = zoom; } } public void lockZoom(){ zoomLocked = true; } public void unlockZoom(){ zoomLocked = false; } public void setZoom( int z ) { int maxZoom = numZoomLevels - 1; z = Math.max(z, 0); z = Math.min(z, maxZoom); double s = 1 / (double) ( 1 << ( maxZoom - z ) ); setScale( s ); } public void addZoomListener( ZoomListener l ) { zoomListeners.add( l ); } public void removeZoomListener( ZoomListener l ) { zoomListeners.remove( l ); } public void addzoomSetupListener( ZoomSetupListener l ) { zoomSetupListeners.add( l ); } public void removezoomSetupListener( ZoomSetupListener l ) { zoomSetupListeners.remove( l ); } public void addZoomLevel( int wide, int tall, String pattern ) { ZoomLevel zoomLevel = new ZoomLevel( this, wide, tall, pattern ); registerZoomLevel( zoomLevel ); } public void addZoomLevel( int wide, int tall, String pattern, String downsample ) { ZoomLevel zoomLevel = new ZoomLevel( this, wide, tall, pattern, downsample ); registerZoomLevel( zoomLevel ); } public void addZoomLevel( int wide, int tall, String pattern, int tileWidth, int tileHeight ) { ZoomLevel zoomLevel = new ZoomLevel( this, wide, tall, pattern, tileWidth, tileHeight ); registerZoomLevel( zoomLevel ); } public void addZoomLevel( int wide, int tall, String pattern, String downsample, int tileWidth, int tileHeight ) { ZoomLevel zoomLevel = new ZoomLevel( this, wide, tall, pattern, downsample, tileWidth, tileHeight ); registerZoomLevel( zoomLevel ); } private void registerZoomLevel( ZoomLevel zoomLevel ) { zoomLevels.addZoomLevel( zoomLevel ); numZoomLevels = zoomLevels.size(); update( true ); for ( ZoomSetupListener listener : zoomSetupListeners ) { listener.onZoomLevelAdded(); } } public void resetZoomLevels(){ zoomLevels.clear(); numZoomLevels = 0; update( true ); } public ZoomLevel getCurrentZoomLevel() { return currentZoomLevel; } public ZoomLevel getHighestZoomLevel(){ return highestZoomLevel; } public ZoomLevel getLowestZoomLevel(){ return lowestZoomLevel; } public int getComputedCurrentWidth(){ return computedCurrentWidth; } public int getComputedCurrentHeight(){ return computedCurrentHeight; } public int getCurrentScaledWidth(){ return currentScaledWidth; } public int getCurrentScaledHeight(){ return currentScaledHeight; } public int getZoom() { return zoom; } public int getNumZoomLevels() { return numZoomLevels; } public int getMaxZoom() { return numZoomLevels - 1; } public double getRelativeScale() { return relativeScale; } public double getInvertedScale(){ return invertedScale; } public double getComputedScale(){ return computedScale; } public int getBaseMapWidth() { return baseMapWidth; } public int getBaseMapHeight() { return baseMapHeight; } public double getHistoricalScale(){ return historicalScale; } public void saveHistoricalScale(){ historicalScale = scale; } }