package org.aisen.wen.component.bitmaploader.core; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public abstract class BitmapTask<Params, Progress, Result> { static final String TAG = "BitmapTask"; /** * 加载图片默认是16个线程 */ private static final int CORE_IMAGE_POOL_SIZE = 20; /** * 默认核心线程是5个 */ private static final int CORE_POOL_SIZE = 10; /** * 默认执行最大线程是128个 */ private static final int MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = 256; private static final int KEEP_ALIVE = 1; private static final ThreadFactory sThreadFactory = new ThreadFactory() { private final AtomicInteger mCount = new AtomicInteger(1); public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { return new Thread(r, "BitmapTask #" + mCount.getAndIncrement()); } }; /** * 执行队列,默认是10个,超过10个后会开启新的线程,如果已运行线程大于 {@link #MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE},执行异常策略 */ private static final BlockingQueue<Runnable> sPoolWorkQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(10); /** * 默认线程池,最大执行{@link #CORE_POOL_SIZE}+{@link #MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE}个线程 */ public static final Executor THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR = new ThreadPoolExecutor(CORE_POOL_SIZE, MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE, KEEP_ALIVE, TimeUnit.SECONDS, sPoolWorkQueue, sThreadFactory); /** * 固定大小为{@link #CORE_IMAGE_POOL_SIZE}的线程池<br/> * 无界线程池,可以加载无限个线程 */ public static final Executor IMAGE_POOL_EXECUTOR = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(CORE_IMAGE_POOL_SIZE, sThreadFactory); /** * An {@link Executor} that executes tasks one at a time in serial order. * This serialization is global to a particular process. */ public static final Executor SERIAL_EXECUTOR = new SerialExecutor(); private static final int MESSAGE_POST_RESULT = 0x1; private static final int MESSAGE_POST_PROGRESS = 0x2; private static final InternalHandler sHandler = new InternalHandler(); private static volatile Executor sDefaultExecutor = SERIAL_EXECUTOR; private final WorkerRunnable<Params, Result> mWorker; private final FutureTask<Result> mFuture; private volatile Status mStatus = Status.PENDING; private Exception exception; private final AtomicBoolean mTaskInvoked = new AtomicBoolean(); private static class SerialExecutor implements Executor { final ArrayDeque<Runnable> mTasks = new ArrayDeque<Runnable>(); Runnable mActive; public synchronized void execute(final Runnable r) { mTasks.offer(new Runnable() { public void run() { try {; } finally { scheduleNext(); } } }); if (mActive == null) { scheduleNext(); } } protected synchronized void scheduleNext() { if ((mActive = mTasks.poll()) != null) { THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.execute(mActive); } } } public enum Status { /** * Indicates that the task has not been executed yet. */ PENDING, /** * Indicates that the task is running. */ RUNNING, /** * Indicates that {@link SyswealTask#onPostExecute} has finished. */ FINISHED, } /** @hide Used to force static handler to be created. */ public static void init() { sHandler.getLooper(); } private static void setDefaultExecutor(Executor exec) { sDefaultExecutor = exec; } static int count = 0; @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); count--; } public BitmapTask() { count++; Logger.d(TAG, count + ""); mWorker = new WorkerRunnable<Params, Result>() { public Result call() throws Exception { mTaskInvoked.set(true); android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); return postResult(doInBackground(mParams)); } }; mFuture = new FutureTask<Result>(mWorker) { @Override protected void done() { try { final Result result = get(); postResultIfNotInvoked(result); } catch (InterruptedException e) { android.util.Log.w(TAG, e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("An error occured while executing doInBackground()", e.getCause()); } catch (CancellationException e) { postResultIfNotInvoked(null); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("An error occured while executing " + "doInBackground()", t); } } }; } private void postResultIfNotInvoked(Result result) { final boolean wasTaskInvoked = mTaskInvoked.get(); if (!wasTaskInvoked) { postResult(result); } } private Result postResult(Result result) { Message message = sHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_POST_RESULT, new AsyncTaskResult<Result>(this, result)); message.sendToTarget(); return result; } public final Status getStatus() { return mStatus; } /** * 线程开始执行 */ protected void onTaskStarted() { } /** * {@link #workInBackground(Object...)} 发生异常 */ protected void onTaskFailed(Exception exception) { } /** * 没有抛出异常,且<tt>Result</tt>不为<tt>Null</tt> */ protected void onTaskSuccess(Result result) { } /** * 返回数据是<tt>Null</tt>,没有抛出异常 */ protected void resultIsNull() { } /** * 线程结束,不管线程结束是什么状态,都会执行这个方法 */ protected void onTaskComplete() { } /** * 异步执行方法 * * @param params * @return * @throws TaskException */ abstract public Result workInBackground(Params... params) throws Exception; private Result doInBackground(Params... params) { Logger.d(TAG, String.format("%s --->doInBackground()", "run ")); try { return workInBackground(params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exception = e; } return null; } final protected void onPreExecute() { onTaskStarted(); } final protected void onPostExecute(Result result) { if (exception == null) if (result == null) { resultIsNull(); } else { onTaskSuccess(result); } else if (exception != null) { onTaskFailed(exception); } onTaskComplete(); } protected void onProgressUpdate(Progress... values) { } protected void onCancelled(Result result) { onCancelled(); Logger.d(TAG, "onCanceled()"); } protected void onCancelled() { onTaskComplete(); } public final boolean isCancelled() { return mFuture.isCancelled(); } public final boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { return mFuture.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning); } public final Result get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return mFuture.get(); } public final Result get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { return mFuture.get(timeout, unit); } /** * 连续执行线程,所有的线程都是按照队列一个一个执行下去的 * * @param params * @return */ public final BitmapTask<Params, Progress, Result> executeOnSerialExecutor(Params... params) { return executeOnExecutor(SERIAL_EXECUTOR, params); } /** * 加载图片的线程池 * * @param params * @return */ public final BitmapTask<Params, Progress, Result> executrOnImageExecutor(Params... params) { return executeOnExecutor(IMAGE_POOL_EXECUTOR, params); } /** * 默认线程池{@link #THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR} * * @param params * @return */ public final BitmapTask<Params, Progress, Result> execute(Params... params) { return executeOnExecutor(THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, params); } private final BitmapTask<Params, Progress, Result> executeOnExecutor(Executor exec, Params... params) { if (mStatus != Status.PENDING) { switch (mStatus) { case RUNNING: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot execute task:" + " the task is already running."); case FINISHED: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot execute task:" + " the task has already been executed " + "(a task can be executed only once)"); } } mStatus = Status.RUNNING; onPreExecute(); mWorker.mParams = params; exec.execute(mFuture); return this; } public static void execute(Runnable runnable) { sDefaultExecutor.execute(runnable); } protected final void publishProgress(Progress... values) { if (!isCancelled()) { sHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_POST_PROGRESS, new AsyncTaskResult<Progress>(this, values)).sendToTarget(); } } private void finish(Result result) { if (isCancelled()) { onCancelled(result); } else { onPostExecute(result); } mStatus = Status.FINISHED; } private static class InternalHandler extends Handler { @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { AsyncTaskResult result = (AsyncTaskResult) msg.obj; switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_POST_RESULT: // There is only one result result.mTask.finish(result.mData[0]); break; case MESSAGE_POST_PROGRESS: result.mTask.onProgressUpdate(result.mData); break; } } } private static abstract class WorkerRunnable<Params, Result> implements Callable<Result> { Params[] mParams; } private static class AsyncTaskResult<Data> { final BitmapTask mTask; final Data[] mData; AsyncTaskResult(BitmapTask task, Data... data) { mTask = task; mData = data; } } }