package; /* * Copyright 2014 Acxio * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class GoogleDriveServiceImpl implements GoogleDriveService { private static final String FOLDER_MIMETYPE = "application/"; private static final String PATH_SPLIT_REGEX = "/"; private static final Pattern PATH_EXTRACT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(?:(.*)/)?([^/]*)$"); private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GoogleDriveServiceImpl.class); private HttpTransport httpTransport; private Drive drive; private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = new JacksonFactory(); private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Acxio-AGIA.2"; private Resource clientSecretsResource; private Resource userCredentialStoreResource; private VerificationCodeReceiver verificationCodeReceiver; private String user; private String rootFolderId = null; public Drive getDrive() { return drive; } public void setClientSecretsResource(Resource sClientSecretsResource) { clientSecretsResource = sClientSecretsResource; } public void setUserCredentialStoreResource(Resource sUserCredentialStoreResource) { userCredentialStoreResource = sUserCredentialStoreResource; } public void setVerificationCodeReceiver(VerificationCodeReceiver sVerificationCodeReceiver) { verificationCodeReceiver = sVerificationCodeReceiver; } public void setUser(String sUser) { user = sUser; } protected String getRootFolderID() throws IOException { if ((drive != null) && (rootFolderId == null)) { About aAbout = drive.about().get().execute(); rootFolderId = aAbout.get("rootFolderId").toString(); } return rootFolderId; } protected Credential authorize() throws GoogleException, GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // load client secrets GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.load(JSON_FACTORY, clientSecretsResource.getInputStream()); if (clientSecrets.getDetails().getClientId().startsWith("Enter") || clientSecrets.getDetails().getClientSecret().startsWith("Enter ")) { LOGGER.error("Enter Client ID and Secret from " + "into " + clientSecretsResource.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); throw new GoogleException("ClientSecrets not configured"); } // set up file credential store FileCredentialStore credentialStore = new FileCredentialStore(userCredentialStoreResource.getFile(), JSON_FACTORY); // set up authorization code flow GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, clientSecrets, Collections.singleton(DriveScopes.DRIVE_FILE)).setCredentialStore(credentialStore).build(); // authorize return new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, verificationCodeReceiver).authorize(user); } @Override public void connect() throws GoogleException { try { httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); Credential credential = authorize(); drive = new Drive.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, credential).setApplicationName(APPLICATION_NAME).build(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GoogleException(e); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new GoogleException(e); } } @Override public File createFile(String sName, sFile, String sMimeType, Map<String, String> sProperties) throws IOException { File aResult = null; Matcher aPathMatcher = PATH_EXTRACT_PATTERN.matcher(sName); if (aPathMatcher.matches()) { String aPath =; String aName =; if ((aName == null) || aName.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Name is mandatory."); } String aParentID = getRootFolderID(); if ((aPath != null) && !aPath.isEmpty()) { aParentID = createPath(aPath).getId(); } aResult = createFile(aParentID, aName, sFile, sMimeType, sProperties); } else { throw new IOException("Name does not conform to paths syntax."); } return aResult; } @Override public File createFile(String sParentID, String sName, sFile, String sMimeType, Map<String, String> sProperties) throws IOException { File aResult = null; if (drive != null) { File fileMetadata = new File(); fileMetadata.setTitle(sName); ParentReference aParentReference = new ParentReference(); aParentReference.setId(sParentID); fileMetadata.setParents(Arrays.asList(aParentReference)); FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(sMimeType, sFile); Drive.Files.Insert insert = drive.files().insert(fileMetadata, mediaContent); MediaHttpUploader uploader = insert.getMediaHttpUploader(); uploader.setDirectUploadEnabled(false); aResult = insert.execute(); setProperties(aResult.getId(), sProperties); } return aResult; } @Override public File getFileByPath(String sPath) throws IOException { File aResult = null; if (drive != null) { String[] aSubPaths = sPath.split(PATH_SPLIT_REGEX); String aParentID = getRootFolderID(); if (aSubPaths.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (aSubPaths.length - 1); i++) { String aSubPath = aSubPaths[i]; if (!aSubPath.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<File> aFiles = getChildrenFolders(aParentID, aSubPath); if (aFiles.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Folder '" + aSubPath + "' not found"); } else { aResult = aFiles.get(0); } aParentID = aResult.getId(); } } String aSubPath = aSubPaths[aSubPaths.length - 1]; if (!aSubPath.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<File> aFiles = getChildren(aParentID, aSubPath); if (aFiles.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("File '" + aSubPath + "' not found"); } else { aResult = aFiles.get(0); } } } } return aResult; } @Override public File createDirectory(String sName, Map<String, String> sProperties) throws IOException { File aResult = null; Matcher aPathMatcher = PATH_EXTRACT_PATTERN.matcher(sName); if (aPathMatcher.matches()) { String aPath =; String aName =; if ((aName == null) || aName.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Name is mandatory."); } String aParentID = getRootFolderID(); if ((aPath != null) && !aPath.isEmpty()) { aParentID = createPath(aPath).getId(); } aResult = createDirectory(aParentID, aName, sProperties); } else { throw new IOException("Name does not conform to paths syntax."); } return aResult; } @Override public File createDirectory(String sParentID, String sName, Map<String, String> sProperties) throws IOException { File aResult = null; if (drive != null) { File fileMetadata = new File(); fileMetadata.setTitle(sName); fileMetadata.setMimeType(FOLDER_MIMETYPE); ParentReference aParentReference = new ParentReference(); aParentReference.setId(sParentID); fileMetadata.setParents(Arrays.asList(aParentReference)); Drive.Files.Insert insert = drive.files().insert(fileMetadata); aResult = insert.execute(); setProperties(aResult.getId(), sProperties); } return aResult; } @Override public File createPath(String sPath) throws IOException { File aResult = null; if (drive != null) { String[] aSubPaths = sPath.split(PATH_SPLIT_REGEX); String aParentID = getRootFolderID(); for (String aSubPath : aSubPaths) { if (!aSubPath.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<File> aFiles = getChildrenFolders(aParentID, aSubPath); if (aFiles.isEmpty()) { aResult = createDirectory(aParentID, aSubPath, null); } else { aResult = aFiles.get(0); } aParentID = aResult.getId(); } } } return aResult; } @Override public String getFolderId(String sPath) throws IOException { String aResult = null; if (drive != null) { String[] aSubPaths = sPath.split(PATH_SPLIT_REGEX); int aNbSubPaths = aSubPaths.length; int i = 0; String aParentID = getRootFolderID(); while (i < aNbSubPaths) { if (!aSubPaths[i].isEmpty()) { ArrayList<File> aFiles = getChildrenFolders(aParentID, aSubPaths[i]); if (!aFiles.isEmpty()) { aParentID = aFiles.get(0).getId(); } else { throw new IOException("Folder '" + aSubPaths[i] + "' not found."); } } i++; } aResult = (aNbSubPaths > 0) ? aParentID : null; } return aResult; } interface ChildrenFilter { public boolean isSelected(File sFile); } protected ArrayList<File> getChildrenFolders(String sFolderId, String sChildName) { final String aChildName = sChildName; return getChildren(sFolderId, new ChildrenFilter() { public boolean isSelected(File sFile) { boolean aResult = false; if (sFile != null) { String fileExtension = sFile.getFileExtension(); String mimeType = sFile.getMimeType(); if (mimeType != null && FOLDER_MIMETYPE.equals(mimeType) && (fileExtension == null || fileExtension.isEmpty())) { aResult = ((aChildName == null) || (aChildName.equals(sFile.getTitle()))); } } return aResult; } }); } protected ArrayList<File> getChildren(String sFolderId, String sChildName) { final String aChildName = sChildName; return getChildren(sFolderId, new ChildrenFilter() { public boolean isSelected(File sFile) { boolean aResult = false; if (sFile != null) { aResult = ((aChildName == null) || (aChildName.equals(sFile.getTitle()))); } return aResult; } }); } protected ArrayList<File> getChildren(String sFolderId, ChildrenFilter sFilter) { ArrayList<File> aResult = new ArrayList<File>(); Children.List request = null; boolean ok = true; do { try { request = drive.children().list(sFolderId).setMaxResults(200); ChildList files = request.execute(); if (files != null) { List<ChildReference> listChildReference = files.getItems(); for (ChildReference childReference : listChildReference) { File file = drive.files().get(childReference.getId()).execute(); if (sFilter.isSelected(file)) { aResult.add(file); } } request.setPageToken(files.getNextPageToken()); } } catch (IOException exception) { ok = false; } } while (ok && request.getPageToken() != null && request.getPageToken().length() > 0); return aResult; } protected void setProperties(String sNodeId, Map<String, String> sProperties) throws IOException { if ((sNodeId != null) && (!sNodeId.isEmpty()) && (sProperties != null)) { for (Entry<String, String> aKeyValue : sProperties.entrySet()) { Property newProperty = new Property(); newProperty.setKey(aKeyValue.getKey()); newProperty.setValue(aKeyValue.getValue()); newProperty.setVisibility("PUBLIC");, newProperty).execute(); } } } @Override public Map<String, String> getProperties(String sFileID) throws IOException { Map<String, String> aResult = new HashMap<String, String>(1); if ((sFileID != null) && (!sFileID.isEmpty())) { PropertyList properties =; for (Property aProperty : properties.getItems()) { aResult.put(aProperty.getKey(), aProperty.getValue()); } } return aResult; } }