package com.aegiswallet.helpers; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.aegiswallet.PayBitsApplication; import com.aegiswallet.R; import com.aegiswallet.listeners.WalletEncryptedListener; import com.aegiswallet.widgets.AegisProgressDialog; import; /** * Created by HyperCorp on 11/10/14. */ public class EncryptHelper extends EncryptionHelperBase{ private String TAG = this.getClass().getName(); private Context context; private Wallet wallet; private String passOrX2; private AegisProgressDialog pd; private PayBitsApplication application; private boolean nfc; public EncryptHelper(Context context, Wallet wallet, String passOrX2, PayBitsApplication application, boolean nfc){ this.context = context; this.wallet = wallet; this.passOrX2 = passOrX2; this.application = application; this.nfc = nfc; Log.d(TAG, "Encrypting wallet helper... inside constructor"); } public void doEncryption(){ Log.d(TAG, "Encrypting wallet with NFC Tag... inside doInBackground"); pd = new AegisProgressDialog(context, 0, context.getString(R.string.decrypt_dialog_spinner_text));; new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { doEncryptionFunction(); while(!wallet.isEncrypted()){ Log.d(TAG, "wallet is still not encrypted"); wait(1000); } } catch (Exception e) { } pd.dismiss(); ((WalletEncryptedListener) context).onWalletEncrypted(); } }).start(); } private void doEncryptionFunction(){ if(nfc) { super.encryptWalletShamirNFC(wallet, passOrX2, application); Log.d(TAG, "Encrypting wallet with NFC Tag..."); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Encrypting wallet with SSS..."); System.out.println("Encrypting wallet with SSS..."); super.encryptWalletWithShamir(wallet, passOrX2, application); } } }