package com.meidusa.amoeba.route; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.Parser; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.dbobject.Column; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.dbobject.Schema; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.dbobject.Table; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.function.LastInsertId; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.statement.AbstractStatement; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.statement.DMLStatement; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.statement.SelectStatement; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.statement.ShowStatement; import com.meidusa.amoeba.parser.statement.Statement; import com.meidusa.amoeba.sqljep.function.Comparative; import com.meidusa.amoeba.util.StringUtil; import com.meidusa.amoeba.util.ThreadLocalMap; public abstract class SqlBaseQueryRouter extends AbstractQueryRouter<DatabaseConnection,SqlQueryObject> { private static String DIAGONAL = new String(new char[] {(char) 0x5c, (char) 0x5c}); private static String DOT = new String(new char[] {(char) 0x5c, (char) 0x27}); private boolean replaceEscapeSymbol = true; private Lock mapLock = new ReentrantLock(false); private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SqlBaseQueryRouter.class); private final static Set<String> SQL_READ_STATEMENT_HEAD = new HashSet<String>(); static { SQL_READ_STATEMENT_HEAD.add("SHOW"); SQL_READ_STATEMENT_HEAD.add("EXPLAIN"); SQL_READ_STATEMENT_HEAD.add("DESCRIBE"); SQL_READ_STATEMENT_HEAD.add("HELP"); SQL_READ_STATEMENT_HEAD.add("SELECT"); } public boolean isReplaceEscapeSymbol() { return replaceEscapeSymbol; } public void setReplaceEscapeSymbol(boolean replaceEscapeSymbol) { this.replaceEscapeSymbol = replaceEscapeSymbol; } protected void beforeSelectPool(DatabaseConnection connection, SqlQueryObject queryObject, Statement statement){ if (statement != null) { queryObject.isRead = statement.isRead(); } // 解析失败后,仍可以通过首个单词判断是读语句还是写语句 else { String sql = queryObject.sql; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sql)) { String head = StringUtil.head(sql); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(head)) { head = head.toUpperCase(); if (SQL_READ_STATEMENT_HEAD.contains(head)) { queryObject.isRead = true; } } } } ThreadLocalMap.put(_CURRENT_QUERY_OBJECT_, queryObject); } @Override protected Map<Table, Map<Column, Comparative>> evaluateTable(DatabaseConnection connection,SqlQueryObject queryObject, Statement statement) { Map<Table, Map<Column, Comparative>> tables = null; /** * 先尝试从statement中取 */ if(statement instanceof DMLStatement){ tables = ((DMLStatement)statement).evaluate(queryObject.parameters); } else if (statement instanceof ShowStatement) { tables = new HashMap<Table, Map<Column, Comparative>>(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("ShowStatment:[" + queryObject.sql + "]"); } AbstractStatement ast = (ShowStatement)statement; if(ast.getTables() != null){ for(Table table:ast.getTables()){ tables.put(table, null); } }else{ tables.put(null, null); } } /** * 考虑语句解析失败或语句不带任何schema或table信息时,为了还能正确路由, * 默认从connection中获取schema信息,走 table=* 规则 * 如果语句正常解析,实在无法从语句提前schema时,默认也是从connection中获取schema信息 */ if ( tables == null || tables.size() == 0 || tables.get(null) != null ) { if ( !StringUtil.isEmpty(connection.getSchema()) ) { Map<Column, Comparative> condition = null; if (tables != null && tables.size() > 0 ) { condition = tables.get(null); } tables = new HashMap<Table, Map<Column,Comparative>>(); Table table = new Table(); table.setName("*"); Schema schema = new Schema(); schema.setName(connection.getSchema()); table.setSchema(schema); table.setUserName(connection.getUser()); tables.put(table, condition); } } return tables; } protected String amoebaRouterSql(String sql){ sql = sql.trim(); int sIndex = sql.indexOf("@amoeba"); if(sIndex >0){ String subSql = sql.substring(sIndex); int lIndex = subSql.indexOf("*/"); if(lIndex>0 ){ subSql = subSql.substring(0,lIndex); int pIndex = subSql.lastIndexOf("]"); lIndex = subSql.lastIndexOf(")"); if(pIndex < lIndex){ subSql = subSql.substring(0,lIndex+1); }else{ subSql = subSql.substring(0,pIndex+1) +" " + sql ; } sql = subSql; } } sql = sql.trim(); if(replaceEscapeSymbol){ sql = StringUtil.replace(sql,DIAGONAL,""); sql = StringUtil.replace(sql,DOT,""); } return sql; } public Statement parseStatement(DatabaseConnection connection, String sql) { if(sql == null) return null; Statement statment = null; String defaultSchema = (connection == null || StringUtil.isEmpty(connection.getSchema())) ? null : connection.getSchema(); long sqlKey = ((long) sql.length() << 32) | (long) (defaultSchema != null ? (defaultSchema.hashCode() ^ sql.hashCode()) : sql.hashCode()); mapLock.lock(); String username = connection.getUser(); try { LRUMap cachedStatementsForUser = map.get(username); if (cachedStatementsForUser != null) { statment = (Statement)cachedStatementsForUser.get(sql); } } finally { mapLock.unlock(); } if (statment == null) { synchronized (sql) { statment = (Statement) map.get(sqlKey); if (statment != null) { return statment; } Parser parser = newParser(amoebaRouterSql(sql)); parser.setFunctionMap(this.sqlFunctionMap); if (defaultSchema != null) { Schema schema = new Schema(); schema.setName(defaultSchema); parser.setDefaultSchema(schema); } if (connection.getUser() != null) { parser.setUserName(connection.getUser()); } try { statment = parser.doParse(); if(statment instanceof SelectStatement){ SelectStatement st = (SelectStatement)statment; if(st.getTables() == null || st.getTables().length == 0){ Boolean queryInsertId = (Boolean)ThreadLocalMap.get(LastInsertId.class.getName()); if(queryInsertId != null && queryInsertId.booleanValue()){ st.setQueryLastInsertId(true); } } } mapLock.lock(); boolean isContainGlobalSeq = false; if(statment instanceof DMLStatement){ DMLStatement dml = (DMLStatement)statment; dml.setSql(sql); if (dml.getSeqColumns().size() > 0 || dml.getBatchFetchFuncCalls().size() > 0) { isContainGlobalSeq = true; } } try { // 含有全局序列的,不能缓存语句,需要在解析时替换语句中的全局序列 if (!isContainGlobalSeq) { LRUMap cachedStatementsForUser = map.get(username); if (cachedStatementsForUser == null) { cachedStatementsForUser = new LRUMap(); } cachedStatementsForUser.put(sql, statment); map.put(username, cachedStatementsForUser); } } finally { mapLock.unlock(); } } catch (Error e) { logger.warn("Can not parse the statement " + sql); return null; }catch(Exception e){ logger.warn("Can not parse the statement " + sql); return null; } } } return statment; } public int parseParameterCount(DatabaseConnection connection, String sql) { Statement statment = parseStatement(connection, sql); if (statment != null) { return statment.getParameterCount(); } else { return 0; } } public abstract Parser newParser(String sql); }