package com.shekhargulati.ninetynine_problems._01_lists; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import static com.shekhargulati.ninetynine_problems._01_lists.P26.combinations; import static; /** * (**) Group the elements of a set into disjoint subsets */ public class P27 { /** * In how many ways can a group of 9 people work in 3 disjoint subgroups of 2, 3 and 4 persons? * Write a predicate that generates all the possibilities via backtracking */ public static <T> List<List<List<T>>> group3(List<T> list) { /* 1. Find all the combinations of 2 2. For each combination of 2 find combination of 3 in the remaining list 3. add combination of 2, 3 and remaining to the result */ List<List<List<T>>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<T> combinationOf2 : combinations(list, 2)) { List<T> r = remaining(list, combinationOf2); for (List<T> combinationOf3 : combinations(r, 3)) { result.add(Stream.of(combinationOf2, combinationOf3, remaining(r, combinationOf3)).collect(toList())); } } return result; } public static <T> List<List<List<T>>> group(List<T> list, List<Integer> gss) { if (gss.isEmpty()) { List<List<List<T>>> lists = new ArrayList<>(); lists.add(new ArrayList<>()); return lists; } int n = gss.get(0); List<Integer> ns = gss.subList(1, gss.size()); List<List<List<T>>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<T> c : combinations(list, n)) { List<T> remaining = remaining(list, c); for (List<List<T>> cg : group(remaining, ns)) { List<List<T>> sg = new ArrayList<>(); sg.add(c); sg.addAll(cg); result.add(sg); } } return result; } private static <T> List<T> remaining(List<T> list, List<T> c) { return -> !c.contains(e)).collect(toList()); } }